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An Autumn Day

A story of loss as nature dies around us.

By The Liv ChaptersPublished 2 years ago Updated about a year ago 2 min read
An Autumn Day
Photo by Autumn Mott Rodeheaver on Unsplash

It was an ordinary autumn day, much like any other in the picturesque mountains of Morana, Colorado. The vibrant foliage had transformed, adorning the landscape with a tapestry of colors, while the fallen leaves scattered beneath the trees. In the suburban neighborhoods surrounding the emerging downtown area, the once-lush green lawns had given way to the seasonal transition. Amidst the crisp air, families gathered in local parks, couples strolled hand in hand, bundled up in scarves and sweaters, and preparations for Thanksgiving and the ensuing Black Friday shopping frenzy were underway. However, amidst this apparent harmony, Mrs. Velez struggled to find solace.

Inside her home, Hexley, having returned from her waning garden, sat on tall, sleek barstools upholstered in faux leather. A cool autumn breeze wafted through the open floor-to-ceiling sliding glass door, leaving goosebumps on her skin. It was the only sensation anchoring her on the precipice of sanity. The voices of her failures haunted her throughout the day, a constant reminder of her shortcomings. With a glass of tequila on the rocks resting in her hands, her gaze fixated on the cascading yellow, red, and orange leaves outside, each falling leaf mirroring her own sense of defeat.

As the leaves descended, so did Hexley's spirit, her heart burdened by an inexplicable anguish. It was a blend of constriction and burning pain, tinged with an overwhelming emptiness. She raised the crystal glass to her lips, savoring the bittersweet aroma of the alcohol, the only refuge for her spiraling mind. How could she move forward after each setback? She tilted the glass, allowing the amber liquid to flow down her throat, seeking temporary respite.

Another leaf fell, catching her attention, marking the fourth one to drop. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, rising up to her throat. Was it a prelude to yet another failure? She hadn't even shared the news of her latest loss with Gael, and now she faced the burden of concealing another impending disappointment from him. Hexley couldn't bear to witness the disappointment in her husband's eyes any longer. It inflicted too much pain on her fragile heart, the loss of another child compounding their shared sorrow.

With a deep breath, she turned away from the open door, determined to shield herself from the sight of falling leaves. Out of sight, out of mind, or so they say. If only it were that simple. The knot in her throat persisted, refusing to dissipate. Her gaze shifted downward, landing on the remaining tequila, nestled at the bottom of the glass. A gust of wind swept in, no longer bringing solace but instead sending a chill down her spine. She clenched her fingers around the glass, bringing it to her lips once more, and drained the last of its amber contents.

Just like her drink, she felt drained. Her grip on the crystal tightened, overwhelmed by the weight she was expected to bear. How much more could she endure? Instead of setting the glass down gently, she hurled it toward the wall. CRASH! Tears finally streamed down her face as the shattered crystal rained upon the kitchen floor, its shards shimmering in the light, creating a mosaic on the marble surface.

Autumn would forever be a season of death and heartache for the Velez family.


About the Creator

The Liv Chapters

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