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Arose Out the Fire

Part 3

By Anne R.Published 12 months ago 3 min read
Artist: Unknown

Weeks passed and the villagers' suspicions around Amos and Aziza grew. However, Amos received the most scrutiny as the Kojates believed he was a danger to the village. Many began to fear Amos and the fire in his eyes. Before long, the villager's perception of Amos spawned scornful gossip and false anecdotes alleging Amos had lost control and set fire to the jungle. The rumors continued to spread and boiled over when a set of huts caught fire. None knew what caused the fire or if anyone had intentionally set it, but all began to blame Amos. Amos vehemently denied setting fire to the huts, and though no one believed him, he was innocent. As the rumors and stories grew, the villagers' and vagabonds' eyes all began to shift followed by the faint sound of silent disapproving and accusatory whispers whenever Amos walked by.

Everyone abandoned Amos, even his parents, but Aziza never left Amos' side. No matter the rumors or allegations Aziza remained a friend and trusted confidant to Amos. Morning, noon, and night Amos and Aziza could be found together. Whenever the stares and whispers of the villagers became overwhelming to Amos, Aziza would take him to the Tabernacles and set up a camp there for them to rest for a few days.

As stress tensions continued to mount Amos found himself transforming more frequently into a fire-breathing heraldic phoenix. Aziza always made distractions when Amos transformed so that he would have time to get away from the jungle. Aziza knew if anyone saw Amos transform, he would be charged with necromancy and burned alive. Aziza had not transformed since the first time, but she still joined Amos in the jungle when he transformed. Aziza enjoyed Amos' company but loved it even more when she got to share his company while he was in the form of a heraldic phoenix. Aziza adored the brilliant red and orange color of Amos' feathers, and how soft his feathers were to the touch. Aziza found it peculiar how Amos' flames did not burn her yet through a fingertip experimentation they had both learned he could burn her if he desired to do so and focused his intentions. Moreover, Aziza loved the sacred language the two of them created to ensure they could still speak to each other when Amos transformed.

One day, alone in his hut, and overwhelmed by the chatter outside, Amos unexpectedly transformed. The commotion led villagers to peek inside Amos' hut and when they saw him, they all gasped and ran away. Swiftly news spread and before long the entire village was in an uproar and calling for Amos to be burned alive. The tribe council met briefly and sentenced Amos to death. Tribesmen went to Amos' hut to arrest him but did not find him there. Villagers were dispatched throughout the jungle to find Amos.

Amos and Aziza had run off together during the tribe council meeting. Aziza had feared the village would turn on Amos and weeks prior had hidden a rickety boat in the brush near the riverbank in case they ever had to make a quick escape. Amos and Aziza were in the process of loading into the boat when Amos was seized by villagers and drug to the stakes. Aziza followed quickly behind Amos and shouted for the villagers to release him.

The villagers tied Amos to the stakes and began to feed and poke at the fire to cultivate a blaze. The villagers all jeered at the sight of Amos tied to the stakes with flames licking at his feet. Aziza and Amos cried out in agony. The flames around Amos grew and he was consumed. Nothing was left of Amos except ash. Aziza wept at the stakes as the villagers all began to depart and then suddenly the sky went dark, winds whipped all about, and the ash particles began to tremble upon the earth. A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky and then from the fire and ash arose a fire-breathing heraldic phoenix ascended to the sky. The villagers gasped at the sight before them unable to comprehend what they were seeing. Amos, consumed with anger, flew over the village, and went to exhale the biggest breath of fire he had ever before, but at that same moment when he went to exhale, he locked eyes with Aziza and immediately his anger evaporated. Overcome with emotion, Aziza transformed, and with grace ascended into the sky, and then the rain began to fall. Amos and Aziza embraced in the sky unleashing a fire and ice mosaic picturesque view, and then flew off together. Amos and Aziza were never seen in Kajiado Jungle again, but whenever hell clouds rested over the land the villagers thought of Amos and Aziza. The story of Amos lives on today, the first phoenix.

~ The End

FantasyShort StoryFableAdventure

About the Creator

Anne R.

Life is a fable.

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