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Alexander and Terrible, No Good Beautiful Love Zombie

A.H. Mittelman

By Alex H Mittelman Published 10 months ago 6 min read
Alexander and Terrible, No Good Beautiful Love Zombie
Photo by Emad Kolahi on Unsplash

In the wealthy and snob riddled city of Calabasas, there lived a great writer named Alexander. He had a burning desire to win the prestigious "Top Story" prize, an accolade bestowed upon the writer of the most captivating and groundbreaking tale. Some called it an obsession, but Alexander called it a passion for great content. Alexander had achieved this honor a few times before, but lately, he found himself struggling to conceive his next great story.

Days turned into nights as Alexander immersed himself in his writing. He “burned the midnight oil,” as the old saying goes, his mind all-consumed by the pursuit of literary brilliance. He became so engrossed in his work that he failed to notice the thudding of heavy undead feet creeping up behind him. She was a strikingly beautiful, yet deadly female zombie.

With a grunt then a lurch, the female zombie lunged at Alexander, sinking her teeth into his neck.

“What the hell,” Alexander shouted. Startled and in pain, Alexander still managed to fight back with everything he could, throwing punches and getting her off his neck, then kicking her to the ground after he managed to wrestle the zombie off him. As he turned to face his attacker, he was captivated by her ethereal and haunting beauty. In that moment, a peculiar sensation overcame him, infatuation. It was love at first site. Alexander had no idea who this zombie used to be, but he knew he loved her now. She had beautiful pale skin, and he just loved the way it elegantly flopped off her face like the peel of a banana.

Alexander leaned forward to touch the zombies beautiful perfectly rotten and irresistible face. He got shivers and felt a great joy as he held his hand against her cold, rotting flesh. As he stood there in awe of her radiant and enchanting beauty, the female zombie lurched forward again, screaming for brains. Alexander reacted quickly, first pushing her away then grabbing a nearby chair and smashing it over her, rendering her temporarily unconscious.

Instead of killing her, however, he let her live and tied her up. He felt an inexplicable connection, an irrational affection toward this undead eldritch creature. She had aroused him, she had made him feel feelings he had never before felt for a woman, and now he lusted after her. He felt he must have this female zombie for himself, at any cost. She was his new obsession.

Alexander, figuring that he would inevitably transform into a zombie himself due to the bite she gave his neck, made the most rational decision he could think of. He decided to wait for the inevitable before untying the unconscious female zombie. Then they could be together forever, hopefully.

Hours passed, and as Alexander watched his watch, he could feel his body slowly changing. His skin grew paler, his movements sluggish. But instead of dread, he felt love, excitement and anticipation. Finally, the hour arrived when he transformed into a full-fledged zombie. He ran to the bathroom then looked in the mirror and was giddy and euphoric when he saw some of his flesh fall off his face and hang in place briefly before detaching and falling into the sink.

“I love it, my face so perfectly rotten, just like my zombie girl,” Alexander tried to say. His undead fleshy and rotting tongue wouldn’t allow him to pronounce words though, so all that came out was “zug blug gurgle gurgle,” and some strange moaning sounds. He then reached into the sink, grabbed his piece of fallen flesh, and stapled it back onto his face.

“That’s perfect,” Alexander grunted.

Alexander was hopeful that with his new zombification, his zombie crush wouldn’t attack him. He ran into the room where she was tied up, then slowly approached the trapped zombie, who had regained consciousness.

“Oh good, you’re up,” Alexander grunted.

As their gazes met, a spark of love flared between them. They reached out to each other, their decaying hands were now entwined, their mouths locked lips, and in that wonderful yet horrifying embrace, they found true love.

They briefly stoped kissing, but only to gaze into each others pale, undead eyes.

“You’re so beautiful,” Alexander grunted.

“And you’re the most handsome, wonderful zombie I’ve met in my entire after life. I’m so glad I didn’t eat your brains. Thank you for hitting me with the chair and stopping me from eating you,” the female zombie grunted back.

“Of course. What’s you’re name, by the way?” Alexander asked.

“Desdemona,” she whispered into his ear.

“Well, Desdemona, I love you,” Alexander said.

“I love you, too,” Desdemona said.

They kissed again, their rancid peeling flesh now falling off and mingling in each others mouths.

They shared a passion for each other that was the first of its kind. They were the worlds first two zombies to experience love. Undead Adam and and Eldritch Eve, if you will.

They decided to stay together after a night of passionate love making filled with ear splitting groans of grotesque pleasure.

It was now sunrise and they decided to embark on their new afterlife journey together. They left Alexander’s house holding hands and singing Skip to my Lou. Then they set up traps to capture unsuspecting victims to feast upon their brains.

“I love our shared appetite for brains,” Alexander grunted while chowing down on a freshly caught feast, pieces of brains flying everywhere.

“Me to,” Desdemona said, doing the same.

“Your shirt is covered in brain meat. Don’t waste it,” Alexander pointed while grunting.

“You too,” Desdemona said and smiled. They had jumped into each others arms and started kissing, despite their mouths still full of chunky brain meat. They loved each other so much, they didn’t care that their mouths were now exchanging food. At least it’s brain food, they figured.

Their insatiable love grew as time went on, their bond was now unbreakable. They decided to have a wedding, but for this they’d need some new zombie friends. They resisted eating half the people they attacked, and soon assembled a horde of zombie companions.

“It’s a good thing we don’t have to eat all the people we bite, we’ve managed to build a zombie army because of it,” Alexander said.

“Yah, good thing,” Desdemona said.

They invited their guests to a romantic graveyard for their wedding.

Then, amidst the moonlight's bright glow, they exchanged vows and sealed their fates at the first all zombie wedding.

They partied all day and danced all night. For the slow dance, the DJ played Thriller. Then Monster Mash blasted through the speakers.

Soon, the human population was low, meaning fresh brains of the living were in short supply. Alexander and his wife, Desdemona had the brilliant idea to start a human farm. Their farm quickly grew and they amassed a fortune selling farm fresh, organic, Non-GMO, gluten free, Kosher, humanly raised, cage free, locally sourced, grass fed and farm to table human brains to other zombies

Eventually, they had seven zombie kids together, three sets of twins and a single zombie girl.

One late night, after putting their zombie kids to bed and thinking their kids were asleep, they went for a walk together around their human farm.

When they came back to the house, they saw all seven of their zombie kids staring out the window at them.

“I guess even zombie kids don’t sleep,” Alexander said.

“I guess not. But you want to see them run to bed?” Desdemona said.

Desdemona grabbed Alexander’s head and pulled him forward. They began kissing and the kids could be heard shouting “eeewwww” from the window. They closed their windows and scurried off to bed.

Desdemona and Alexander started dancing. They danced through the moonlit night, then enjoyed their work teaching the kids how to farm humans in the morning. Their farm helped the zombie community thrive and grow, and provided an endless amount of much needed fresh human brains. They all lived happily ever after.

Short Story

About the Creator

Alex H Mittelman

I love writing and just finished my first novel. Writing since I was nine. I’m on the autism spectrum but that doesn’t stop me! If you like my stories, click the heart, leave a comment. Link to book:

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (4)

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  • Flamance @ lit.about a month ago

    Nice work I like that energy

  • L.C. Schäfer9 months ago

    Oh man this was the most disgusting thing I read all day 😂 "love at first site." do you mean bite 😜

  • Oooo, I love the idea of the human farm! I also loved the name Desdemona! Fantastic story!

  • james hookins10 months ago

    Certainly original! Nice short story, well done.

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