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A secret love

He intercepts here and the girl will accompany him all night on the bus.

By Nikhil BhowmikPublished about a year ago 10 min read


It is very important to arrive in Siliguri tomorrow for business. But when he arrived at the park's long-distance bus stop, he found that the last rocket bus bound for Siliguri had run out of seats, and there were only five minutes left for the last rocket bus. If Priyabrata sits down with his hands on his head, the new contract will lapse. The way now! At this moment, a beautiful girl of twenty-four or twenty-five years old appeared as a savior.

When the girl came to the ticket office, she hurriedly said, "Listen, my name is Manisha Majumder. My husband Deepak is stuck here on an urgent mission and can't go to Siliguri." So he had to get his ticket back. "Get a last-minute ticket? Reservation staff Ramin Cassit changed a little, and when he remembered his favorite, he suddenly looked at the counter. When he saw Priprata, he shouted, "Master, master is listening. Didn't you want to buy a ticket to Siliguri a while ago? it's all over. Pick up a ticket with rental cash.

Hearing the name of the ticket, Pribratta gritted his teeth and fled, but the ticket belonged to another gentleman, it was returned, and his wife was leaving. Priyabrata intercepts here and the girl will accompany him all night on the bus. There was a saying "Women are not allowed on the road!" So he couldn't figure out what to do.

Seeing his hesitation, the booking staff made his voice a little uncomfortable: "Then if you don't take it, I'll give the ticket to another willing traveler." The other traveler meant that when Manisa saw the forty-year-old girl Mal She was terrified when she was in the lake. This time he looked at his beloved with helpless eyes, it was very important to go to Siliguri today. Then why don't you go? I stopped here, and the girl said again: "Okay, even if the ticket price goes up, come with me, the car will start right away."

Before he could intercept Priyabrata, Manisha grabbed his hand and forcibly pulled him into the bus. Two seats. The girl was sitting by the window, sitting by the window and shouting Priyabrata!

How much is your ticket?

"Hey, he won't run, he has been lying in front of us all night, who knows what magic power this girl has, this time he can't object anywhere.

The rocket left the bus at nine in the morning.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the road was almost empty. The rocket bus accelerated to its destination. As soon as the bus hits FCA BT Road, it doubles in speed. After the traffic lights in front of Dunlop Bridge suddenly turned red, the bus driver braked quickly and the passenger rushed towards him and collapsed on his neck.

Meanwhile, the same is true for Priprata and Manisha. Manisa held her lover's neck with trembling hands. His chest is falling on his beloved chest. No one knows how long they have been involved.

A boy in the backseat said, "Grandpa, do you like it so much?"

Priyabrata was reluctant to respond to such silly comments. Instead, he said to Manisha indiscriminately, "Hey, leave now." The bus passengers watch....Look! Manisha hugged Priprata tightly and said with hypocritical arrogance, I feel the vibration of the bus, are they kidding? No, don't listen to them.

Hearing the news of her injury, Pribrata developed a tinge of love for the girl. So he leaned into Manisa's face and asked in a low voice, "Where do you like it?"

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Having said that, Manisa grabbed Pribulata's right hand and pressed it in the middle of her chest, but didn't want to leave.

Priyabrata swallowed in panic. Then the bus started running at rocket-like speed again. Meanwhile, the passengers on the bus fell asleep again as before. Priyabrata breathed a sigh of relief. When they see a scene in a magazine like this, they are no longer safe. There are only two lights on the bus, one in front of the gate and one behind the seats. Although the strength is not high, the girl's face is very clear. The other seats fell into almost obscurity, with the added benefit of not being able to see other passengers from a distance.

However, there is no need to be careful. When Pribulata tried to take his hand off the girl's chest, Manisha pressed her hard, feeling it as soft as a bird against her chest. Evidence. The girl's physical condition is very good. The huge chest was pressed against her, and the top didn't seem to explode. Batam shirt at the front. The upper frets have two cutouts for easier access to the higher frets. I hesitated, so Manisha took her hand and mumbled that she was trying to put two in. See here, I tell you.

"Well, it's nothing.

"No, that's not right. Are you going to call me then?"

Manisa spoke her mind. It's like he's getting this girl addicted bit by bit. So he no longer objected and said, "Okay, tell me." With that, Priyabrata draped the wild shawl around his chest with one hand. Put your hands on the girl's chest. As a result, other bus passengers woke up and looked at them, but never saw his craft again, reassuring him. The girl saw her action and looked at her beloved with a smile. If you are old now?

"how do you know?

"Why did you cover my chest with a shawl?" Manisha said with a serious and hypocritical expression.

Priyabrata opened the remaining details of her blouse, and secretly said, "Do you still need Taima's approval after this?"

NO NO NO This increases the courage of the lover. By then, every detail of the shirt was her game. The breasts are masculine and well shaped and shaped. Pribrata pressed her breasts lightly against his fists and began to squeeze gently. Manisa didn't move her hand.

Instead, she whispered in a warm voice: "loud, very good." Speaking of which, Manisha suddenly did a strange thing, sat up, lowered her lover's head, and brought her lips to her warm 's lips. Manisha raised her face to kiss. By then, Pribella had made up her mind. So he pulled the shawl over his head, covering Manisha's upper body. Now, according to the revelation, no part of their body can play. Manisha in the eyes of the woman praised by Nesher's call. To be loved with a gentle smile, like the smile of suddenly getting what you want.

In this dynamic bus, all the passengers were fast asleep, and in such an encouraging accident atmosphere, Manisha seemed to fall in love with him suddenly, and hugged his sweetheart Manisha tightly. Manisha wanted the convenience of distribution at her fingertips. With a sincere smile, Prebella seemed to want him to fall asleep. As soon as Manisa lifted her face to kiss, Priyabrata placed him in the sixth seat and hugged her tightly.

Manisha thought it was her husband. Meanwhile, Pribrata may have imagined Anusuya, the married wife he currently wants but doesn't have. In this way, the other two minds loom in the two bodies. Priyabhata looked at Manisha's face and said to the little bus man that now he was looking forward to kissing her hot lips.

Leaning on her beloved bus, Manisha lay down on her body, leaned her body against her body, hugged her waist tightly, and covered Manisha's thighs and lower abdomen with a sari. In this case, she was in the dark, in the dark, in the dark. No one wants to jailbreak, not even their taste buds. Manisha thinks it's her husband Bijan, and she wants to get his body, but for some reason can't get him. If there are two more hearts rippled into two bodies, then the long-lost wish will be filled at this moment.

But they also know that all their wishes cannot and will not be fulfilled on this moving bus. But what you get is enough, and if you don't get it, you have to completely leave the desire of the road. After a while, a look of happiness and contentment appeared in Manisha's eyes. more favored. Following the orange Manisha chorus, Priyabrata first parted her lips from her sensual lips and said sweetly in a calm soft voice: "Now go.

"One more point," Manisa became energetic this time, wrapping her arms around her beloved's neck, her lips tucked between them. This time, the sucking was so fast that it seemed to suck every last drop of the kiss on my lover's lips. Then, once exhausted, he broke up with his lover.

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"How do you feel?" Manisa asked with a smile.

Lips or kiss your juice! "

'Both. Having said this, Pribella smiled. Hypocrisy again, he said, but even when the mind is filled, the body is still incomplete.

Calm down, the road is not over yet, the road is still long. Every once in a while, something can happen, but it doesn't happen very often. At the moment I can feed Tamar's favorite thing to Tamar. "What is this and why did you stop?" Priabrata said anxiously: "What is this? Can I see it?"

"If you don't feel it, you must understand," Manisha whispered, hiding her lover's head under her cape and pressing it against her chest. Manisha's chest and shirt play. Although Manisha was behind the cape, her purpose was unwavering, and she put her beloved face on one of the coveted boxes.

Yes, Manisha is very cute. Sucking is great fun.

Men learn this habit from their mothers at birth. Manisha has no milk in her breasts, what's going on? He usually eats tea at home, and the tea tastes better. This breast shape also has a very feminine scent that feels nice to the touch, likes to be dry and absorbs like a heavenly bliss. Priyabrata couldn't wait, he took turns to start sucking Manisha's breasts in complete comfort. Lips flushed with a quivering, sucking kiss, Manisha's chest pressed against Priyaprata's face, and it rained while sucking. According to Kadam, the couple became prickly.

"Ah, what a wonderful book. Once he parted, he was called Priyabrata." "Are you feeling better?" Manisha asked.


I studied economics at university and talked about the consumption method. When you play a lot, the goodies run out quickly. No, get up now, your body is heavy!

This time, a passenger in the back seat woke up. Manisha pushed Priprata at the sound of his fist breaking, "Get up, someone must be awake. Priyabrata quickly separated from Manisha and sat down. Manisha covered her face and smiled. "Don't be sad, dear, I will give you interest later. "


Manisha squeezed her beloved hand lightly and said, "Yes, I swear!" The bus came at midnight and stopped at Marda. Stopped here for a long time.

"Everything?" Priabrata asked.

"What do you want to eat, you don't want to eat anything else." Manisa said with a mysterious smile. Even after eating a lot of food, Taima was hungry. "Where can you eat like this?" "This is Taima's test." Manisha looked at the back seat and smiled deliberately. It's not hard to understand what Manisha is trying to convey. Well, at least a cup of coffee?

"Cold is not bad, unless the body is a little warmer!

"Aren't you hot?" In response to Manisha's earlier joke, he said, "Even if you eat hot food, it's not hot." Manisha didn't stop joking. Also, if you can heat it?

"When I got the chance, I saw how I lit the fire inside you," Priyabrata said with a smile.

Until then, I'll fire on Taima.

No, you can't do that, Priyabrata made a joke this time,

"What about that kid?

'Yes of course! And one stick is enough, this country stick can be set on fire all over. Does it burn?

No, please don't stop me, Manishata, Lakshmi, here is Sri, here, in Siliguri, in Siliguri, there, you are happy.

"do you speak?"

"Why, not long ago, he was talking about your mother

Yes, that sounds bad to me, and neither does BT in my opinion.

yes go.

The family took a sip of coffee and said, "Who is your family?

Husband and adopted son.

"Adopted children?" Priyabrata Priyabrata was a little surprised and asked, "Why, they didn't reap the fruits of married life?

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm so sorry darling.

"No, no, what's wrong with that?" Eagle Man.

In India, my wife and I have been together for almost a year

No, this is not the nature of religion. If you want to get rid of the clutter you don't need to get rid of, then you have to get rid of the clutter you don't need to get rid of.

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The missile bus arrived in the morning. There is no one left. Bill's son went to school safely by then. From these nine o'clock to eleven o'clock, the kingdom of heaven is called Ramanisha.

The two of them now live in such a big house. From toilet to toilet, from toilet to toilet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Priyabrata smiled.

Priyabratasfutebaleuthalae, "Kisundarabukataemamanisha!" This is the most beautiful, the longest, the most loving, ever, ever - ever so ever

The beloved is tense all over. Real men found the right century. It's not easy to please a person. Tashlin is not easy. Tormentors are simple. Twitching is not easy. Tormentors are simple. Twitching is not easy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

From the book to the head of the beloved, to the book, to the uneducated person, to the dance, it also showed an appearance! The man was silent, naughty, and speechless. Navel root Manisha bulaelae priyabrata.

Emotional emotion. . ."what!"

What a beautiful triangle Taima Manisha.

are you feeling better? loud...

But Priyabrata is not in a hurry, the body lasts a long time. Meanwhile, Manisha couldn't stay where he was. What a rude way of saying, "Oh, a little more, a little more..."

He became active, and in a short time, they were both angry with each other. R.R.A.B.A.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R.R. . He said: Your son should be back

"When will we meet again?"

"Why don't we meet again? He smiled softly and said, 'We'd better look at the end of the road, right?'"

Manisa winced, watching her beloved path. How will he answer? At this moment, his entire body—beloved happiness—was wrapped in memory in his mind, thinking of other things that he didn't want to erase.


About the Creator

Nikhil Bhowmik

HI, I am Nikhil Bhowmik.I passed Master Degree in Mathematics.I also passed Master in Library and Information Science.I write blog, articles and courses in my personal website. I also write articles to medium,Hub-pages and Facebook.

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    NBWritten by Nikhil Bhowmik

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