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By Essence Lopez

By Essence lopezPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Not everyone is who they say they are.

I'm Bloggergirl99 I'm 23 years old aka 14 but I act older than my age. I'm an Instagram model who travels a lot; more like I travel through google, but what you don't know is that I have a great Photoshop app. I have no time for relationships but I love meeting new people and the idea of connection ignites my soul. Do you have another question for me? Yes I do reveal my skin but only for the fact that I cherish my body and love myself. I don't do it for attention, but maybe I do like people to look at me, I like the comments.

'Your a baddie'- follower 1

'Wish I had your skin'- follower 2

My followers are obsessed with me. Why wouldn't they be? I'd be obsessed with me too. I like when people tell me my worth even if it sounds degrading to you level headed rich girls with your fancy cars and free trips you win to Bora Bora. I have something you don't, 10k followers. I also have a life I created all on my own. I can finally be who I wanna be".

I look at the words I've written on my overpriced MacBook and I can't press send. I look down at my nub nails with chipped with nail polish, nothing like the sparkly pink press on nails I use in my photos. How can I compare that luscious dirty blonde wig I wear compared to my lifeless brunette hair complimented with split ends and an oily scalp. I know my hair is fake too?!! I didn't want to make it too obvious who I was, plus the blonde wig has bangs and covers my forehead acne.

Everything I've explained gives me even more reasons for why I don't want people to know who I am, this is who I want to be. I wanna be this girl, not a 14yr old who only travels to Tampa once a year to see her grand parents and is too skinny to rock those 2 piece bikini photos I post. Now I'm not a catfish fully, I post photos of myself I just kind of edit them a smidge to every girls dream standard; a curvaceous body and a slim waist all while wearing a full face of makeup. My parents could never catch me wearing makeup outside or I'd be grounded for a week.

I move my cursor to my DM's and the constant fan mail is unreal, I mean I help people, posting this statement would shatter people and shatter who I've become. Scrolling through my DM's I found a message from another Instagram model a guy named Bryant. Hes tall, gorgeous and obviously he has brown hair and hazel eyes; my favorite. All the guys that normally message me are your creepy/thirsty guys only after one thing, but he seems interesting.

He messaged me saying, "I wanna collab with you , maybe you could take some photos with me for my clothing line. A women so inspiring and beautiful like you would really attract more customers"

I like to read between the lines. Obviously hes interested in me. I can even imagine the outcome this handsome guy starts video chatting with me, and of course before the photo shoot he gets to know me over an expensive steak dinner with fine wine, except I have no choice but to refuse. I don't look like my photos he'd know I'm a scam so I might never know him.

Maybe we could text and then it turns into a phone call and then maybe one day will meet and he'll be with me regardless of age or minor differences from my photos. Maybe he'll hate me and ruin my reputation and then everyone's gonna learn my real names Katie and I'm kind of a fraud but not really.

I contemplated for about 10minutes. My anxiety is bad when it comes to concealing my identity, but he was hot so I sent him a message back.

"I'd love to but at the moment I'm in Paris. I have a friend you can mail the clothes to ,and she'll get it to me, then I can take photos of myself modeling in them, although one day we can meet when I'm not so busy".

I mean I'm basically in Paris I'm always eating Italian bread in my room and stealing cups of my moms red wine, she'd notice a missing wine glass so I drink out of a coffee mug. I also drink through a straw because my editing is good, but making my teeth white after they've been stained red is disastrous.

Sipping my red wine from my coffee mug I notice a response from Bryant; it reads, "Ok beautiful what's the address? The clothes are on me courtesy of you helping me out, I'd love to meet someone as inspiring as you someday".

My stomach has butterflies as I squeeze my cup taking another sip for confidence, I mean why wouldn't he want me, look at my photos, exactly my photos. My butterflies leave and my stomach is left feeling queasy.

I jump off my messy bed to glance into the mirror at my scrawny legs revealed from my little shorts and my bony shoulders, no wonder my sweater hangs not having something to latch onto. My face is as dull as my hair. Looking at my photos brings me joy, not the mirror . I look at who I truly became not this hidden me no one sees, the true me 'Bloggergirl99'. Wow I almost forgot, after I respond I need to post a Paris pic. I go ahead and google 'Paris Coffee shop' maybe I can edit my hand holding a piece of bread in there.

"Man I love my life" I whisper to myself.

Bryant...Bryant... Bryant... I need to say the best thing possible I mean I guess its OK If I give my address it will go to my friends house like I said he wouldn't even know its really my house, so I respond, "55 baker road, Maryland NY. I look forward to receiving it, and as soon as my schedule clears will meet I promise".

Imagine me and Bryant traveling the world taking photos with his amazing clothes, taking amazing photos, and being inspiring. I know I can make this all come true, one day I'm gonna look just like my photos and travel the world. I'm just getting their the easier way at the moment. I do love myself, I love who I've become online as an influencer, an icon someday. I roll over on my back looking at my dark ceiling. The clock reads 1 am and I think that means its bed time. I always logout just in case my mom catches my account, I'm not even allowed to have Instagram. I also have that overwhelming fear of someone hacking me.

That's odd? My camera lights on, I wasn't even recording. I open my camera app on my MacBook but everything looks fine.

Awe Bryant responded. I close my camera app and pay the light no mind, my computer must be glitching or something.

He says, "I'm so eager to meet you I almost wanna deliver it to you in Paris, but ok I'll wait till your free and I'm gonna leave a surprise for you with your friend so keep in touch ok, don't be so busy all the time".

He's so sweet, I write, "Can't wait to see it, and don't worry I will".

Wow that was quick. I barely had a chance to clothes the app he already texted back.

"Can't you?" he writes.

How do I respond to that?

"Can't I what?" I respond.

The dots appear on the screen as he types. I guess it's gonna be a while. I decide to change the song I'm listening to Panic at the disco "Girls Love Boys" such a classic before bed. YAY!! He wrote back.

"Can't you see it?" he replies.

I rub my eyes. Maybe hes playing a cute little joke. I hope I didn't imagine a future with an Instagram creep, I'm so bummed.

"LOL no" I type and then exit the app.

Bryant was being weird but maybe there's a cute pun at the end.

I check my email and nothing but another alert about a Spanish exam coming up. UGH! I need to worry about people seeing me in Paris not this. I notice my camera light still on and feel stunned for a moment. Damn... Its my fault I left it open, silly me. I open the app to close and notice something. A shadow towards the corner of the room. I must be confused or something. Maybe that's just my coat hanging on the door, but its moving closer, I rub my eyes to see better, and again I need some rest I realize its just my coat.

An Instagram notification its Bryant, "I'm here" he writes.

My hearts beating fast, I'm afraid to answer, I slam my laptop closed. This can't be Bryant, the Bryant I imagined isn't this guy.

Another Instagram notification from Bryant, I open the app nervous to see what he writes "Aren't you gonna get your surprise?"

Silence, not even a ding from my notifications. I hear a knock on my bedroom door. A tear rolls from my eye, and I turn slowly as my legs are numb from the fear. The door knob clicks open and the door begins to slowly creak. CREAK!!! A dark shadow of a man, a scruffy beard and glowing eyes. There's no light in my room, nothing but the glimpse of moonlight peaking through my bedroom curtain. I'm frozen. I hear a noise again, but not from my laptop this time. This noise fills my ears.

"Bloggergirl99" he whispers with his deep dark voice.

Those were the last words I ever heard.

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About the Creator

Essence lopez

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    Essence lopezWritten by Essence lopez

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