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Aliens in India

Aliens in India: The debate and theories

By AJITH KUMARPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Aliens in India
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

The idea of extra-terrestrial life has always been a topic of great interest and debate, and India is no exception. From ancient texts to modern sightings, the topic of aliens in India has sparked the imagination of many. In this blog, we will take a look at the various theories and debates surrounding the topic of aliens in India.

Ancient Texts and Legends

One of the earliest references to extra-terrestrial life in India can be found in ancient texts such as the Vedas and the Mahabharata. These texts contain stories of celestial beings and flying vehicles, leading some to believe that they may be describing ancient alien encounters. The ancient Indian text, the Vimana Shastra, describes flying machines that are said to have been used by the gods. Some scholars believe that these references to flying machines and other advanced technology may indicate that ancient Indians had knowledge of or even interactions with extra-terrestrial life.

Modern Sightings

In recent years, there have been numerous reports of UFO sightings in India. Many of these sightings have been reported by military personnel and pilots, leading some to believe that they may be credible sightings of alien spacecraft. Some of the most notable sightings include a report by the Indian Air Force in 2004, in which a UFO was tracked on radar for several minutes before disappearing, and a report by a commercial airline pilot in 2012, who claimed to have seen a UFO while flying over the state of Gujarat.

Another famous UFO sighting occurred in 2008, when a group of pilots and air traffic controllers reported seeing a bright light in the sky over Mumbai. The light was described as being extremely bright and was seen by several people, including pilots, air traffic controllers, and passengers on a flight.

There are also conspiracy theories that suggest that the Indian government has also been criticized for not releasing information about UFO sightings to the public. Many people believe that the government is hiding information about UFOs and extra-terrestrial life in order to prevent panic and maintain control.

Theories and Debates

There are a number of theories and debates surrounding the topic of aliens in India. Some believe that ancient texts and legends are evidence of ancient alien encounters, while others believe that they are simply myths and legends. Some believe that modern sightings of UFOs are evidence of alien visitation, while others believe that they can be explained by natural phenomena or human-made technology.

One theory that has gained popularity in recent years is the ancient astronaut theory, which suggests that ancient cultures, including the ancient Indians, had contact with extraterrestrial life. Proponents of this theory point to the advanced technology described in ancient texts as evidence of alien influence. However, this theory is highly controversial and has been criticized by many scholars and scientists.

Another theory is that India is a place where aliens come to visit frequently, and they have some kind of bases or settlements in the country. This theory is based on the multiple sightings of UFOs in India over the years, and also the ancient texts that mention flying vehicles and advanced technology.


The topic of aliens in India is a complex and controversial one. While there is no concrete evidence to support the idea of ancient or modern alien encounters, the ancient texts and legends, as well as the modern UFO sightings, have sparked the imagination of many and continue to fuel debate and discussion. It is important to approach the topic with an open mind and consider all perspectives and theories, while keeping in mind the lack of solid evidence. As with any topic of this nature, it is essential to approach it with a healthy dose of scepticism and critical thinking.

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