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A Coincidental Love Story

Avin and Vidya's journey of love and understanding

By MaheshhPublished about a year ago 4 min read
A Coincidental Love Story
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Vidya and Avin met in a hotel where she was staying for her studies. Vidya was a gynaecologist in training and Avin was a cardiologist, both were from India and had moved to America for their studies. They were both Tamil and had a deep understanding of each other's culture and values. They quickly became friends and started to spend more time together, they found that they had a strong connection.

Vidya's life had not been easy, her mother had passed away when she was young, and her father had remarried. Unfortunately, her stepmother had been cruel and had made her life difficult. Vidya had been forced to move out and make a life for herself on her own. Despite this, she had never let the hardships she faced define her. Instead, she had channeled her energy into becoming a successful doctor and helping other women who were going through similar struggles.

Avin, on the other hand, was an orphan. He had grown up in foster care and had always longed for a family of his own. Despite his difficult past, he had never let it stop him from pursuing his dreams. He had always known that he wanted to become a doctor and had worked tirelessly to make it happen.

As they spent more time together, Avin started to notice that Vidya was often jealous when he spoke to other people. He didn't understand why, but he knew that she was hiding something from him. One day, while they were sitting in the park, Vidya broke down in tears. Avin asked her what was wrong, and she finally told him about her past and the hardships she had faced. Avin listened with tears in his eyes and felt a deep sense of empathy for her. He knew that she had been through so much and had come out stronger for it.

When she finished her story, Avin wrapped his arms around her and said "I love you, Vidya. I love you for who you are and I will always be here for you." Vidya looked up at him with tears in her eyes and knew that he truly meant it. She felt a sense of relief wash over her, knowing that she had someone who truly cared for her and understood her.

From that day on, Avin and Vidya's relationship deepened. They started to make plans for their future together, and they knew that they would face any challenges that came their way as long as they had each other. They graduated from medical school and began their careers as doctors, always supporting each other and growing stronger together.

Their love story might have begun as a coincidence, but it turned into something beautiful and real. They were each other's rock, and they knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what life threw at them. They were truly blessed to have found each other, and their love continued to grow stronger with each passing day.

As they settled into their careers, Avin and Vidya decided to start a family of their own. Vidya, being a gynaecologist, was able to guide them through the process of conception and Avin was the constant support. They were overjoyed when they found out that they were expecting a baby. Throughout the pregnancy, they were both excited and nervous but they knew they had each other's back.

Their love only grew stronger as they watched their baby grow inside of Vidya. They would often sit and talk about their future as a family and all the things they wanted to teach their child. They were determined to provide a loving and stable home for their child, something that they both had missed out on in their own childhoods.

Finally, the day of the delivery arrived and both Avin and Vidya were filled with a mix of emotions. Avin was there with Vidya during the labor and delivery, holding her hand and encouraging her every step of the way. When their baby was born, they were both in tears as they held their precious little bundle of joy. They knew that from that moment on, their lives would never be the same.

Their child brought a new dimension to their relationship, and they were able to see each other in a whole new light. They were proud of each other for the loving and caring parents they had become. They knew that they had come a long way from the day they had met in the hotel room and they were grateful to have found each other.

Avin and Vidya's love story was one of strength, resilience and a deep understanding of each other. They had faced many challenges together and had come out stronger for it. They knew that their love would continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and they were looking forward to building a beautiful life together, as a family.

familyYoung AdultShort StoryLove

About the Creator


Hello, my name is Mahesh. I am a creative individual and I enjoy creating stories, such as ghost stories and fiction. I would like to share my stories and I hope that you will take the time to read them. Thank you.

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