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A Reading From The Book Of Airport

As Submitted To The Sky's The Limit Challenge

By Marc OBrienPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Books By 1988 Barry University Communication Arts Graduate Marc O'Brien

Animal Ark Airlines flight 775 sporting the three letter ‘A’ triangle logo flew peacefully through the night sky passing misty clouds, performing its red eye mission. Inside the mechanical tube Angel Shepard tended to her passenger flock by performing routine required job description duties.

As the powerful authorities behind the wheel up front turned out the lights leaving only one glimmering guiding path, Angel took a seat in the proper area reserved for those servicing others and ensuring an enjoyable passage.

“I tell you,” She commented to a coworker, “that donkey and elephant were exchanging nasty glares.”

“I know, angry, filled with the devil,” Mary agreed dumping the dirty dishes into the garbage, “but they do stay on their separate sides of the aisle.”

For many years, the transportation company assisted couples to travel and fulfill holiday vacation pilgrimages where physical interaction ended up multiplying. But on recent trips Angel noticed a more aggressive behavior scaring the committed employee.

“Mary, I must bring some bread to Captain Pontius,” Angel stood up in the dark, “and his copilot Mr. Humble.”

“Oh, Mr. Humble is cute,” Mary responded taking the yeast wafers from the golden container.

Quietly, knocking on the door Angel heard a gentleman voice shout out, “come on in,”

And bending over protecting her head Angel encountered small steps, “I just wanted to bring you up some bread,”

“Great,” Mr. Humble answered.

“What I really want is the red wine we have stocked away for miraculous occasions.” Captain Pontius requested.

“And Angel,” Mr. Humble interrupted, “how about some of that pie.”

Before leaving Angel heard Captain Pontius call out, “oh, Angel, did you meet our radio engineer? Brutus,”

“No,” Angel innocently replied, “hi Brutus,”

With a nonverbal grunt Brutus conversed, “oh Angel,” Mr. Humble stated, “do not let that cane fool you, Brutus is able to do many things.”

“He is a Senator’s fortunate son” Captain Pontius continued, “fought in the war.”

Despite feeling insecure Angel returned to the small workspace where Mary already had plastic chalices filled with the holy spirit. “Here, Angel there is plenty for all three up there,” she smiled.

“I need a slice of that humble pie, too,” Angel responded.

“Do not forget the whip cream,” Mary added, “guys like whip cream.”

Suddenly over the intercom an announcement blared, “This is Captain Pontius, and I would like you all to return to your seats, we are going to experience turbulence.”

Since all the customers were half asleep due to the late hour, the notification went unheard except for Mary and Angel who quickly strapped into their seats heeding the warning.

Peering out the window Angel could see striking lightning followed by thunderous booms shaking the soul’s journey.

“Life is a rollercoaster ride,” Mary noted.

“We will get through this,” Angel calmly expressed.

Seconds passed and the storms retreated releasing the human created bird from the horrifying experience.

“Do you think it’s over?” Mary inquired.

“Yes, I do,” Angel unhooked the nylon belt, “let me get the wine and dessert up to the guys.”

“Why not add a few wafers?” Mary offered.

“Good idea,”

Collecting all the gifts Angel proceeded but this time forgot to notify the trio, “hey guys I got some,” and her dialogue came to a complete halt seeing Captain Pontius and Mr. Humble taken hostage when Brutus waved a knife that was once in his walking stick.

“Don’t do it,” Captain Pontius kept repeating.

“It is not worth it,”

“Why did you encounter God’s anger like that?” Brutus wanted the truth.

“We had everything under control,” Captain Pontius tried comforting the troubled individual.

“You could have come back to earth, Captain Pontius,” Brutus suggested.

Thinking quickly Angel grabbed a wafer, “here Brutus take this,”

Gratefully accepting, Brutus placed it on his tongue, swallowing the bread before feeling relaxed, allowing him to drop the deadly weapon.

“For goodness' sake, I need a drink,” Captain Pontius sweated out a plea.

“Here Captain,” Angel handed him a chalice.

“We forgive you,” Mr. Humble acknowledged, “Yes, we forgive you,” Captain Pontius parroted taking a gulp.

After landing both Mary and Angel greeted everyone with a good morning as they disembarked. When the sun started to tickle her vision Angel smiled, “one thing we did encounter this trip was forgiveness.”

“Without any sacrifice,” Mary finished the thought, securing the bread wafers for the next journey.


About the Creator

Marc OBrien

Barry University graduate Marc O'Brien has returned to Florida after a 17 year author residency in Las Vegas. He will continue using fiction as a way to distribute information. Books include "The Final Fence: Sophomores In The Saddle"

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    Marc OBrienWritten by Marc OBrien

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