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Another Moment Of Love

A Short Story By Birithivy Yogaratnam

By Birithivy YogaratnamPublished about a year ago 5 min read
They asked “do you love her to death?” I said “speak of her over my grave and watch how she brings me back to life.” -Mahmoud Darwish

Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky. In this world, they say the purple clouds brings back the souls of our loved ones once a year. Once the colour changes, their souls go back to rest, disappearing until the next year the phenomenon decides to happen. No one knows how this occurs and when it decides to. But no one has ever tried to find out. It seemed as though people just wanted to have solace and comfort with their loved ones, and didn't need any explanations or scientific reasoning behind it.

Today marked the first year anniversary of the death of Shajin's wife, Mumtaj. Every day, after her passing, he would come to the cafe where he had first met her and proposed to her. He would sit there for an hour, order that same order, and just sit there, looking around at all the people that would be at the cafe. Her last wish was to not have a grave, as she would always say to Shajin, "she would always be there with him, right in his soul." Therefore, he didn't need to visit a grave to have to connect to her. All he had to do was sit alone, and he could feel her pure soul with him.

But some days were harder than others. Sometimes, he would sit at the table and just feel this pain of loneliness. He would especially feel it when others were happily in love, or when he saw a person just beeming with a happy energy. He felt that all his happiness had gone once Mumtaj had passed. It felt hard for him, but those feelings would diminish once he tried to preoccupy himself with other things. As he sat at the table, everyone around him looked up at the sky. It was midnight, and a miracle was happening. Up above everyone, there were clouds of a purple shade. It was a normal occurrence, but this night felt different. "Maybe tonight's the night," said one person out loud. Maybe, Shajin thought. It had been a while since the last connection with the afterlife had happened. So maybe, this was the night.

Shajin did hold out hope though. He would constantly just look at the sky, waiting and hoping for the miracle to happen. He would look up, hoping that the connection would happen. But today, he didn't care as he looked up. He just looked at the clouds, noticing their beauty and colour. "I've never realized how beautiful it is," he said out loud. As he and the others looked, lights began to dawn from the skies. "Its happening!" whispered a person out loud. Everyone stood up and walked onto the street. The midnight sky was now lit up with lights and the purpleness of the clouds. Slowly, angelic like figures descended in the rays of the light, towards the ground. Shajin looked up to see the miracle. He always heard about it, but he was always asleep by the time it happened. This time around, he was wide awake. This time, it felt different.

Then, he saw her, Mumtaj. She descended on one of the rays, looking in his direction. Her beautiful smile and aura was there, and he was entranced in her vision. It felt like the first time he saw her. He began to cry a little. It was an overwhelming experience, but it felt like he was being reborn in a way. He was never that much of a religious person, but this made him believe that there must be a heaven and a spiritual entity. As she descended, he looked around to see others being reunited with loved ones. Some of them were being reunited with pets, some, their parents. Like himself, others were being reunited with their significant others.

As Mumtaj landed on the ground, Shajin slowly proceeded towards her. He knew that they couldn't communicate with us, but they could send a visual communication through touch and telepathy. Mumtaj slowly walked towards him, with a smile that always lit up his day. Shajin felt shocked, scared, and happy all at the same time. Shocked that this was happening, scared at how long this moment would last, and happy to see her after a year. He hugged her, as a vision blasted through his mind, given by her. Visuals of their life together went through his brain, almost like a movie. His body and eyesight felt this glowing warmth, almost like that warmth you get on a dusk/dawn lit day. It felt like all the best days of your life put into one. The vision ran past his eyes as it slowly dissipated, leaving him staring into his wife's eyes. She caressed his face in her hands, staring lovingly into his eyes. Shajin looked up to see that the clouds were changing colour. "No, please, no. Don't go! I can't-" he said out loud as Mumtaj gave another vision. It was a moment during a hard part of his life, where Shajin felt the lowest of his low. It was near the beginning of knowing her. She always had the best advice and words for him. She looked at him and said, "whatever it is, just remember: you are here for a reason. You are a mirror to the world, and what a beautiful world it is. That's why I'm with you, because you reflect the most pure love and affection that I could ever feel. No matter what, I'll always be there for you, because I want to reflect to you what I see in you always. Beauty of the heart, and the confidence and knowledge of a wise soul."

It was no surprise that he found out that she was a poet when they first started dating. Their love was like a poem, but because of its short length, it felt like a cruel haiku. As the clouds changed away to another colour, Mumtaj slowly faded away, caressing Shajin's face until she disappeared completely. Shajin looked to see everyone else obviously emotionally moved. Its not an easy thing to deal with, but it obviously was something for him to go through. It was necessary, and with that vision, he felt and understood why he had to hear those words. He looked up at the sky, smiling, with joyous tears rolling down his face. He fell to his knees and thought to himself how much this meant to him. Till I meet you again my love, he thought to himself. I will make you proud. I promise.

ClassicalShort StoryLoveFantasy

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    Birithivy YogaratnamWritten by Birithivy Yogaratnam

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