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A Love Frozen in Time

A descriptive story of love and the beauty of a frozen lake.

By Brianna KotPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

I take a sip from my light blue mug filled to the brim with delicious hot cocoa and feel the marshmallows stick to my lip as the liquid burns the roof of my mouth. I breathe and watch as my breath mists over the hot beverage and floats up slowly to the darkening sky outside the window, where clouds cover the orange glow of the setting sun. I close my fingers around the edge of the mug, absorbing all the heat that I possibly can before I go out and face the harsh cold of winter. I take a look at the world outside my window and watch as the people of this small town hurriedly get to their destination while bundled away in coats and parkas. They briefly pause to nod their hellos and goodbyes to the familiar faces but continue marching along to get out of the cold. Scarves fly behind them as if they planned a cape to be a part of their wardrobe, and the tops of their heads buried into their hats, such as a turtle would burrow up in his shell. I can hear the crunch of the snow under their boots by just looking at the movement, and it brings me to a place of nostalgia. It brings me to a time of childhood wonderment as my snow boots crushed through blank, untouched fields of snow, marking my footprint as the first sign of life. I smile, thinking back to a time of simplicity, rolling my eyes to the many days when I envied adults and wished I was my own independent being already. God, I wished I could take it back and travel back in time to relive the golden days where my only worry was the homework assignment that had been due the next day.

I shake my head and take another sip from my cocoa. Of course, my life is not all bad, just filled with never-ending task lists that somehow end up with thirty more tasks at the end of the day. However, I wished for so much as a child that I have now in my stress-filled adult life. I have freedom, I have true happiness, and with that, I have true love.

I set down my mug as I watch my love bound down the sidewalk, cautious of the icy puddles around him. He smiles and nods to the other neighbors and stands out among the crowd as his coat sways freely open in his bouncing strides. He is not wearing a cozy hat or carefully wrapped in a wool scarf, but instead is dressed like spring is around the corner. I laugh out loud to my quiet apartment, and as if he has heard me from five stories down, he looks up, and we lock eyes. He smiles his wide toothy smile and waves up at me, then disappears into the building lobby. I blush and smile to myself, feeling heat travel up my body even though my cocoa has gotten cold. I rush to my closet and pull out my winter coat along with my navy mittens that were a gift from my love. I look around in a rush and then gaze at my knitted hat that compliments my winter look ideally. I hurry to my entrance and slip into my furry snow boots with ease. Once done, I pause and lean my head in closer to the door until I hear footsteps hurrying and pinging up the metal stairs. I reach out and turn the doorknob just in time for me to watch as he bounces up the last step and jumps out at me, pushing me into the apartment. I laugh as he bundles me up close, and we stop in the middle of the living room. He hugs me and breathes me in while I smell his aroma of cinnamon and love. We stand there together as one, and I feel like, at that moment, all is right in the world.

We finally part and smile at one another while he runs his hand through my thick hair that always gets knotted and messy. I smirk and place my hat upon my head to hide my flaws from his perfect gaze. "So, what do you have planned for us today, Anthony?" I ask him as I walk past to grab my pack and my phone.

"Well, I'm not going to tell you, Liz. Instead, I will just show you if that is alright?" He replies while holding out his hand to me. I look past his hand and stare into his loving eyes, only to give him a sly smile.

I sigh as I say, "Well, I guess." I take his hand, and he leads me to my door, pausing for me to lock up, and then we start our adventure.

We had made our way down the building stairs and burst out onto the snow-filled street while giggling and accidentally getting in the path of other walkers rushing home to hide from the cold. My attention never wavered from Anthony as I followed him to our unknown destination that he had so badly wanted me to see. We made our way around the corner and proceeded to walk in the direction of Pike Forest, where the trees stood concealed with white coats, and the quiet of nature took over the world around us. As we got closer to the opening of the trail, I turned my head to look above at the trees, hovering, bending over us as if trying to lean close to hear our conversations. I felt the cold dusting of the snowfall and felt it land on my rose-colored cheeks, and I sensed my warmth melt the spots into the water, trickling down until it fell on my coat. As he leads me deeper into the winter wonderland around us, I continue to admire the peaceful scene I have been lucky enough to experience and hope to remember this when I look back over my life. I think about how this beauty would make a terrific image for artists to paint or for photographers to capture, but for now, it is mine to embrace privately. I smile and grab Anthony's arm and nuzzle my cheek into his coat, and we walk together as one until I see a tiny glint of light shine brightly from up ahead. I bring my hand up to cover the light and peer to see what could be glistening. Anthony looks down at me and smiles, "We are here now."

I look up at him and return the smile while letting go of his arm and run further along the trail. "Be careful!" I hear Anthony yell behind me.

I stop dead in my tracks as I meet the edge of a frozen lake, spreading miles out before me. My eyes widen in awe as I see the frost covering and spreading in web-like splotches over dark blue masses of water. I listen intensely to the deep cracking of the ice as the water flows underneath, trying my hardest to slow my breathing and steady my heartbeat so as not to disrupt Mother Nature in her hard work. Finally, I glance up ahead to the reflection of the sun setting low in the clouds, laying across the lake, seeming close enough for me to touch the sky. I let out a small laugh and watch as my breath floats away from me, escaping my body and venturing to places unknown. I feel Anthony's presence slide up next to me and am aware of the warmth radiating off him. He is always such a warm body and can melt icicles by just being near them.

"So? What do you think? Did I do good? I know how much you love your nature walks, and even though it is cold outside, you can't experience something as beautiful as this by staying inside." Anthony says, staring out ahead, "I mean, I can because I have you to stare at, but you know..." He looks down at me and smiles, frost twinkling at the tips of his hair.

"You did amazing, my love. I can't imagine being anywhere else, and I couldn't imagine being here with anyone else," I reply as I turn to face the lake once more, taking in every detail to remember forever.

We take each other's hands and walk back home as the frozen lake stays behind, forever preserved in our memories.


About the Creator

Brianna Kot

I constantly make up stories in my mind and writing helps release all the thoughts that pile on top of one another.

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    Brianna KotWritten by Brianna Kot

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