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A Brick

Chapter 34

By Ann Published 2 years ago 12 min read

Caesar again, the boy dares to go. Jin Shaoyan listened to this place also headache, he said carefully: "How are you going to go?"

"Take a two-wheeled ride."

Jin Shaoyan rolled his eyes and looked as if he was going to faint.

I smiled and said, "I'm joking with you. Don't worry. If he really wants to reconcile with me, I'll borrow the donkey, so that we can be friends in the future."

"I'll drive you there tomorrow."

"No, if you run into him in the parking lot again, it'll be driverless." I lit a cigarette and said: "You boy finally not confused home, understand the good."

"Johnny, do you know why he and I are so different even though it's only five days?" said Kim Shaoyan.

I was intrigued and asked, "What's going on?"

Jin Shaoyan said with a wry smile: "In fact, after my death, my soul floated in the sun for three more days before it was taken back, and I was lucky enough to witness my own funeral, and I saw my 80-year-old grandmother giving away her hair, and my parents were very powerful people, and I had never seen them laugh in my whole life, and I thought they didn't love me, but I saw them crying their hearts out, and then I knew, Family is family, irreplaceable, I was too naive."

"And my so-called friends, who came to my funeral more to show off their acting skills, got out of the car and put eye drops in their eyes, or even pepper oil."

One of the most popular actresses almost signed up for an expedition to the South Pole to get away from it. The most ridiculous thing is that most of the women who came here were unknown to me. After attending the funeral, they flocked to steal the cameras of the reporters present, all claiming to be my confidant. Some of them can go into detail. I'm just thankful they didn't hire a couple of kids to jump on my body and call me daddy."

When I heard this, I couldn't help laughing. Jin gave me a glare and continued, "After all this, people can't stay the same. That's when I realized I didn't even have a friend." Finally, Jin Shaoyan concludes with deep emotion, "Rich people don't have any good things!"

After I got back to my room, I met another happy event. Although the management here was strict, I was still harassed to varying degrees. When the phone called, the woman there asked me with the same voice: Sir, do you want to help?

I answered the first two. The third phone came in and the Baozi grabbed it. As soon as the other side spoke, she asked him fiercely: "How much?" The woman exclaimed and hung up the phone, the fourth came in after the steamed stuffed bun processing, thought it would scare each other, who knows the woman more ruthless: "electric stick is I take or own? !" The fearless steamed stuffed bun exclaimed and hung up the phone.

The next day I went to the appointment before Jin Shaoyan has called someone to send me a suit, I took a taxi to Caesar opposite, and then walked over, the last car boy actually know me, inkindly said to me: "Jin Shaoyan has been waiting for you."

I look at the watch is not yet twelve o 'clock, it is difficult for this boy to wait for someone, it seems quite sincere. As soon as I walked in, I saw him sitting where we had sat last time. When he saw me, he stopped a waiter and asked him to take me to him.

Why don't you just yell? Looks like Kim 1's aristocratic plot doesn't fade so easily.

Jin Shaoyan looked at me dressed straight, nodded with satisfaction, and said to me: "I thought you would wear yesterday's body, I am ready to embarrass."

I sat down and said, "This is called killing in the head. Yesterday was yesterday. Today it is not kind to do that."

At this time, the waiter who ordered for us last time came to us with a smile. He probably thought that Jin Shaoyan was a very easygoing person who could make fun of him since last time. He said with a smile: "Jin Shaoyan, do you still drink three grains of liquid today?"

Jin Shaoyan first froze for a moment, and then said darkly: "Go and call your manager, Caesar's people are so unruly?" Waiter see Jin Shaoyan no joking meaning, face suddenly green, if received Jin Shaoyan this level of customer complaints, his job lost.

I quickly made a switch to divert the topic. Jin Shaoyan, still angry, said, "Everyone here is very strange today. When I parked, the valet asked me why my group of friends didn't come.

When the bright and smooth red wine and green and refreshing vegetables came, Jin Shaoyan's mood improved. I used the knife and fork harmoniously under the guidance of Jin 2. Jin Shaoyan was surprised and said, "I never thought you could be gentle.

I said: "Why do you all want to use a 'like' word, I am."

Jin Shaoyan did not pay attention to the last part of the sentence, he asked curiously: "You? Who else said that?" Fortunately, he didn't really want to know. "How do you know that 'repeat failure' will win?" he pressed me.

I approached him mysteriously and said, "In fact, I can look at horses..."

Jin Shaoyan was seduced by me to come together, said: "Can you tell me?"

I said, "Look at that horse, 'Every failure'..." Then I remembered what I know about horses! As Jin Shaoyan moved closer, I could only say, "Look at that horse... He's as long as a mule. There's no reason he can't run fast!"

Well, don't blame me, I don't know who learned that sentence, he said to praise a horse, have to say it looks like a mule.

Jin Shaoyan leng for a moment, think of this I have said before, fierce laugh: "You are too humorous, know why I like you? Even if you were a horse God, I wouldn't need you to help me make money. I like you because you remind me of my grandmother."

In the earphone, Kim 2 laughed and said, "After he said it, I just remembered that it does mean something like that."

I was dumbstruck and said, "Damn it, you've been thinking all night about getting back at me like that?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about looks. My grandmother is a lovely old lady, until now she only eats her own food, calls the toilet a hut, points at my nose and calls me a son of a bitch when she is angry, and doesn't care whether my parents are there or not. I think you are very similar." Jin Shaoyan speaks of his grandmother with a natural tenderness and attachment in his face. I think if he had lived with his grandmother all the time, he would not have become what he is today.

'She's eighty years old in three days' time, and I hope you'll be there. She'll like you, and a lot of my friends are interested in horse racing. They've heard a lot about you now. Jin Shaoyan still has a word not to say: he clearly is to help me, picked me up from the bottom of the working people and threw me directly into their circle - a circle full of white eyed wolves.

This time, I didn't need to be taught by Kim 2. I said, "I'd love to. I'll send her a gift if she likes anything."

Jin Shaoyan waved his hand: "You go on the line, 17 at 10 a.m., you come to my office to see me." "He said, picking up the cloth and wiping his mouth." I've already paid for it. Enjoy yourself. After he left, Jin Shaoyan No. 2 said excitedly, "I was driving from a hotel to a villa in the suburbs on the 17th when the accident happened. If he could have left from his office, it would have been much safer."

I leisurely said: "Now you should not give me the half deposit, two point five million."

"You are so close to success anyway," said Jin Shaoyan. "What does it matter if you wait two or three days?

I put down the gentleman's shelf, shouted into the phone: "Then you pay my phone bill for this month!"

For the other two days, we camped out in the hotel, and during the day I occasionally (!) I went to see the shop and played with Liu Bang all night long, sometimes playing mahjong, mouse mouse, sometimes playing gold fraud, Niuniuniu, sometimes playing landlord, Huhuhu... Sometimes play soo ha, pig pig pig (don't understand this paragraph to see Hengyuanxiang's latest advertisement).

And Li Shi Shi need to be familiar with to reverse the situation is different, Liu Bang no matter what to play, a master can kill the quartet, and together with them, always make me think of the kind of idle and heartless days before.

These two days Jin Shaoyan let Bao Zi open his car to go to work, Bao Zi had no confidence in his driving skills, Jin Shaoyan said: the car casually hit, nothing on the line. This is exactly the opposite of what the steamed stuffed bun is worried about, Jin Shaoyan said, Bao Zi driving his car to fly the clouds unexpectedly unharmed. Open the Ferrari to the bun shop as a welcome, steamed bun life is quite YY.

16 evening, Jin Shaoyan at the table to drink a lot of wine, said a lot of baffling words, everyone saw that something was wrong, my heart is also very uncomfortable, stood up and said: "to tell you something, tomorrow Shaoyan will go abroad, do not know when to come back, today after drinking this cup of parting wine, we are destined to see each other.

I hate this saying. In the future, it will be easy to meet Jin Shaoyan, but it will be impossible to drink Maotai with jam, eat barbecue at a stall and discuss liquid condoms with him.

I just finished this sentence, Li Shi Shi staring eyes, I can see her eyes of astonishment and loss, Jin Shaoyan stumbled out of the table, I followed him out, Jin Shaoyan sitting on the stairs of the hotel, red face, see me come over, said to me: "There is smoke?"

We both smoked the soft white sand, Jin Shaoyan rubbed his face, his voice hoarse said: "I most reluctant to you and Xiao Nan, I will miss them, have time to take brother to check the blood sugar -"

I reluctantly smiled: "You say the opposite, the most reluctant Xiao Nan is really."

Jin Shaoyan burst into sobs. He buried his head between his legs and hissed: "I really want to have a brother like you."

I hugged him, eyes also a little uncomfortable, said: "Tomorrow after John brother save you will often look for you, we will still be brothers."

Jin Shaoyan said painfully: "Strong brother you have not thought, if the disappearance of this memory, I am not me, and became the domineering bastard."

"I'll help you, just in case you behave like that again."

"We have been together for so long, I don't know what to give you except money. I bought it for her from the shop where the steamed buns work, but I'm afraid it will ruin your happiness now. You should treat her well. You can take her to a plastic surgery when you're rich."

I also can not help smiling, said: "You have what 'last words' to account, all said it."

Jin Shaoyan pulled me up and said with twinkling stars in his eyes, "My last request -- strong brother, you must introduce me and Xiao Nan to know!"

I hit the lighter hard on his head, he held his head aggrieved and said: "You are not even this little thing do not agree?"

I sighed: "Do you know who Xiao Nan is?"

Jin Shaoyan immediately understood what I was talking about. "Who is it?" he asked in a trembling voice.

"Her real name is Shi Shi Li."

Jin Shaoyanhao is unmoved: "So what, I really like her, I will even marry her."

"That's why I can't introduce you again. She's only been around for a year, so whether you dump her or she leaves you early, it hurts."

Jin Shaoyan groaned sadly and said, "How can I suffer so much?"

The next day we went out together, 9:40, we went to the Jinting building, he hid a safe place after I only on the 16th floor, Ruhua told me that Jin Shaoyan did not come to the company today, I looked at the watch, five minutes have passed, I sweat, directly called Jin 1, the phone rang for a long time before Jin 1 picked up, I talked to him for a long time before he remembered who I am, Suddenly he said, "I forgot all about it. Now, if you come to the Regent Hotel, wait for me at the gate. I'll be right down."

Fortunately, the situation was under control, but when I told Jin Shaoyan the news, his face turned white and he said with a shiver, "It was from Regent that my accident started... It's also 10 o 'clock. I can't believe we've come such a long way and we're back where we started."

I pulled Jin Shaoyan ran: "Rejing is not far from here, we still have time."

When we panting ran to the regent, at a sight saw the car that sent Jin Shaoyan culprit: Polshe 911, gold 2 stay in the corner, we keep the phone contact, I walked into the hall of the Regent, is seeing Jin Shaoyan No. 1 face red walked downstairs, I went up to lift a sniff, asked him: "you drink?"

He said, "I just drank two glasses of foreign wine."

"What do you drink early in the morning?"

He laughed lewdly. "You don't know," he said. "Wine can sometimes act as an aphrodisiac." Looks like he spent yesterday with some little actress like Dogtail Flower, and he's in the ascendance again this morning.

Jin Shaoyan went straight to his car, looking easy to walk, I caught up to pull his arm and said: "Jin Shaoyan, drink wine don't drive." He didn't take it seriously and thought I was just trying to please him. He said with a smile, "It's OK. You can take my car and go with me.

By this time he was out on the steps, his hand went up, 911 snorted again, and the inner lock was open. This time I grabbed him hard: "Jin Shao, let's take a taxi." Jin Shaoyan easily shrugged me off, tone is also very kind: "I'm really fine." When we were less than one meter away from the car, Kim 2 was so anxious that he shouted into my earphone, "Stop him!"

I use the whole body to catch Jin Shaoyan, decisively said: "today I have in you don't want to get on!" Jin Shaoyan is a little hairy, shouted: "Let go! I'm so angry!" See I did not move, he completely angry, after elbow a sweep, a kick on the foot, I was black and blue by him kicked on the steps, Jin Shaoyan side pull the door pointed at me to scold: "You really put yourself as a dish, to put it bluntly you his mother is a clown, I take you happy, give me roll!

With one of his hands already on the door, King2 shouted, "Do something, he's dead as soon as he gets in the car!"

I sit up half and don't look for anger. My eyes see in it - it is too clean to see any brick. Jin Shaoyan has already opened the door and stepped into the car with one leg.

I take it, a few steps have come to the back of Jin Shaoyan, he did not notice, I suddenly shouted: "board brick!"

Crash, my mobile phone was broken by me on the back of the head of Jin Shaoyan, he was silent on the ground.

After this, I nervously looked back at Kim 2. He was behind a wall, so I could still see him, and he was giving me a thumbs-up.

Like I said, I've never seen anyone hit themselves so hard. I really suspected that he had set it up as a trap, and that the real purpose was to get me to murder his twin brother who was robbing his property.


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