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A Green Light

What leads me in the right direction!

By J.W. BairdPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

What leads me in the right direction!

I just wish life at times was a bit more simpler.

Like when we were younger and played red light green light.

It is a basic concept that everyone knows. Red light means stop, and green light means go.

Life becomes a bit harder as you continue to grow.

Not knowing what to do, or which path to choose.

Learning through our ups and down while we win, or if we lose.

Some of us prosper while others drown their sorrows with booze.

Do I choose left or right? Do I go up or down? Do I stay in this town, or move far from home?

I search for my happiness at each and every turn.

Hoping one day I will finally learn. What is my life's purpose, and why was I born?

Every day I wake up constantly feeling torn.

As I walk through the streets in this valley... somedays filled with hope and other days filled with despair.

Some days my head is amongst the clouds while other days I feel as if life isn't fair.

There have been many bumps and curves along the road.

As long as you get back up after being knocked down is a sign of strength. At least that is what I have been told.

To take bold actions, and to continue to fight when I feel weak.

This has been what I have needed to do to get back on my feet.

So, I push on through the struggles during the day and the darkness that follows at night.

With thoughts that one day that infamous green light will be found within my sight!

Sometimes I think I see it in the distance, a haze or a fog encouraging me to walk within its essence.

Like a magical realm with its bright and vibrant bioluminescence. A glow that will never be forgettable.

Its subliminal pull tugging at my inner soul. Saying don’t stop continue to go!

This is just one of the colors we see when we look at a rainbow or look up at the night sky in awe of the aurora borealis.

What is the meaning, or its significance? Is it just another bent wave on the color spectrum, a refraction of light, or electricity charged particles colliding with the earth gases?

Then what is it really that gives us the might that we need to continue to fight?

Many people like to associate green with money, but when I asked my friend Merriam Webster what her definition of Green implied, she told me it was alluring and pleasant.

It represented to her a fresh new start.

In many cultures around the world green reminds us of Mother Earth.

Some hold her as being sacred, as she is a bringer of life. The earth is filled with green trees that provide us air to breathe. Plants and herbs that bring us medicinal powers of healing.

I remember growing up I loved to walk around barefoot. Some say it brings us closer to Mother Earth.

People all around the world travel to spend time outdoors. To breath in the fresh air and rejuvenate from the stresses that drag us down in life.

So, whatever the importance behind this green light that calls me, that whispers my name as the winds breeze blows in. It brings only good vibes.

Like the soothing sounds of crashing waves as they roll in along the beach shore.

I implore you to think back to when you were a child and played that simple game of red light green light.

Next time you see a soft glimmer or subtle hint of a green glow. Remember red light means stop, and green light means go!


About the Creator

J.W. Baird

Who Am I?

I keep asking myself. I spent half of my life as a single mother. Pushing myself to be the strong independent individual that I have always been. My kids have grown and my life seems turned upside down.

I now search to find myself!

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