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Ant Envoy


By Phoebe BlakePublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Ant Envoy
Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash

Last week Stephen was invited to an exclusive party. He found himself teeming with illustrious guests who held philanthropy close to their hearts. While their aspirations aligned with benevolence, his disposition, however, veered towards a peculiar yet harmless trait—inconspicuous misanthropy.

Observing from the periphery, he embraced solitude, watching as the guests mingled and conversed about noble endeavours. The echoes of their passionate speeches and commitment to humanitarian causes permeated the air, contrasting with his quiet detachment. Their contagious enthusiasm collided with his innate scepticism, creating an intricate web of conflicting emotions.

As the evening progressed, an unexpected hush fell over the room, signalling the moment Stephen had both anticipated and feared. The guests were engaged in vibrant conversations, and as one of them approached, Stephen had to break the silence. When he finally opened his mouth, a surprising ease washed over him. Encouraged enough he told the following story:

"Humans have progressed so much with their technology. It was possible to see almost every segment of microscopic existence above the ground and in the oceans. After years and years of discoveries, analysis, and discussion, humans knew the small routines of all species.

Although some places on the Planet Earth were inaccessible, humans are the governors of the planet. All told, they didn't progress humanity's side. Instead, they were focused on technology.

After 60 000 years, living stuff appears deep in the ground with an enigmatic spirit in green and white colours, with some active tentacles, and the ants gain consciousness. Different ants awoke, including yellow, red, big and small. They understand that people rule the planet they share with humans. Of course, the ants did not consider humans their overlords; they had their own. Different ants awoke, including yellow, red, big and small.

They met online by linking their antennas on their head. Conclusions were reached that humans were wrong and that much harm was being done. Thus, the most astute among them proposed sending an emissary. It was a giant ant, Dam. He insisted that his brother accompany him.

Dim and Dam then put up a request.

People were astonished by two ants who decided to come out and communicate with the earth's rulers; it generated a lot of media attention. Humans even knew the anatomy of every ant type. Now was a historical chance for a planet. It seemed like every living being was waiting for that meeting. Chancellor Jon had designed unique silk clothing with an ant picture on the shoulder.

Dim and Dam entered and walked down the red carpet, embarrassed by all the attention. They were finally allowed to make remarks following numerous formalities. Dam began, with his brother lending support. He accused humans of being so selfish and arrogant. Then he got angry, but the brother was calming him. He opens up a list similar to paper but made of resin. Dam was enclosing proofs of injustice towards ants, names of all killed, and each occurrence that damaged community life.

Chancellor Jon was listening and could validate everything Ant Dam said. But he persisted. He began by counting all of the things that would have been very different if humanity hadn't made the blunders that have been made during the past 5000 years in literature.

Chancellor Jon was at a loss regarding what to do; he felt bad, yet he knew he was not to blame for so many centuries. Everyone in the vicinity became enraged, under pressure, and felt guilty; it was intolerable.

Fearful, one of the secretaries said, 'Kill them all with insecticides.'

"Then you'll kill us all, idiot," Chancellor Jon replied."

Short StoryHumor

About the Creator

Phoebe Blake

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