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A person who discovers a hidden world that has been hidden from the rest of society.

Adventure and discovery

By Cyprain SUH CHEO Published about a year ago 4 min read
Strange animals in the strange world

It was a bright summer day when Jonathan set out on his expedition, a day that promised adventure and discovery.

The sun shone brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow on the world below. The air was filled with blooming flowers and birdsong.

Jonathan had been planning this expedition for months, and his excitement grew with each passing moment. He couldn't wait to discover what no one had discovered. He has always dreamed of being included in the book of explorers who found something.

Being a young man with an insatiable desire for exploration, he relished the thrill of unearthing hidden gems off the beaten path.

He chanced upon an ancient, dilapidated edifice in an enchanted forest that gave him an unsettling feeling.

Despite the ominous mood, he explored the ruins. To his amazement, he found himself in a world concealed from humanity for centuries.

Jonathan's discovery of the hidden world transformed his life. His explorations led him to a place that had remained hidden from society for centuries, and the secrets it held were extraordinary.

As he delved deeper into the hidden world, he found himself surrounded by creatures he had never seen before.

There were creatures big and small and everything in between. Some creatures could fly, swim, and crawl, and each was unique in its own way.

One of the first creatures he encountered was a small, furry creature with big, bright eyes. Its fur was a vibrant shade of purple, and it had a long, bushy tail that had a mind of its own. It was friendly and curious, and Jonathan smiled at it.

As he continued his journey, he came across a group of creatures that looked like a cross between a bird and a lizard.

They had wings that shimmered in the sunlight and long, sharp claws to hunt for food.

They were fiercely protective of their territory and didn't take kindly to strangers, but Jonathan won their trust by showing them kindness and respect.

The most fascinating creature Jonathan discovered was a large, aquatic creature that lived in the deep, dark waters of a nearby lake.

It had scales that sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight and a long, sinuous body that moved with the majesty that took Jonathan's breath away.

Its eyes were large and intelligent, and Jonathan felt a connection with the creature that he couldn't explain.

As he spent more time in the hidden world, he encountered countless other creatures, each more wondrous and fascinating than the last.

Some were friendly and curious, while others were fierce and territorial. But each one had a distinct beauty and grace that filled Jonathan with wonder and awe.

In the end, Jonathan knew he had stumbled upon something truly special. The creatures of the hidden world had captured his heart, and he was determined to share their beauty and wonder with the rest of the world.

Jonathan also encountered a creature that resembled a deer, but with black fur. Its eyes glowed in the darkness, and its antlers were sharp and dangerous.

Jonathan learned that this creature was feared by many creatures in the hidden world. It was a fierce predator that hunted by moonlight.

But it wasn't just the creatures that amazed Jonathan. The hidden world was a place of incredible beauty, with towering trees that reached the sky and rivers that sparkled in the sunlight.

The buildings in the hidden city were unlike anything he had seen before. They had strange shapes and intricate designs that spoke of a rich and complex culture.

As Jonathan explored the hidden city, he found that the people who lived there were just as fascinating as the creatures that roamed the forests.

They wore brightly colored clothes decorated with intricate patterns, and their faces were painted in vibrant hues.

They spoke a language that Jonathan could not understand, but he was fascinated by their gestures and expressions, which were rich in meaning.

Jonathan spent several days exploring the hidden world, observing the creatures and learning all he could about their way of life.

He watched as the tiny blue bird flitted from tree to tree, searching for insects to eat. He followed the black-furred deer as it stalked its prey through the forest, marveling at its speed and agility.

And he spent time with the hidden city people, learning about their customs and traditions. He gained a deeper understanding of their way of life.

But as much as Jonathan loved the hidden world, he knew he could not stay there forever.

He knew he had a duty to share the secrets of this amazing place with the rest of the world.

He wanted to let others know about the creatures and people he had encountered.

So, Jonathan returned to the outside world, determined to share his discoveries with others.

He wrote a book about his experiences in the hidden world, describing the creatures he had encountered and the people he had met. And soon, the hidden world was no longer secret.

People from all over the world came to see the wonders that Jonathan had discovered. They marveled at the creatures, the buildings, and the people they had encountered.

Jonathan fulfilled his promise, and in doing so, he changed the world forever. He had shown that there was more to the world than anyone had ever imagined.

He had shown that secrets were waiting to be uncovered and wonders ready to be explored.

And he proved that sometimes, the greatest adventures were hiding in plain sight, just waiting to be discovered.

HistoricalShort StoryMysteryFableAdventure

About the Creator

Cyprain SUH CHEO

I am a prolific writer and storyteller, known for captivating readers with my engaging content on different platforms. With a passion for creative expression and a love for the written word, my writing spans various genres.

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