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4 best friends in winter


By Jovi_iskaPublished 25 days ago 1 min read

In a small village covered with a layer of white snow, there are four friends named : Maya, Rizki, Budi and Ani.

They couldn't wait for the day off from school to play outside.

When the cold morning arrived, they all met at the park.

They quickly put on thick jackets, gloves and hats and ran out to Ani's back garden.

They brought their shovels and made a big pile of snow.

After a few hours, they had created a magnificent snow castle, complete with stairs and windows.

However, suddenly the sky starts to darken and the wind picks up. They realized that a snowstorm was coming.

Quickly, they ran to Ani's house and grabbed blankets and hot chocolate from the kitchen.

They all gathered inside the house and gazed out through the window as they watched the snowstorm worsen outside.

While enjoying the hot chocolate, they talked about their adventures today and planned to build another snow castle when the weather got better.

Although the snowstorm put a stop to their adventures today, they knew that together they could overcome anything.


About the Creator


The happiness we feel is not complete until we feel the happiness that comes from experiencing the beauty of nature.

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