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A History of an Earth

Part II

By sean diamondPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
© Google Earth

Part II

Chapter 1


Although the Ra confederation was an egalitarian society, stratification occurred naturally. Species intermingled and worked cooperatively at all levels and generally domiciled together in large apartment complexes or villages with separate housing. The new arrivals were an exception. Finding solace by retaining their independence, living predominantly in their near-surface bases. This group became known as the undergrounders, the Til.

The auto stratification of society was generally species based. Its impetus lay in the species relative abilities to contribute to the growth of society, spiritually and technologically. Most species had some form of telekinetic abilities and though encouraged and rigorously trained in these skills by the Ra, many needed a spoken and written language to communicate. The three species that dominated scientific and spiritual endeavours could be considered the elite. Their cosmic vibration was, due to natural alignment and expression of their DNA, higher and more expansive than the others. Their abilities and therefore contribution to society was more impactful than those of lower vibration. The three races, in order of vibration were; Ra, H and D. H being the spirit guides and D acting more as the constabulary due to their heightened aggressive streak. D did eat fish but not land-dwelling beings. P was the next highest and led the way in verbal and written communication for the other low functioning telepaths.

The Til, using their telepathic abilities could easily manipulate the lower vibration beings. When opportunity arose, they would, as clandestinely as possible, selectively overcome the minds of these beings. Often convinced it was their own free will at work, a P might find himself lost deep underground for no apparent reason. The Til, waiting in silence and under the cover of darkness would quickly overpower and devour them.

It was not the ideal situation for the Til. They accepted their life like this as a stop gap before they find and leverage an opportunity to live openly in their own power, with their own systems on the surface. It was all a bit too much for them to have to be polite and conciliatory all the time up there.

Chapter 2


There was one race of peoples that lived completely separately to Ra and the others of the lowlands. They lived in their own lands on a huge island in the oceans. Whilst easily manipulated telepathically they were fierce, strong fighters and were not easy prey. They were the people of Mu.

Mu interacted frequently with the Ra confederation through trade and some social intermingling. They too devoured meat, less often and less aggressively than the Til, often opting for fish rather than capture and slaughter creatures that lived in the wilds of their lands.

The Mu society did have technology. Comparatively primitive when considered next to the Ra, the technology related to cooking, heating and generally assisted with day-to-day living. Whilst they studied the stars, moon and planetary cycles with a deep, ancient understanding. They were not, however anywhere near close to space faring. Their travel across the planet was achieved by wind powered sailing ships. These too had been technologically enhanced by Ra with stronger, more efficient fabrics for sails, ropes and fixings. They also assisted Mu in streamlining designs for faster, more efficient and safer travel. It is highly probable and more than likely that, without the thousands of years of influence from the Ra society, the peoples of Mu would still be living a very primitive existence in caves.

For the Mu, having a good grasp on the production of various metals and natural materials made their civilisation relatively comfortable. Overall, however they could be considered, generally, agrarian. Much of their knowledge had been acquired over the centuries through the unbalanced trade with Ra. Unbalanced trade meant, for the Mu at least meant that for every trade item they had to offer, Ra would generously over compensate them with far more value than they could ever hope to offer. This value often went as far as, for example, in a trade of goods Ra would project; “why do you need this from us? let us show you how to make it yourselves so you can independently grow in your own power.

The Til found it interesting that when they managed to occupy the minds of the Mu they would often sense strong emotions they did not quite understand. The Til found it intriguing that the Mu seemed to have aspirations above their vibratory class/cache… Eventually, with more familiarity they would come to understand these emotions as jealousy, envy and desire for control. This was one reason for the Mu’s inability to work collaboratively with Ra. It was also their psychophysical barrier to expand their consciousness to the level of Ra. They clearly had most, if not all the faculties and latent abilities of the Ra, yet the strong emotions proved too perilous a ravine to cross.

Chapter 3

The Unexpected

Monitor of the spaces in between worlds has reported unusual trajectory of a significant craft emanating from the wandering red planet beyond the orbit of Mars.

Ra deliberately avoids this planet as do other beings that can read a civilisations aura from deep in space. The readings, through both the enhanced remote viewing portal and the deep space aura-sensing unit were as close to “dangerous” as any negatively oriented planet measured has achieved.

Avoid at all cost had been the rule for the large red planet, Marduk. Occupied by a highly technologically and telekinetically advanced species. An aggressive, unsympathetic race known for its absolute domination of other species through war and subsequent enslavement of the peoples.

They are a hierarchical structured society with a single ruler, or king. On top of being extremely disciplined they are a militarily hardened race that generally kept to themselves unless provoked. Provocation generally ended in annihilation of the offending race in one form or another, usually obliteration or, on a good day, enslavement and loss of civilization.

An unfamiliar emotive reading was achieved of the craft by the Ra priesthood. They sensed it coming directly from the crafts control room. It was a flight of desperation, not aggression. They shall be monitored until out of range. “Absolutely no communication” the directive is given to all Ra craft and outposts. Safety field operations (force fields) must make a hole if the ship attempts to cross their sector, clear a dark, silent passage. They should be gone soon enough.

Except they’re trajectory now intercepts Earth orbit.

That is the first ship from that planet ever to attempt the dangerous navigation of the asteroid belt just passed Mars, the only way to access the inner solar system. This fact alone had been a considerable advantage during the evolution of species on Earth. Making the inner solar system relatively inaccessible to space faring beings by the almost impenetrable asteroid belt and the associated dangers with its attempted navigation. This inaccessibility and knowledge that there were myriad easier places to go created a kind of evolutionary space ‘bubble”. It was in this bubble that the Ra had many thousands of years of undisturbed evolution, unfettered by the influences of galactic trade and colonisation. This unique evolutionary advantage, whilst not unprecedented in the cosmos certainly ticked all the right boxes for the physical and spiritual transformation of the Ra into the spiritual powerhouse they were today.

50 personnel on board. One ship with an aura of hurried desperate hope, tinged with slight fear of reprisals from the home planet. This is not an attack, or even a scouting party.

Their home planet a reduced atmosphere density. Recent volcanic activity was induced through nuclear detonations. This only polluted the atmosphere without increasing density. From a timeline analysis is would appear the perpetrators of that event are on this ship, probably fleeing treason charges. If we give them sanctuary, we may be caught up in their domestic politics.

Commander of Space, Ra will give the green light, allow them to land and immediately send them on their way after they are fully re-supplied. Of course, they may not even make it through the asteroid belt. Their technology utilises the masculine brute force of fire for obliteration of targets. A completely different approach to the Ra ships that slide and weave through the energy vortexes existing between asteroids. If they do not completely destroy an asteroid on the initial assault, they must then battle the dangerous and erratic debris field created by the explosion.

Chapter 4


Earth’s atmosphere, whilst chemically slightly different than that of today, with a higher concentration of oxygen, was far thinner than that of their home plant, Marduk.

The attitude of approach to the surface for landing was not adjusted for the different atmospheric conditions of the planet. As such, the craft entered Earth’s atmosphere at a velocity more akin to that of a wayward meteor. The resulting friction of the high velocity air particles sliding against the incredibly hard but smooth metallic alloy of the ships skin caused the leading half of the huge, circular craft to turn immediately white hot. The force field protection of the ship was tuned to electromagnetic interference and large object deflection rather than the flow of an immersive environment so offered little to no protection to the craft.

Time for a quick attitude adjustment whilst the thrusters were still active was all the occupants had. It was enough, barely, to ensure the impact with the surface of the planet was at an angle that caused the crash to be survivable. The craft skipped like a giant stone on a pond for hundreds of miles, initially in a desert, before coming to a violent steaming, smouldering stop in some shallow water. The craft, incredibly, was still intact.

The occupants of the craft, now in shocked disbelief that they had survived did not sense the etheric arrival of the Ra high priest, commander of space Ra was able to freely absorb their innermost thoughts and reactions to the event and gleaned much about the situation before presenting himself as a visceral telepathic holograph to the survivors.

Ra relayed the thoughts instantly through the telepathic enhancement technology they had made ubiquitous to those that have the ability to connect with it. Around the planet. Many beings tuned in including, of course the high council, each in their respective temple abodes or place of day-to-day activities across the landscape that their civilisation occupied.

The Anu aboard were now emitting, as close as their engrained cultural conditioning would allow a feeling of excitement. Not only had they survived the crash, they had successfully navigated the never attempted asteroid belt. Beyond the belt, Earth had appeared almost instantly on their scanners. At the time, this had been the commander, Enki’s salvation and filled him with certainty that he would now be welcomed home a hero…. He had found the mythical planet, Tiamat in the inner solar system, as long as the rest of the myth was true; that she was a water planet with gold in her veins, his plan could work... For thousands of years his civilization had spoken of this mythical sphere in space.

Tiamt, the fourth planet born from the sun was a sparkling goddess. She circled the sun with other gods for millions of years, until Marduk arrived. A rogue, violent and headstrong. He wanted to rule the solar system. when one of the three of moons of Maduk had smashed into Tiamat on a usual orbital transit into the solar system. Tiamts orbit was, at that time located beyond Mars when viewed from the suns central point.

Whist the impact of Maduks moon on Tiamat was devastating, halting Tiamat’s spiritual and vibrational evolution for a time and reliquefying much of her surface it was not a fatal blow. That blow would occur 3600 years later on Marduks next transit of the solar system.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

sean diamond

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