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Armageddon, the aftermath.

[ˌɑːməˈɡɛd(ə)n] The last battle between good and evil before the Day of Judgement. A dramatic and catastrophic conflict, especially one seen as likely to destroy the world or the human race.

By Novel AllenPublished 15 days ago Updated 14 days ago 7 min read
NightCafe AI

The celestial clock ticked ominously on in Heaven, poignantly nonchalant, as if completely unaware of the world extinction impact of the next sixty seconds. One minute to twelve midnight on a specifically designated night in the immortal realms of the gods. The angels were adorned in all their glory and arrayed in sequence, according to the hierarchy of their ranks.

The ALL FATHER was seated at the head of the table. Then the angels as follows:

First at his right hand, sat the

1. Seraphim - 'spirits of love'

At his left hand sat:

2. Cherubim - 'spirits of harmony'

Followed by:

3. Thrones - 'spirits of will'

4. Kyriotetes - 'spirits of wisdom'

5. Dynamis - 'spirits of motion'

6. Elohim - 'spirits of form'

7. Archai - 'spirits of 'time

8. Archangels - 'spirits of fire'

9. Angels - 'spirits of life'

~~~~~ Designated but not numbered were:

Humans ----- 'spirits of love and freedom'


Down in Hell, the ruler of the Underword was equally prepared.

He and his host of unruly demons stood ready for the battle for the human souls. He had waited a long time to gather them 'en masse' into his dark kingdom.

"NOW"! He roared, as the portal opened and ushered them upon the silence of Earth as humans everywhere slept.

For upon this night, the entire world had been reset to the exact ticking of the clock hands of father time.


11:59 dawned. 60 seconds before midnight. The fate of mankind was being ticked off by those chilling seconds.


The archangel Seth rose high into the air, trumpet to his lips, as the heavens resounded with the mighty resonant blast of a million decibels of musical cadence and pitch. The piercing timbre of the sharp rich notes stirred the emotions, signaling everything from a call to arms to the start of a regal ceremony.

A deep, sonorous bellow filled the air, vibrating with a mix of majesty and urgency, capable of being heard over immense distances.

This was heard only in the heavens, for the ears of mankind were incapable of absorbing such cadence of might and power.

The clouds parted and the majesty of the world beyond the clouds was displayed in an array of shining glory and magnificence, as the archangel Seraphiel led the charge into battle.


Hell's ruler grinned in evil satisfaction as the light which he had come to despise shone down upon a sleeping world. He knew the hearts of men had become dark.


The battle between angels and demons for the souls of mankind became a cosmic struggle between good and evil, with angels representing the forces of light and righteousness, and demons embodying darkness and malevolence.

This battle is not just a physical confrontation but also a spiritual one, where angels and demons vie for influence over the hearts and minds of humans. The outcome of this struggle will determine the fate of individual souls, as well as the ultimate destiny of all creation.

Whether symbolic or allegorical, they serve to illustrate the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by humanity and the belief in a higher power guiding and protecting the virtuous.

The Angels of the Celestial Order and The Demons of the Abyssal Chaos were locked in an eternal struggle, not just for dominion over the cosmos, but for the very souls of mankind.


The Celestial Order, led by the Archangel Seraphiel, radiated with divine light. They were the guardians of virtue, tasked with guiding humanity towards enlightenment and peace. Their wings, as white as the purest snow, were symbols of their purity and commitment to the divine will.

The Abyssal Chaos, commanded by the formidable Demon Lord Asmoday, was a horde of creatures that thrived in the shadows. They sought to corrupt human souls, luring them into darkness with promises of power and forbidden knowledge. Their eyes, like burning coals, pierced through the veil of night, seeking out the weak and the lost.

The battlefield was set in the Valley of Souls, a place that existed between the physical world and the spiritual. Here, the fate of every human soul was weighed, with angels and demons vying for influence.

Seraphiel descended with a host of angels, their swords gleaming with celestial fire, ready to defend the souls from corruption.

Asmoday, with a snarl, unleashed his demons, their forms shifting and twisting in the darkness, eager to claim mankind for their own.


The clash was monumental, with flashes of light and shadows colliding, creating a storm of spiritual energy that could be felt across all realms. The angels fought with unwavering resolve, their shields unbreakable against the relentless assault of the demons.

A bloody battle ensued. Demons were slaughtered, being no match for the divine angelic light. Angels also were hurt, a few were killed.

Human souls were caught in the midst of this cosmic battle, even in sleep, they felt a pull from both sides. The angels’ harmonious voices promised hope and redemption, while the demons whispered of untold power and freedom from all restraints.

As the battle raged on, human hearts became the true battleground. The quality of their innate nature would ultimately decide the outcome. Would there be redemption, a spark of light, a remnant of goodness that would absolve humanity from the darkness.


With each passing second, the angels despaired. The hearts of men had indeed grown as black as a moonless midnight sky.

"Why had they not chosen light”. Seraphiel pondered unhappily. It was not his task to pity them, but to judge them as kindly and as harshly as they deserved.

With those words, the fate of mankind was now sealed.

A blinding surge of pure energy emanated from his being, repelling the demons and the Lord of the Underworld, sending them back into the pit of darkness. A hollow victory had been achieved for the Celestial Heavens.

Seraphiel ordered the sounding of the final trumpet. A grim steel to the resonance of his voice.


“Your choices have damned you humans, not only have you lost your souls, but you have also tipped the balance in favor of the darkness. You have shown that even when presented with many opportunities to see light, the majority chose the dark.

The human spirit can shine brightly or darkly by their own choices".

The Seraphim Gabriela flew to her brother's side.

"Do not despair, brother. For the sake of the many, the few who are found worthy have granted a reprieve to the end of times. Once more may they awaken to verdant pastures and a bountiful gift in nature's abundance. Once more has humanity been given a second chance".

Gabriela rose high above the earth, opened wide her arms and with the help of her angelic host, bid the world return to its former glory.


As the world slept, the oceans and seas redirected from their destructive paths. The animals returned to their natural habitats, and technology disappeared from whence it had come. The entire world was transformed as if in the twinkling of an eye.

"Humans will awaken to find themselves in Eden-like gardens of newness, they will be as naked as new born babes. Yet they will feel no shame in this nakedness. They will begin anew, as if seeing the world for the first time". Gabriela explained to Seraphiel.


In one particular garden, a beautiful serpent wound itself around the branch of The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Its vile tongue flicked in and out as it patiently waited.



Asmoday retreated into the shadows, his plans foiled but not defeated. He knew the war for souls would continue, as long as humanity existed.

Fully a half of humanity was now under the protection of the angels. The other half was left to battle with the hordes of Hell for their lives and souls. It was up to them to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, their souls forever marked by the battle that had raged for their essences.


Those found worthy on earth were transported to take their place at their designated human position at the table of reckoning beyond the clouds.

The ones found wanting remains asleep and unaware. Will they awaken to find their loved ones, friends and acquaintances gone, mysteriously disappeared, taken as if stolen by thieves in the night. Such was the promise. Or will they be completely unaware.

And so, the struggle between angels and demons carries on, an eternal dance of light and darkness, with the souls of mankind hanging in the balance.




Stream of ConsciousnessShort StoryPsychological

About the Creator

Novel Allen

Every new day is a blank slate. Write something new.

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  • Lamar Wiggins14 days ago

    Very creative storytelling. I was hooked from beginning to end. Great work and best of luck in the challenge. Every photo used was 😮🤩!

  • Whoaaaa, this was such powerful and intense story! I really love the concept you used for this challenge! So creative! Loved your story so much!

  • The Writer 15 days ago


  • hmmm! okay. A good fantasy story.

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