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Angelou Barn

Ashley D. Gilyard

By Ashley D. GilyardPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Angelou Barn
Photo by Frances Gunn on Unsplash

Addison Gayle Collier was reared in one of the wealthier homes of Angelou, Mississippi. Although she was reared in a wealthy home, Addison’s parents tasked her with earning her own money like everyone else in the Collier home. No handouts, and after age twenty-five, Collier children had to establish their own living space. For Addison, she refused to reenact the stigmas like that of her siblings. Every time mother evicted one Collier, another one came trapsing back. With that, Addison moved to Providence, Rhode Island with the mindset of never looking back.

Addison always had a thing for barns which stemmed from her childhood. The Colliers vacationed worldwide and always ended their trips with visits to local barns and farms. Addison would even recall times in her childhood where she and the neighborhood children would frolic in an abandoned barn off the main highway, and even her grandparents vow renewal reception with the barn-house-theme. After longs days at work, Addison would spend evenings on her patio and sketch out images of weddings in barns, parties in barns, and even residing in barns.

While driving on MS Highway-463 as she approached the family home, Addison ventured off the highway and onto a graveled path toward the old rickety barn of her childhood. Timber-frame bank barn which sits on five acres of open land. Many memories were made here. The iridescent hue swaying from the Magnolia trees and the crisp, fall air captured her attention, and so did the “For Sale” signage posted in various locations.

Addison always dreamed of the magnificent wedding she'd have in “Angelou Barn.” Her mind perceived many dreams for this barn on Mississippi Highway-463; dreams that might have a chance at fruition if the correct decisions were made. Within moments, Addison snuck in through a crawlspace which was never closed, for it was just as she remembered it from long ago. She then soared up the ladder and sought solace in her comfort space. The barn was once a great attraction and now, dilapidated.

Hours passed and Addison drifted into a peaceful slumber. Addison drove for hours upon hours without end. Instead of flying home to Angelou as acclaimed, Addison resolved to driving twenty-two-hours. Margaret Collier, Addison’s mother knew her daughter was traveling, but became concerned when her calls went unanswered. “Dearest William, find your daughter! She should have been here by now and her phone is unanswered.” William kissed Margaret’s forehead and grabbed his phone. Within minutes, an officer was dispatched to the last known location of Miss Addison Gayle Collier.

The rain commenced from the clouds, yet rain was not in the forecast. Officer Riddley Webster approached “Angelou Barn” and found the empty, unlocked vehicle. With his weapon in hand, Officer Webster entered the dilapidated structure unaware of what he’d find. The phone ringing from what appeared to be the air, Officer Webster followed the ringtones. Her gasped at her beauty and gaped while attempting to wake Addison. “Miss Collier?! Miss Collier?! Please wake up! Please don’t be dead! How’d you get in here? Miss Collier! Wow, beautiful girl, but I’ve seen her before. But where?” Finally, Addison was awakened by the brusqueness of his tone. “Oh my, who are you? What do you want? Wait, where am I? Whoa, did I fall asleep in the barn?!” Once she fully awoke, Addison focused her attention on the strange man kneeling above her. “Did you touch me?” Officer Webster chuckled. “Only to wake you, Miss Collier. You are Miss Addison Collier, right?” “Sir, how do you know my name? Who are you?” I am Office Riddley Webster, and I was sent to look for you. Your family is concerned.” Perplexed, she replied, “Wait! Riddley Webster? Riddley Webster? Are you the same Riddley Webster who attended Angelou High School?” Before he could answer her, she called out, “Riddles! Riddles! My goodness, it’s great to see you.” He smirked. “No one has called me that since high school. How about we reconnect later. I need to get you home.”

Thirty minutes later, Addison rang the bell at Collier Manor; Officer Webster honked his horn and drove away. William and Margaret embraced Addison, as this was the first time they saw Addison since her graduation eighteen months ago. She was determined not to return there without some sense of accomplishment. However, the laughs with Riddles reignited some hidden thoughts.

The next morning while the senior Colliers slept in, Addison placed some calls and emails. Officer Webster joined Addison for tea and fruit while they reminisced of old times. Amazed at his stories of not leaving Angelou, Mississippi and even more amazed that they remembered things of each other that were long forgotten. Addison took a call and returned to porch, which now occupied William and Margaret Collier, and Officer Webster. After the scolding for drifting off to the dilapidated structure, Addison informed them, “I’ve just bought it! It’s mine. Dreams do come true in Angelou.”


About the Creator

Ashley D. Gilyard

Ashley is a drama and thriller writer who doesn’t just use words to describe what she sees. She creates novels, short stories, screenplays, flash fiction, articles, and poetry that take readers on imaginative and unexpected journeys.

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