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Having delivered the piece of chocolate cake, Riley travels through Virginus to pick up Torrent. Only finding things very wrong. Will she find her companion in time for her return trip back to Darwin?

By Omar SchrayterPublished 3 years ago 8 min read



Riley headed back towards the cybernetic district to pick up Torrent. Hopefully he would be finished, and his arm would be reattached, good as new.

It was always perpetual night in the lower levels of the city, and it was awash with lights. Most everything was open twenty-four hours, aside from some of the smaller shops and establishments. Holographic signs danced and changed above there entrances listing there different wares. The signs typically had lettering as well as a visual aid for those in the city who were illiterate. Of which there were many.

Everywhere she looked there were people going about their daily tasks. Vehicles and pedestrians pushed by each other in tight confines. Space down here came at a premium. Even the streets and alleys between were used to capacity. Each one filled with vendors and food carts.

Riley felt a trickle of sweat drip down her brow. For a moment she envied the city’s wealthy who resided in the upper levels. There residences and vehicles all had cooling units to combat the heat, her Runner however did not. Even though the sun never made it this low, it was still hot. A passing drone caught her attention and she watched as it traversed up to the next level through a large open area above her. Not only did it allow drones and levitation vehicles to change levels, but it helped with airflow and circulation. The vehicles aiding in the effect as they moved to and fro.

Riley arrived and parked in a spot out front out front of the building. The vehicle was secured by her communications terminal which she waved over its dash. The vehicles holographic display vanished, and the vehicle shut down. The com was the size of a credit card. Flexible and semitransparent. It had an internal power source and was capable of both audio and visual. It could even project a holographic image above it. It was everything a phone was and more. It was also linked to her biometrics and was only accessible to her. It even had an internal vault chip that could keep all of her credits on it. Encrypted and totally secure.

Before Riley could get to the door she was surrounded by a group of kids. They were all dirty and their clothes were tattered and worn. They also looked like they had not eaten in a while. She tightened her grip on her pistol and utility pouch as they started to tug on her clothes. Although she wanted to be trusting she knew better, especially when they flocked together. Sure enough, they began tugging on her cloths and asked for food. She looked over at one of the nearby food carts when she felt a hand slip into one of her pockets. She quickly grabbed the child’s hand before she could run off. The rest of them quickly ran off leaving the small child behind.

Riley continued to hold the child’s hand as she squirmed and tried to free herself. The child was holding onto Riley’s vault card. The one she had just gotten from dropping off the cube with the piece of chocolate cake in it.

The small child stopped squirming as Riley took the card. She knew she should have transferred its contents over to her com where it would be safer. Unlike her com which was biometrically locked to her the funds on a vault card could easily be transferred to another vault card or com.

The little girl loosened her grip and looked like she was going to cry. When all of a sudden she kicked Riley in the shin, turned and ran away. Riley had to hand it to her, for a small girl she had a strong kick. She regained her composure and quickly checked her things. Everything seemed to still be in its place, and she headed towards the entrance of the cyberneticists shaking her head.

She walked up to the door pad and waved her hand across it. The door slid open, and she entered the kill box. The room was a security measure most establishments in Virginus and the rest of the wasteland had. A necessity considering the rampant crime and lack of police protection. The kill box did exactly what it sounded like. It was a protective barrier that limited the flow of traffic as well as protect whatever valuables may be inside. And this one looked like it was recently used.

Riley’s heart jumped at what she saw. Overhead there were two deployed turrets on each side of the entry door. They were barely attached, dangling and occasionally sending a shower of sparks downward. On the floor around her there were spent casings and a streak of blood that looked like a body was dragged outside. The inner door of the kill box was also slightly ajar. Riley pulled her pistol from her holster and cautiously entered the building.

The room was quite dark, but she still make out what things were. There were a few cybernetic augmentations in cases on the walls but not much else. The rooms defenses were also deployed, its ceiling turrets also disabled and sparking. On the floor there were more expended casings mixed in with large pools of blood. One of the walls was completely covered in blood splatter that luminesced a bright green. Blood that came from cybernetic augmentations.

In the corner of the room she saw a body lying on the floor. She slowly crept over and turned it over. She was relieved that it wasn’t Torrent. She headed towards the back where there the operating theatre and storage area was.

The operating theatre was a mess. Equipment and cybernetic parts were strewn about the room, dislodged from there individual cases. There were glowing blue and green fluids that were dripping onto the floor from canisters meant for procedures. Even the cyberneticist bed was destroyed. Its bundled wires sparking, separated from its rear ports. The operating arms around the bed were severed.

Her heart jumped as she saw another body. This one laying in a pool of blood similar in proportion to Torrent. Her breathing intensified as she walked over fearing the worse. She flipped the body over and breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t him. He wasn’t here. Where was he? Was he dragged out of here? Who would take him? Maybe it were the mercs from the diner? Did they follow them without her knowing? She didn’t know. She pulled out her com and tried to call him. It rang but he didn’t answer. She tried again and again but still nothing. Maybe someone wanted his augs and husked him. She didn’t know what to do. She walked back out of the cyberneticist in a daze. She could go to the police but how much help would they be? She holstered her pistol and returned to the vehicle. She needed to think. The city was massive, and someone could easily disappear in it.

Torrent was all she had. Her only friend. No not just a friend, family. The only family she had, There was one other spot in the city that they frequented. A bar not far away. Perhaps he went there. She scanned the streets looking for him as she drove, searching for any one that may resemble him.

There was nothing. No one. She parked outside and entered the bar. Still no Torrent. Her heart sank even further. She found an empty stool at the bar and was quickly approached by the bartender. She was a full augment that had luminescent tattoos covering her body.

“Have you seen Torrent?”

“No I haven’t. What’s wrong he missing?” She asked. That was enough for Riley to break out in tears. The bartender got her a drink and placed it in front of her. “I’m sure he’s fine. He can take care of himself.” Her words were less than reassuring and Riley took back the drink in front of her. She tried his com again but still got no answer.

She was suddenly startled as someone placed a hand on her shoulder and she heard a familiar voice.

“There you are. I’ve been looking all over the place for you.” She turned her head and could hardly believe it. Torrent was standing behind her with a big smile on his face, his arm reattached as well. “What’s wrong?” He asked noticing her teary eyes. She could hardly contain herself and jumped up giving him a big hug. “Ok. I’m happy to see you too.” She was relieved. She held on for what could have been eternity. “What did I miss?”

“I went to meet you, but the place was trashed an everyone was dead.”

“Wait what? Something must have happened after I left.”

“I tried to com you, but you didn’t answer.”

“That because some little hooligans decided to swipe my com from me.” She looked at him in Disbelief. It was probably the ones that surrounded her when she first got there. “But its ok I got a new one.” He said with a smile. “Why don’t we have a drink.” He held up his hand to get the bartenders attention.

“See. I told you he was fine.” The bartender said grabbing him a drink. Riley didn’t know what to say but she was relieved.

“Oh yeah, remember those mercs that were eyeing us? I forgot to tell you I swiped this off of their vehicle.” Torrent said and placed a relay on top of the bar. Riley smiled and shook her head in disbelief. She wiped another tear from her face and pulled out the package wrapped in brown paper.

“What’s that?”

“Our next job. Guess were heading back to Needles.”

“And I was hoping to get some R&R. What is it?”

“Don’t know. I didn’t ask.”

“So what was in the cube?” Torrent picked up his drink and held it up to her.

“A piece of chocolate cake.” She replied and took a sip of her drink.

Torrent pulled something out of his pocket and placed it on the bar. Riley looked over at him wondering where he had found it. “For you. I found it in one of the markets.” She smiled and picked up the small bottle of hot sauce. It was her favorite kind made from by the family from Needled. Somehow, someway he had come across it. She smiled and hugged him.

It never ceased to amaze her what people would pay to have things transported. But the world was different. Things that were once taken for granted were now sought after. Even the small things were meant to be appreciated. Torrent was her friend and the only family she had. He was more important to her than any of the millions of people that resided in this city. More than a slice of chocolate cake, a suspicious package wrapped in brown paper or even her hot sauce. They ordered another few drinks before heading back out of Virginus. Back towards Darwin. Back towards the next adventure.

Short Story

About the Creator

Omar Schrayter

Bored with the daily strife of high school, I spent my time creating a post-apocalyptic TTRPG. Follow me as I launch the game, a series of novels and short stories.


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    Omar SchrayterWritten by Omar Schrayter

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