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An Antique (Gay) Love Story

By Andrew "CJ" Clark

By Andrew ClarkPublished 3 years ago 7 min read


Antique stores are places where formerly cherished things go to be cherished once again, by another lover. On the 5th day of October, Carter Jones and James Brown found themselves in the same antique store. Carter Jones, donning a loose sweater and tight jeans was looking amongst the old typewriters and electric retro tea kettles for glass jars and bottles to fill with various crystals and incense, he was a major hippie.

Of course, Carter’s time in an antique store would usually be brief, as mason jars were an antique staple in this specific store. However, on this day he ran into a man who was looking around with fervent intent, this man was James. He found James interesting to look at, with his hair dark and all curled into a mess, and the man was wearing a pea coat for Christ’s sake. He decided, with one hand occupied via mason jar, to help this poor man in finding whatever it was he was looking for.

“Can I help you find anything?” Carter said. The man in front of him looked a bit frazzled by the sudden hand of help but was willing to accept it.

“I’m looking for something that screams me,” he responded, “You work here?”

“No, but I’ve been in here enough to know my way around,” Carter replied, “So if we’re looking for something for you, I guess I better get to know you better.”

James blushed, “Yeah, I guess.”

“So James, what’s your zodiac sign?”




“I’m a good ol’ water-goat,” Carter responded.

“Oh, so Capricorn?”

“You got it.” There was a pause here as the two men looked around for something that sparked either of their interests. Nothing but empty lampshades and broken vintage cameras.

“What do you do for a job,” Carter asked.

“I’m a librarian, actually,” James responded, always a bit flustered by an interaction that went into his personal life.

“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Carter exclaimed, “I’m a sales associate at Old Navy.” Another pause as they looked amongst old books and paintings to see if there was anything of emotional value.

“So…” Carter started after a while, “Do you have a girlfriend?” James was not used to such a forward friend.

“Um, no…I haven’t really been looking for one,” James replied.

“Oh, boyfriend?” Carter asked and James audibly laughed, he didn’t know what to make of this whole situation.

“Um…” he thought a while, “Honestly just looking for boys that want to be my friend right now.”

“Can do!” Carter replied perkily, and then they resumed their search.

“This is perfect!” Carter said as he pulled out a ceramic bull planter, “You’re a Taurus so, obviously, the bull, and that also makes you earthy so you can plant whatever you want in it.”

“It is perfect,” James said with a laugh, “You know what else would be perfect?”

“What is that?” Carter asked obliviously.

“If you and I went to coffee. Tomorrow?” The ending for James was an invite for Carter.

“Ooh, a date between boy-space-friends, correct?”


“Sure, I’d love to have coffee with you tomorrow.” And they both left the antique shop fully satisfied.


The next day came agonizingly slowly for both men. They were both anticipating the date to come, and they both wanted to present the best for each other, which for both also just meant being themselves. Carter outfitted himself in a much more form fitting rainbow sweater and blue skinny jeans. James arrived wearing a grey sweater and blue jeans and a brown jacket as the temperatures were getting exceptionally cold at 6 PM this particular evening. They met in front of the shop. James opened the door for Carter.

“What a gentleman,” Carter said.

“One of us has to be,” James said with a smile.

They both sat down near the window so they could people watch. Carter was an avid admirer of other’s candid lives, and James just liked looking at Carter, whose ginger hair was styled perfectly outside the beanie he was wearing.

“So,” James started, snapping Carter back to reality, “You work at Old Navy.”

“Yes, I do.”

“What’s the dream for you?”

Carter took a while to think of the profound question, “Well I’m currently studying forestry and environmental science in college in attempts to one day become a forest ranger.”

“Wow, that was not what I was expecting.” James said and Carter smiled.

“What about you? Anything you want in life besides the thralls of library?” Carter said this and James laughed sweetly.

“I want to be a teacher, for small children.”

Carter’s smile widened, “Well you are just about the most perfect person, aren’t you?”

“Ehhh” James was awkward accepting this affection, “I’m not perfect, trust me.”

“Okay, then what’s the worst you’ve done? Hit me.” The coffee they ordered coming in had arrived.

“Um, I’m not necessarily sure you want to get into that tonight,” James stalled.

“Oh?” Carter asked, “Another night then.” A pause. “Want to know mine?”

James laughed again, “Sure,” he said, “Hit me.”

“I’ve killed a man.” Carter said it with a straight face, and then he began to snicker and laugh as he watched James’s face darken, “It’s a joke. Worst I’ve done is probably set a bag of dog shit on fire in front of my ninth-grade math teacher’s house. He was a fucking dick though.”

This made James snort his coffee up into his nose with laughter, “It’s always the math teacher,” he said.

“Yes, yes, it is,” Carter agreed and took a sip of his coffee.

“Political affiliations?” James asked.

“Is that a question?” Carter shot back, “Liberal, and I hope you too.”

James nodded his agreement.

“Favorite color?” Carter asked.

“Blue, you?”


“Are you super connected to your family?” James asked. It was Carter’s turn to be shocked.

“Um, no, actually,” Carter replied with a look down to his hands which were holding his cup, “I stay connected to my mom but she’s the only one I’ve got left. The rest kind of fell of the face of my planet when I came out.”

“Oh,” James said, “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t be, I had it coming being raised in a bible thumping household.”

“Are you and your mom still Bible thumpers?” James asked.

“My mom is but I’ve shifted to a more open, agnostic view.” Carter drank from his cup and James followed, “What about you and your family?”

“Pretty good connections all around, my sister moved halfway across the country though so that’s a little dry,” he took another drink from his coffee, “What kind of movies do you like?” James asked in attempt to change the mood.

“I’m a horror fiend,” Carter replied, following the cue, “Can’t get enough of Blair Witch, or Freddy. Or Jason. I’m just pretty huge on all of them.”

“That’s good to know,” James said, “I’m more of a rom-com type myself but there’s nothing I’m not willing to try.”

“That is…” he made eye contact with James and pulled the drink up to his lips, “Very good to know.”

“Hey, why don’t we have a movie night?” James said.


“Yeah, why not,” James was smiling at Carter as Carter blushed, “My place, of course,” he added, “if that’s cool.”

“Yeah!” Carter said delightfully, “I’d love to see what you’ve done with the bull pot we got yesterday.”

They finished their coffees and headed out of the coffee shop together.


Once they had gotten to James’s apartment, the air was electric. Carter wasn’t sure what to expect and was happy he had prepared himself for any possible outcome the evening had to bring. James was hoping to have Carter over for the evening, but also wasn’t entirely sure how far he was wanting to go since it was, after all, the first date.

When they entered James’s apartment, Carter immediately recognized multiple pieces of local art up on the walls.

“I like it,” Carter said, “it’s cute, like you.”

“Like you,” James responded, and Carter blushed again with a silent “thank you”.

“Oh, and this is just adorable,” Carter motioned towards the entertainment center. The bull pot sat there in its mighty proud stance, with a small cactus coming up out of the hole in its back.

“Thank you,” James said, “Please, sit anywhere you’d like,” There was a bean bag and a futon facing the TV/entertainment center. Carter carefully chose his side of the futon, and James sat next to him.

“So what’ll it be?” James asked Carter, “Freddy? Jason? Halloweentown?”

“Ugh, always Halloweentown,” Carter replied with a smile. James obliged and started the movie up for them before taking his seat next to Carter on the futon.

“Do you want to recline it?” James asked.

“We’re already going there?” Carter joked, and after laughing “Yes, I would like to recline the futon.”

They laid down on the futon together once it was reclined and began to enjoy their movie.

“So,” Carter started after a while, turning his face to James, “what’s the worst you’ve done?”

“Oh,” James said, surprised by the re-upbringing of this question, “Well if you must know, I…I got drunk at a party once while my sister and her boyfriend was in town. I kissed her boyfriend. That’s why we’re not so close.”

“That’s it?” Carter asked, “I expected it to be something really serious like cheating or you took a shit in someone’s lawn.”

James laughed audibly, “NO! No shits were taken on any lawns, and I have always been the one to have my heart broken, for your information.”

“Well,” he looked over at James, their faces were very close together, “I think you’re just an absolute heathen.”

“Good,” James said, and he leaned in, kissing Carter. Both were now set on fire with passion, kissing and pulling each other in closer. The kisses were desperate and powerful, seeking purpose as new tastes came over both men. Carter was the one to break the moment.

“Does this still make me your boy-space-friend?” Carter asked.

James replied by pulling Carter back into an even stronger kiss.


About the Creator

Andrew Clark

A college student trying to get my writing out there.

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    Andrew ClarkWritten by Andrew Clark

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