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Aquaterra’s Genesis: The Divine Crafting of Humanity

Why is the human body 60-75% water?

By Amber Alisa Published 10 months ago 3 min read
Aquaterra’s Genesis: The Divine Crafting of Humanity
Photo by Ant Rozetsky on Unsplash

In ancient times, when the world was young and the gods walked among the earth, there was a celestial realm known as Aquaterra, a mystical pantheon responsible for all the waters on earth. The Great Water Deities ruled over this immaculate domain. Each deity held dominion over different aspects of the water, and their collective power maintained the balance and harmony of Aquaterra.

Among the Water Deities, there was Poseidon, the Lord of the Seas, who held sway over the vast oceans and the creatures that roamed beneath the waves. Then there was Oceanus, god of fresh water, who guarded the life-giving rivers and lakes, ensuring they flowed with vitality and nourishment. Selene, the enchanting goddess of the tides, commanded the moon's pull, orchestrating the ebb and flow of the waves with serene grace. And lastly, there was Nephele, the Cloud Nymph, who reigned over the skies and controlled the rain, quenching the thirst of the land below.

As powerful and benevolent as the Water Deities were, they yearned to create beings in their image, entities that could inhabit the Earth and appreciate the wonders of Aquaterra. Thus, in their divine wisdom, they decided to craft the first humans.

Under the luminous light of the full moon, the Water Deities gathered near the mystical Pool of Origins, a shimmering wellspring at the heart of Aquaterra. Using drops of water from the oceans, rivers, and lakes, they intricately shaped the bodies of the first humans, imbuing them with the essence of water. The water symbolized life, purification, and adaptability, traits the gods hoped to bestow upon these nascent beings.

As the divine process continued, Nephele breathed life into the clay-like forms, instilling the spark of consciousness and the ability to think and feel. And so, the first humans came into existence, born from the essence of water and the breath of the Cloud Nymph.

Yet, the Water Deities were not entirely satisfied. They believed that to create truly remarkable beings, humans needed the potential for greatness, resilience, and the capacity to endure adversity. Thus, they decided to give humans the unique ability to reflect the heavens above and the world around them.

With the stroke of his trident, Poseidon granted them the power to mirror the skies and oceans, symbolizing the connection between the celestial and the earthly realms. Oceanus gave them the wisdom to navigate life's turbulent currents, teaching them to adapt and find their way through challenges. Selene infused them with emotional depth and empathy, enabling them to understand the profound interconnectedness of all living beings. And Nephele granted them the gift of tears, a symbol of joy and sorrow, signifying their deep emotional capacity.

The humans were complete, and the Water Deities looked upon their creation with pride and affection. The humans embodied the essence of water and the virtues of their divine creators, becoming a reflection of the celestial realm itself. They now had the power of water to heal, cleanse, and nourish their bodies and souls.

However, the Water Deities also realized that the humans' gift of water carried great responsibility. They cautioned their creation to cherish and protect the waters of the Earth. The humans promised to honor this sacred duty, understanding what vital role water played in their existence and the survival of all living beings.

And so, the myth as to why humans are mostly water was passed down through generations, a reminder of their divine origins and the need to cherish the essence that bound them to Aquaterra. To this day, we remain intrinsically connected to water, embodying its life-giving properties, adaptability, and emotional depth—a testament to the celestial artistry of the Water Deities, who crafted us from the essence of life itself.

Short StoryFantasy

About the Creator

Amber Alisa

Amber Alisa

Poet and Blogger 📚

Mom of three 💙💙💙

Loves spirituality and good vibes ✌️

Tarot, Oracle, and Pendulum Reader 🔮

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