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In a world where resources are scarce, sometimes the most precious things are the smallest and hardest to find. Fortunately with enough credits it was possible to get whatever perfection one sought for.

By Omar SchrayterPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

The elevator doors finally opened, and she stepped out. She was greeted by a warm burst of light and the sounds of bird singing. A bee flew in front of her and momentarily hovered, possible wondering if she was some kind of flower. Which she was most definitely not. She held back the urge to swat it away knowing that it meant no harm. Even so it was annoying. Eventually it got bored and headed off to find something to drink. A flower perhaps.

Of which there were plenty. She had entered a greenhouse. One of seven large ones that were situated below ground under Virginus. The mega city above. Each of the greenhouses was about two acres in size. There were actually eight in total if you counted the central one that connected them all. While these greenhouses had tall ceilings the central one was twice as high. As it also functioned as the collectors private. At least the upper portion did. The lower area was where he kept his most prized varieties.

The air was warm but not overbearing as it was on the surface. Even though the light was simulated it was convincingly real. Unlike the surface the air was also somewhat humid. She looked over at a water condenser and watched as beads of water trickle down its smooth surface into a pool below it. Its surface was comprised of many small hexagons only a few millimeters in size. Helping pull the water from the air. The collector was one of many that was used to recycle and reuse the water which was a precious commodity in itself. Worth almost as much as the different variations of plants which were in fact priceless.

She in fact didn’t mind the walk through the greenhouse. The air was filled with the sweet smell of fragrant flowers. There were four tables in total that went the full length of the greenhouse. Each table was filled with a multitude of flowering plants. There were Orchids in pinks, purples, whites and blues. There were varieties of rose bushes that were filled with large blooms. A few of them were climbing types that stretched up and over arches that went from one side of the greenhouse to the other. It created a beautiful scene. There were different shades of lilies and lilac bushes filled with varying hues of purples.

She entered the center greenhouse and was surprised to see the collector at a couple of bee hives. He was without a suit or any protection whatsoever and was gently scooping handfuls of bees from one hive into another. He was an older man with short grey hair. Somewhat thin but no where near feeble or unhealthy. His wrinkled skin was quite tan. Not from the harsh sun above but the constant light in the greenhouses.

She glanced across the room to a table that had amber jars of fresh honey on it. It had been awhile since she had honey but that wasn’t what she had come here for. She turned her attention back to the collector and could hear him mumbling something under his breath. Talking to the bees perhaps. She walked closer and could hear him better. If he was talking to the bees he wasn’t being nice.

“Trouble?” She asked.

“No. Little bastards are running out of room. Time for a split.” She smiled, knowing how upset he must be. But was it really so bad his bees were doing so well that they were thriving? She walked across the room and picked up one of the jars of honey. She held it up to the light and looked at the amber liquid both in admiration and awe. The bees here were not anatomical creations. Not little drones programmed to mimic the real thing. But like the flowers and plants they were the real thing.

Here in the confines of the greenhouses they were safe. Cared for. They had no enemies that would attack and destroy their hives. Of which there were once many. If it wasn’t a natural enemy it was man. She placed the expensive jar of honey back down and looked around.

Amongst the greenhouses there were also a wide verities of butterflies. One of which landed on the back of her hand. She watched as its blue iridescent wings fluttered back and forth.

“Guess she likes you.” The collector said walking over to her. A moment later the butterfly like the bee took back to the air and headed off. She was envious of its ability to fly where it wanted. Even if it was only limited to within the confines of the greenhouses. Only an illusion. She wondered if it felt free. If it was content living there where it was safe.

Maybe it was far from a blessing but more of a curse. To be able to fly anywhere but be limited. To be trapped. Even if it was for the better. She could almost relate. Herself feeling like a prisoner at times. Sure she could go wherever she wanted. But there were always limits. Always places out of reach to her.

“So have you giving any thought to what you want?”

“I’ll know it when I see it.”

“Ok. Let me show you what I have.” He said holding his hand out towards another section of the greenhouse. She looked at him curiously noticing a flower in his hand. He looked over at it forgetting he held it no doubt.

“Oh!” Have you seen a hummingbird before?” He asked and held up his hand which had the flower in it. “It’s a Mimosa bloom.” He replied before she could ask what it was. It resembled more of a powder brush than a flower. It was a soft looking flower with many hairs that grew from it. They were each white near the flowers base and turned pink. Each one of the hairs was tipped by a little yellow dot of pollen. It was had a sweet fragrant smell. It looked like it would have grown on an alien world perhaps.

She was startled as a small bird suddenly appeared. Its wings flapping back and forth rapidly. The bird was almost iridescent. It had a stunning pink around its head and the rest of its body a silver and green. It drank some of the mimosas nectar, placing its long thin bill on one of the dots of pollen. Just as fast as it had appeared it disappeared.

“What about this?” He asked, handing her the bloom. “The rest of the tree looks like a fern.” He said pointing to a tree filled with similar flowers. She smelled the flower and it tickled her nose. It did smell sweet and was quite stunning. But it was not what she was looking for.

“I don’t think so.”

“Very well follow me. Did you see anything you may like on your walk in?”

“There were a few I liked but nothing really what I was hoping to find.”

“Well. I have many more verities still in cold storage. What you see here is only a fraction of what I can produce.”

“If I see something else I like you will be able to grow a substantial amount in time?” He stopped in his tracks and looked over at her smiling.

“What do you think? I can grow anything in a fraction of the time it used to take.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“It’s takes much more than that to offend me. Perhaps you just don’t know. This is not your specialty is it?” It wasn’t and he knew that. She smiled sheepishly as they continued towards the center of the greenhouse.

“You have an internal com?” He asked. She nodded in response as they stepped onto an empty circular platform. The platform activated as they approached the middle of it. The floor suddenly becoming a bright white as a beam of light encircled them. Drowning out anything beyond. You will have to allow us permission.” She momentarily shut her eyes and a series of numbers appeared. Crossing over her eyelids. Her internal com was highly encrypted, and it took her a few moments before he was able to access it.

Not even a second later the light around her changed and she was staring at a flower in front of her. It was odd but she couldn’t focus on anything else. Anything beyond. Simple the flower in front of her. She felt no shock or worry however as she was fully accustomed to a multitude of virtual constructs. For she knew that was where she was.

The flower she was looking at was the reddest rose she had ever seen. It smelled crisp and fresh. It was not a bush but a single cut rose that hovered on the air in front of her. Its green leaves and thorns daring her to touch it. She reached towards it only to quickly pull her hand away startled by a voice.

“Simple. Classic. Nothing more romantic than a red rose.” The voice said. She looked over as he materialized nearby.

“True. But not exactly what I’m looking for.”

“Well than. How about this.” He said, as the rose changes to a stunning glowing flower. “A desert bloom. Are you familiar with them?”

“I am. Although I have never seen one in person.” She said picking the large bloom up in her hand. It was breathtaking She held it to her nose and inhaled deeply. It was one of the sweetest most fragrant smells she had ever smelled.

“The blooms only glow one night unless they are plucked from their giant stalks. They appear at random all over the wastes. Even I have a hard time unlocking their secrets.” She sighed and let the bloom go. It floated back to centralized location.

“No. Although I love it. No.”

“Very well. Lets continue.” He said, as the flower changed to another. And another and another. Hours went by as they went from one variation to another. Finally there was one which took her interest. She looked at it for a while before finally reaching out and picking it up. She smelled it and immediately crinkled her nose. It was an earthy musky scent. Nothing fragrant like the rose, mimosas, or bloom.

“Not the best scent is it?” He asked chuckling. She let it go and it returned to the center. A moment later it was gone. Changed into yet another flower. She looked at the new flower and said nothing. “Is this the one?” He asked. She looked over at him and smiled.

“No. Go back to the last one.” She said. He looked at her like she was crazy. After all why would she want that one? It didn’t glow. It smelled like wet Earth. He thought momentarily before he obliged and changed the flower back to the previous one. She picked it up and turned it in her hand, examining its many intricately layered petals for quite some time. It’s smell aside, it was a brilliant dispel of orange hues. A plump round flower. One that was different enough that it was beautiful.

He couldn’t help bit smile. He knew that was the flower that she was going to pick. That that marigold flower was it. For whatever reason it was the one that caught here attention. Perfection and beauty was definitely in the eye of the beholder. Now all he had to do was just grow enough.

Short Story

About the Creator

Omar Schrayter

Bored with the daily strife of high school, I spent my time creating a post-apocalyptic TTRPG. Follow me as I launch the game, a series of novels and short stories.


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    Omar SchrayterWritten by Omar Schrayter

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