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And then I said goodnight...

By Essence Lopez

By Essence lopezPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
If you could do it all over again, would you?

It was dark, at that moment. I never saw a second flash quicker in my life. I didn't feel the pain of the car smashing into the tree, or the burning sensation of when it caught on fire. I felt nothing and I saw nothing. Until that nothing ended and now I'm here. Waking up I can feel my throat closing up as my fear is like smoke filling my lungs.

My wounds will heal I think, am I even meant to be alive? That's when I saw him. The man in the trench coat looking at me through the dashboard on the road. I could see him through the boiling hot flames, causing water to drip from my shaved mustache to my lips. Acting quickly I tried to unbuckle my seat belt to save myself.

Next thing I knew I was in my friend Justin's house playing call of duty. I dropped the controller through my fingertips hearing the thump as it hit the rub beneath my feet. I took a second to rub my eyes, to clear my sight.

"What the hell?" I shouted.

"You ok bro?!" Justin as he smacked his thumbs against the buttons of his controller. "Were gonna lose man?"

I checked my phone and it was 3:57, I'm back an hour. Did I just see myself an hour from now?

My phone started ringing and the noise terrified me. I could hear the heavy death metal music in the background blasted even louder then it was a second ago. I pressed my hands against my ears to drown out the noise.

"Answer your phone, you good man? Damn it!" Justin shouted.

"We fucking lost man! Fuck!"

Justin stood up from the sunken couch and allowed the cheeto crumbs on his pants to fall onto the rug.

"Answer your phone man!!!" he shouted once more.

I clicked the phone icone and placed the phone to my ear. I heared Rebecca's voice, "Where are you, I thought you were coming to get me?"

Shit! I forgot to pick her up. Wait! is this how it happens? It's hard to believe she wasn't in the car with me, it can't be right.

"I gotta head out man" Justin looks at me oddly as I gather my things quickly and rush to my car. In an hour I might be dead, I can't remember what I did at this hour, but I need to find out.

Driving my car to Rebecca's house I tap my hand on the steering wheel anxiously wondering what's to come next. I feel as if I should get out of the car. I'll get her to where she needs to go and head out. I can't do this right now, I shouldn't be driving.

The car door opens and startles me, "shit!"

"Are you good?" She says getting into the car. I watched as she pulled down the rear view mirror to fix her makeup.

"My appointment is at 4:30, we have to go"

"Go where?"

"Are you kidding me, Noah?" She started to ruffle through her bags angrily. "I should've gone with Chelsea! You know you always do this, this is why I shouldn't even try to trust you..." She paused for a second, " Go to the white building remember at Summerton ave it's on the corner".

I start to drive forward still lost about where we're going. She taps her foot and takes a moment to close her eyes and focus on her breathing. She's nervous about something but I don't know what.

I approach this stop sign and see the building she's talking about ahead with protestors outside. I begin to drive forward after stopping and a grey car suddenly flies infront of me. For a quick moment I almost pee myself. I could've died.

"Does he even know how to drive?!!" Rebecca shouts.

Could that have been it? Did I prevent it, maybe I never stopped on time?

I look at the clock and it 4:15. That can't be right! I won't die for another 42 minutes. Maybe I don't even die? Maybe I'm back here to save someone, I'm with Rebecca right now, it's gotta be a sign.

I pull up to the building and look at the protestors holding signs, saying things like, "God is watching" or "Let the baby choose".

"This is an abortion clinic?" I ask.

"Your serious gonna act like you didn't know, you're making it harder for me to do this, were in high school Noah, you know what forget it" Rebecca wiped the tears from her eyes and gathered her belongings.

She started to step out of the car and I quickly grabbed her hand, "Let me come in with you".

"Why? It's not like you could even remember, just go Noah!!" She rips her hand from my grip and slams the car door. I watch as she walks ahead.

The clock hit 4:37, I must've driven home. I'm not doing that anymore. I got out of the car and ran after Rebecca.

"Pretend I'm not even here," I shout catching up to her.

She looks back at me and rolls her eyes. Approaching the front desk she takes a moment to catch her breath again, so I held her hand and walked along with her.

She looks back at me and smils with watery eyes. We walked to the front desk together for her to sign in.

It finally hit 4:57 and we were sitting in the waiting room filling out the paperwork. This is where I was supposed to be at this time, not out on that road.

I looked out at the door waiting for the nurse to call her name. The nurse walked out, "Rebecca!"

Rebecca got up and released my hand. As she walked along I saw him. The man with the trench coat was behind the door.

"Rebecca wait!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I'm back here! I'm in the car again, the flames are reaching me and the man in the trench coat looks at me through the dashboard. I look at the side of me and there Rebecca is with her eyes open, and no air in her lungs.

"No, no, no, no"

"Come on, let me go back again, let it just be me" I shout.

The man in the trench coat opens his mouth wide and I wait for words to come out until there's nothing, and it's just dark again. Until the light creeps in and the only thing blocking my vision is the clock on my phone reading 3:57.

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About the Creator

Essence lopez

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    Essence lopezWritten by Essence lopez

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