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A New Begining

This is a fictional story about a nature lover's beginning after his adventurous trek.

By Works tg StudiosPublished about a year ago 9 min read

One day four friends Brady, Jack, Tom, and Henry went on a trek into a forest in Bulgaria. It was a fine day with bright sunshine and a cold chill breeze welcoming them. The trees cheered them by throwing newly blossomed flowers and colourful leaves at them. Brady is a nature lover and he enjoyed all the elements of nature in the ubiquitous green forest. He admired the group of insects collecting food for winter and frogs climbing the trees. He felt the cute chirping of birds to be so soothing like a lullaby. Admiring all these he left his friends and walked very long.

His friends did not bother about it as they knew he was that. He reached a shallow lake present in the deep wood and waited for a long time for his friends. It took almost two hours for others to reach that spot. He was not considerate of time as he was so associated with nature and mesmerized by its beauty. All four then rested on the bank of the lake and chatted a lot. They talked about their school days, college life, and later. All of them completed their college ten years before. They also ate the snacks that they carried with them and kept some remaining as they would require them for the evening. The lake provided them with the water they wanted. It was so tasty. Then they resumed their journey.

They entered the forest via its east and wanted to exit via its south. Brady now went along with his friends. They talked about their life then. On the way, an unfortunate incident occurred. Brady fell into a deep pit, which was just an accident. But it turned out to be a new beginning for him. The pit was so deep and Brady yelled as he passed into it. It was so black and dark than the night sky. His friends listened to his scream but no one dared to help him. They prayed for him and gave him advice and said to not lose hope and not that he bothered. It was like a mysterious adventure and a new invention for Brady. He stopped to scream after some time, gained courage, and at last began to enjoy his way. It was not rather short.

It took him almost to the center of the Earth. At last, he stopped at the base of a volcano, nearby the hot scorching magma. The heat he experienced made him think that that place had the highest temperature on the planet. The forest was so cold and had a temperature of almost sub-zero. So to get out of it, he sat near it for some time but could not tolerate the temperature. He began to walk carefully by avoiding keeping his legs on the molten mass. Fire flakes were omnipresent in that place and the place shined in golden. These did not scare our courageous Brady. He, at last, kept up to reach the end of the place without getting burnt. He, at last, reached a place that was outer to the molten magma and was surrounded by barren rocks.

These rocks were exposed to the weather to produce fertile soil in the future. But suddenly black smoke appeared from those distant rocks. The rocks got burnt and fire, almost a tsunami height was caught in his sight. It was not a volcanic eruption. He saw what it was, he could not believe his eyes. It was a fire dragon, that was extinct millenniums ago.

He proceeded then towards the great grand animal. The dragon roared. He was scared. But did not lose courage. The sight of the dragon scared him, so he closed his and continued walking. It seemed a large distance between them but not so. Closing his eyes he hit the dragon. He shouted and ran backward. After running long, he opened his eyes. A fierce warrior touched his shoulders. He was in shock. It was a sudden surprise!

He was astonished. It took a very long to realize it was true. They both sat near a rock. The warrior began to say his truth. Brady was informed that the warrior was many thousand years ago. He was a great king ruling a large territory in ancient India. During a war for the nation, he mistakenly killed an aesthetic on a seashore, his wife cursed the king that the king and his wife lead a life as a fire dragon and mermaid respectively without meeting each other in the center of the Earth in this inhospitable area.

When she realized it was just carelessness and the war was for the benefit of the nation, she told a man so involved in nature will one day come to relieve them from their curse and they will lead a happy life thereby. The man finished his story by saying that so the man was him.

They then went on to search for the mermaid. It was supposed to be on a bank of a water body and there was rarely one. It took almost five nights to find a so shallow water body surrounded by volcanic magma. The next morning they found a mermaid enjoying the water that was evaporating at a rate almost a million times faster than on the surface of the Earth. Brady touched her she turned into a beautiful queen. King and queen exchanged their love for each other. They are relieved from their curse. A strong storm blew suddenly, and as it ended the three saw themselves standing on a ship in the middle of a vast ocean.

The king and queen were overjoyed to finally be relieved from their curse and to be able to see each other again. They were both grateful to Brady for helping them break the curse. Brady was shocked at what had just happened, but he was happy to see the king and queen reunited. The ship they were on was a big, wooden ship with white sails and a compass in the center. It was a ship unlike any Brady had ever seen.

Brady looked around and saw that they were surrounded by vast blue waters. The sun was shining down on them and the waves were calm. The king and queen were standing next to him, holding hands and smiling. Brady felt a sense of peace wash over him.

The king explained to Brady that the ship was a special ship that was built to transport them to their new kingdom. The kingdom is hidden from the outside world. He said that they would be sailing to a land that was full of beauty and wonder, where they could live out the rest of their days in peace. The queen added that the land was a place where magic and beauty were abundant and that the people who lived there were friendly and kind.

Brady was excited to hear about this new land and he was eager to see what it was like. The king and queen led him to the captain's quarters, where they sat down to eat a hearty meal. The food was delicious and the company was even better. They all laughed and talked about their adventures and the challenges they faced.

After the meal, the king and queen showed Brady around the ship. They showed him the sails and the ropes that were used to steer the ship. They explained that the ship was powered by the wind and the waves. Brady was amazed at the technology and the skill that went into building such a magnificent ship.

The days passed by quickly as the ship sailed across the vast ocean. Brady learned a lot about the king and queen and the history of their kingdom. He learned about the customs and traditions of the people who lived there. He also learned about the different creatures that lived in the sea, such as whales, dolphins, and sea turtles.

One day, Brady was standing on the deck of the ship, looking out at the ocean. He saw a pod of dolphins swimming alongside the ship. They were jumping and flipping in the water and making a lot of noise. Brady was fascinated by the dolphins and he wished he could swim with them.

The queen saw how much Brady loved the dolphins and she decided to show him a magic spell. She told Brady to close his eyes and think about the dolphins. She then whispered the spell, and suddenly, Brady found himself underwater, surrounded by the dolphins. He swam with them and played with them for hours. When the spell wore off, Brady found himself back on the ship, but he would never forget the experience.

Finally, after several weeks at sea, the ship arrived at the new kingdom. Brady was amazed at what he saw. The land was lush and green, and there were mountains and rivers and forests everywhere. The people of the kingdom were not astonished by the entry of the king and the queen because, In the kingdom, there are tales about the arrival of the king and the queen. So the people of the kingdom knew that one day they will come and rule them. There are also statues of the king and the queen.

The king and queen took Brady on a tour of the kingdom, showing him the different places and introducing him to the different people. . The people were friendly and welcoming, and they were all dressed in colourful clothes. Brady was amazed at the beauty and the wonder of the kingdom. He was also amazed at the kindness and generosity of the people

Brady decided to stay in the kingdom and help the king and queen rule over the people. He learned many new things about magic and the world. He also made many new friends and he fell in love with the kingdom. Brady became a respected leader in the kingdom. He helped the king and the queen. He looked after the kingdom in the absence of the King and the Queen.

King and Queen, after being relieved from the curse, lived a happy life together. They travelled to many different places and went on adventures that they would have never been able to experience as a dragon and a mermaid. They met many interesting people and learned about different cultures and traditions. They also helped many people in need and made a difference in the world.

Years passed by, and they grew old together. They were grateful for every moment they had together, and they cherished every memory they made. They had many children and grandchildren, and their families grew bigger and bigger. They taught their children and grandchildren the values of love, kindness, and compassion, and they instilled in them a love for nature and adventure.

One day, they received news that a great war was breaking out in their old kingdom. They knew they had to do something to help stop it. They gathered their children and grandchildren and set out to help. They travelled back to their old kingdom and found that the war was caused by a group of powerful mages who wanted to take control of the kingdom for themselves.

King and Queen rallied their forces and prepared for battle. They led their army into the heart of the kingdom and fought bravely against the mages. They used their powers of nature and love to defeat the mages, and the kingdom was saved from destruction. The people of the kingdom were overjoyed and grateful, and they hailed King and Queen as their heroes.

After the war was won, King and Queen decided to stay in the kingdom and help rebuild it. They helped the people to rebuild their homes, schools, and places of worship. They helped to establish a new government and set up laws that would protect the people and keep the kingdom safe. They worked tirelessly for many years, and their efforts paid off as the kingdom flourished and became a place of peace and prosperity.

King and Queen lived a long and happy life together, and when they finally passed away, their children and grandchildren continued their legacy. They became legends in their own right, and their story was told for generations to come. Their love for each other, for nature, and the people of their kingdom, inspired many, and their spirit lived on in the hearts of all who knew them.

As the years passed, the kingdom changed and grew, but King and Queen's love and spirit remained unchanged. They became a symbol of hope and a reminder that no matter how difficult the journey, love, and compassion will always conquer hate and darkness. They were remembered as the heroes who saved their kingdom and changed the world, and their story was passed down from generation to generation, inspiring people to this day.

familyShort StoryLoveHistoricalFantasyFan FictionAdventure

About the Creator

Works tg Studios

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    Works tg StudiosWritten by Works tg Studios

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