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A Nobody

You don’t know what you’ve got…

By Katya DuftPublished about a year ago 5 min read

She first caught his eye at an industry networking party. Standing by the window in a lovely purple dress and holding a glass of champagne, she was impatiently glancing around the room. He didn’t want to disturb her, but an unknown force pulled him toward her.

“Hi, I am David. Are you here by yourself?” She shook his hand, blushing. “I am Lauren, and no, I am just waiting for my husband, Scott Everett.”

“Scott Everett, the screenwriter?” He chuckled. “What tough luck, and what a small world. Myself and your husband are about to work on a project. He has never told me about the gem he’s hiding in his house—"

David’s cheesy train of thoughts was abruptly stopped by Scott, who opened the door right behind David and was blown in by a gust of wind from the outside.

“Here he is....” David chuckled and shook Scott’s hand. Scott lightly brushed his lips against Lauren’s cheek and turned his undivided attention to David. A weird pause hung in the air.

“Excuse me, gentlemen.” Lauren smiled awkwardly. “I will step away to the restroom, and will be right back.”

“Wow, Everett....” David followed Lauren with his eyes. “Your wife—smashing. What is she? I mean, what does she do?”

“Mmm... she’s a nobody, really. I mean, she’s an actress, has been in a couple movies, had proper training—she does mostly stage work. But I am the breadwinner, if you know what I mean....”

“A nobody? Is that how a husband should be referring to his wife? Damn, man.” David wasn’t sure how else to react, feeling a mix of joy and annoyance. He decided to shut up before blurting out too much.

“Well yeah, I mean, she’s not famous, that’s all....” Scott didn’t like where the conversation was going and started looking around the room, searching for Lauren.

She stopped by a group of well-dressed women, probably to give the men a chance to talk shop or avoid the weirdness she felt in the atmosphere around the two of them.

“Anyway.” David grabbed another glass of champagne from the tray of a waitress as she walked by them. “I like your script. A couple tweaks, and that will be a charming little piece.” Unexpectedly, his thoughts jumped back to Lauren. “How about we cast your wife as the lead?”

“Oh.... Dave, I really don’t think she’s the type. I had someone much more sensual in mind. Lauren is more of a ‘girl next door,’ don’t you think? Not a sexual goddess, by any means. I mean, you’re the director, and I will make any changes to have a chance to work with you, so you just tell me....”

Waking up the next morning, David’s first thought was to cancel the collaboration. The first cup of coffee changed all that, and soon he was dialing Scott’s number, smirking.

“Start on those rewrites, buddy. Lauren is the lead. It’s time to show your wife to the world. And you know my budget. The only catch is heavy nudity. Add a steamy scene or two, as well. See you at my office on Friday....”

When Scott delivered the news at home, Lauren stood there speechless. “I am flattered, but I really don’t want to do nudity. Is there any other role for me in the project?”

Scott clutched the sides of his head with both hands and rolled his eyes. “What kind of princess are you? You should be jumping at this opportunity! This will open so many doors for you. No one has ever cast you in a sexy role before! Are you crazy? Aren’t you thinking about me? What if I lose the project? David is a well-known director.... This is non-negotiable!” He slammed the door and left the room, while Lauren couldn’t move, swallowing tears.

“Did you obtain Lauren’s preliminary consent?” asked David in an email later in the day.

Despite the issue being unresolved with the wife, Scott tried to explain evasively. “It’s taking some persuasion because she has never done nudity before, but basically yes.”

“Great. Give her the script to read, and we can have a table read and a camera test next week. I want you to be there, too, and warn her she’ll be getting undressed during the test as well.”

David wasn’t particularly surprised when Lauren’s car parked by his office next morning. “I know how women work; you show disrespect a couple times, and then regret this forever.” Prepared for the best turn of events, he even sprayed some cologne on his shirt.

The story went in a completely different direction right away. “I am so sorry,” Laureen exclaimed, looking him straight in the eyes. “I want to negotiate with you. I want my husband to keep the job and I would love to support your vision—also make money, of course—but I just can’t get naked. That’s against my beliefs, as an actor. Can we talk about that?”

David felt an immediate pang of jealousy. “I was wondering how many strikes it takes for a loving wife to see her husband for what he really is. Do you know that Scott told me you were a ‘nobody’? Had the guts to say that you are ‘not a sexual goddess by any means.’ And now he’s whoring you out to go nude in my movie—you, a stage actress with classical training. Are you blind, lady? Leave him; I will appreciate you for what you are. He has no respect for you.”

Lauren stood up and jumped away from his desk, her back to the wall. “Why are you manipulating us like that? I love my husband; I would never in a million years choose you over him, especially after what you’ve just done.”

David tried to smile, but his expression seemed like more of a pathetic, forced grin. “Then the project is canceled. Try and explain this to your loser of a husband.” He went through his phone book and blocked Scott’s number and emails address, while listening to the sound of a car door being shut outside.

Two weeks later, he accidentally drove by her exiting a legal office. “She’s probably divorcing the asshole. Good girl,” he thought to himself with cruel satisfaction. “I will wait a couple more months, and give her a call.”

However, several weeks later, David received a call from Lauren’s family attorney. “Mrs. Everett passed away from an apparent suicide. In her will, she signed away her savings and retirement to her husband, to make sure he is provided for, but she appreciated you seeing a serious actress in her, and left you her demo reel of Shakespearean plays on DVD. Would you like to stop by my office and pick it up, Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith? Hello...?”

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About the Creator

Katya Duft

Katya Duft is a public transit blogger (Tales From the Bus) and a three-time Moth Story Slam winner; frequent participant of storytelling shows in Los Angeles. She is also a linguist working in post-production.

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Comments (1)

  • Oliver Garchabout a year ago

    Beautiful story and really quite sad, yet all too familiar. Thank you KD..xx

Katya DuftWritten by Katya Duft

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