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A Trip To Space

Chapter 1 A Solo Ride

By Shannon BurgerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
A Trip To Space
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

In the early afternoon, I couldn’t take the mundane world any more. As I looked out my window, upside down, while hanging over the side of the bed on my back; Clouds were passing pretty quickly, and it seemed as though they were parting the skies for me.

I grabbed my bag full of Legos, and got to work. After an hour of clicking blocks into place, I had a really neat rocket, with lots of space to tap dance in. I hurried outside into the backyard. I set the rocket on the most leveled spot, and stood back. I closed my eyes and snapped my fingers. My magic didn’t disappoint. Standing there, as erect as the National Monument, was a beautiful rocket ship ready to take me off of this spinning globe of blue and green.

The door opened as I approached this magnificent steel pony to space. I climbed inside and buckled myself in. The weather was perfect. The clouds had left me a bright blue sky, and clear path.

“4…3…2…1…” I counted. It was a beautiful lift off. In seconds, I was already looking down at a marble sized earth below my feet. I looked out the window, to see so many brilliant stars and colors that I could only have imagined on earth. I spun loop de loops around Mars, and slowed down for a couple of selfies, but my pictures came out a little blurry. I think I might’ve been still moving too fast.

I surfed over to Venus and waved at the creature, pointing and yelling at me, as he floated past. Even though I couldn’t understood his language, I think he might’ve been asking me for directions.

After I rounded the planet and headed to Saturn, I put on my space helmet and my tap shoes. I warmed up inside the spacious ship before I dismounted and stood on the icy rings. I started to tap dance, and soon had a diverse audience of aliens. They were clapping and dancing with me. My mom told me my tap lessons would be useful someday. Well, apparently she was correct. My performance ended with lots of clapping and cheering. I thanked them all respectively, and returned to my ship.

Next I focused my sites on Neptune. Its size has always amazed me. I wondered how many times I could circle it in five minutes. I set my timer and took off with all engines ablaze. Thirty two, was how many times I could speed around the giant, windy planet. Then I had to level out and sit back a minute. My head was still spinning from the fast circles. I was getting hungry and a bit thirsty, so I opened up some pouches of fruit. I shook them out of the package and watched them float around my head. One by one, like Pac-Man eating dots, I ate the floating fruit one by one.

I was starting to get tired and I was missing you very much. My texts couldn’t reach Earth and it was getting very lonely out there without you. I wanted to see your beautiful face again.

I pointed my rockets nose south and hit the autopilot button. I soon arrived safely in my backyard again. I stepped out of my beautiful creation, onto the plush green Earth; stepped back, closed my eyes, and snapped my fingers, one more time.

The rocket ship crumbled back into a pile of blocks. I scooped them up, put them back in their bag, and tucked them neatly away. They will be ready for my next trip with you.


About the Creator

Shannon Burger

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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