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Find out who died in her apartment

By Myles Published 12 months ago 3 min read
She love her

Mary Grace Arcala Gabales

Lena had just moved into her new apartment in the city, excited to start a new chapter in her life. As she explored her new home, she noticed that there was something off about the place. The walls were stained, the floors were creaky, and there was a musty smell that seemed to linger no matter how much she tried to air out the place.

But Lena tried to brush off her unease. She convinced herself that it was just the old building, and that she would get used to it eventually. But as the days turned into weeks, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching her.

One night, Lena woke up to a strange noise coming from her closet. She assumed it was just a mouse and tried to go back to sleep. But then she heard it again, louder this time. She got out of bed and slowly made her way to the closet, heart racing.

When she opened the door, she saw something that made her blood run cold. There was a pair of eyes staring back at her, glowing in the dark. Lena screamed and slammed the door shut, locking it with a trembling hand. She couldn't explain what she saw, but she knew that it wasn't human.

The next day, Lena told her landlord about what happened, but he just shrugged it off. "It's an old building," he said. "Sometimes weird things happen."

But Lena knew that there was something more to it than just an old building. She started to do some research and discovered that the apartment complex had a dark history. There were rumors of a woman who had died in her apartment, and her spirit still haunted the place.

Lena tried to ignore the rumors, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. She started to hear strange noises at night, footsteps in the hallway, and whispers in the dark. She tried to convince herself that it was just her imagination, but the fear was starting to consume her.

One night, Lena woke up to find herself in a cold sweat. She had a nightmare that someone was in her apartment, watching her every move. As she tried to calm herself down, she heard a knock on her door. She froze, not knowing what to do. She didn't have any friends or family in the city, and she didn't trust her neighbors.

The knocking continued, louder this time. Lena knew that she had to face her fear and see who was at the door. She slowly made her way to the entrance, heart racing. When she opened the door, she saw a figure standing in the hallway, shrouded in darkness.

Lena couldn't make out who it was, but she could feel its presence. It was cold, and it seemed to be getting closer. She tried to shut the door, but it was too late. The figure was already inside her apartment.

Lena screamed and ran to the phone, dialing 911. But when she looked back, the figure was gone. She checked every room, but there was no one there. She was alone, with her fear and her paranoia.

From that day on, Lena knew that she had to leave the apartment. She couldn't stay there any longer, not with whatever was haunting her. She packed her bags and left, never looking back.

Years went by, and Lena tried to forget about her experience in the apartment. But she could still feel the fear, the coldness, and the darkness. She knew that she had to confront her fear, to face whatever was haunting her.

One day, Lena went back to the apartment complex, determined to find out the truth. She talked to the neighbors, to the landlord, and to anyone who knew about the history of the place. And then she found out the truth.

The woman who had died in the apartment was not just any woman. She was Lena's mother, who had died when Lena was just a child. Lena had never known her mother, but she had always felt her presence. And now, she knew that her mother's spirit had been trying to reach out to her, to guide her, and to protect her.

Lena finally understood the truth, and she felt a sense of peace. She knew that she could never go back to the apartment, but she also knew that she would always carry her mother's spirit with her, wherever she went.


About the Creator


Simplicity is the key to happiness.

She turned her can't into can and her dreams into plans.

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