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Why is my marriage failing?

But we used to be in love, what happened?

By Oke Oyindamola Published 7 days ago 3 min read

I'm not able to write an article on your personal situation, but I can offer some general advice. Marriage requires effort and communication to succeed. If you're facing challenges, consider seeking counseling or therapy to work through issues together. Remember, every marriage is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Marriages can fail for many reasons. Some common factors include:

1. Lack of communication

2. Financial stress

3. Infidelity

4. Unrealistic expectations

5. Lack of intimacy

6. Differences in values and goals

7. Unresolved conflicts

8. Absence of trust and respect

9. Changing roles and expectations

10. Unwillingness to adapt and grow together

Remember, every situation is unique, and often it's a combination of factors. But, it's important to remember that many marriages succeed and thrive with love, commitment, and effort!

Why did we fall out of love?

Couples can fall out of love for various reasons, including:

1. Drifting apart

2. Lack of quality time together

3. Unresolved conflicts

4. Changing interests and values

5. Unmet emotional needs

6. Infidelity or betrayal

7. Lack of intimacy and affection

8. Unrealistic expectations

9. Unwillingness to evolve and grow together

10. External pressures and stress

Understand that falling out of love doesn't mean the love was false, but rather that the relationship needs attention and effort to rekindle the emotional connection.Children as third parties in marriage can have a significant impact on the relationship between the couple. While children can bring immense joy and fulfillment, they can also create new dynamics and challenges that can strain the marriage.

Children as Third Parties in Marriage.

Some common effects of children on marriage include:

- Reduced quality time between partners

- Increased stress and financial pressure

- Changes in roles and expectations

- Decreased intimacy and emotional connection

- Conflicting parenting styles

- Increased conflict and arguments

However, with effective communication, teamwork, and a commitment to nurturing their relationship, couples can overcome these challenges and build a stronger, more resilient marriage that benefits everyone in the family.

Intimacy is a vital aspect of a healthy marriage! Here are some tips to spice up intimacy in your marriage:

1. Schedule quality time together, just the two of you.

2. Practice meaningful communication and active listening.

3. Surprise each other with small gestures and gifts.

4. Try new things together, like a new hobby or adventure.

5. Set aside device-free time and enjoy each other's company.

6. Show appreciation and gratitude for each other.

7. Rekindle the art of flirting and playful banter.

8. Create a relaxing and intimate atmosphere at home.

9. Take breaks from routine and plan romantic getaways.

10. Prioritize physical touch and affection, like holding hands and cuddling.

Note that intimacy is about emotional connection, vulnerability, and closeness. By prioritizing these aspects, you can strengthen your bond and keep the spark alive!

Family Finances

Managing family finances effectively is crucial for a stable and secure household. Here are some tips to help you manage your family finances:

1. Create a budget: Track income and expenses to understand where your money goes.

2. Set financial goals: Prioritize needs over wants and work towards long-term objectives.

3. Prioritize needs: Ensure essential expenses like rent, utilities, and food are covered.

4. Manage debt: Pay off high-interest loans and credit cards.

5. Build an emergency fund: Save 3-6 months' worth of expenses for unexpected events.

6. Invest wisely: Consider retirement accounts, education funds, and diversified investments.

7. Teach financial literacy: Educate family members about responsible money management.

8. Avoid impulse purchases: Encourage thoughtful spending habits.

9. Review and adjust: Regularly review your budget and make adjustments as needed.

10. Seek professional help: Consult a financial advisor if needed.

Note that effective financial management requires teamwork, discipline, and patience. By working together, you can build a stable financial foundation for your family's future.


About the Creator

Oke Oyindamola

I’m a result focused English Language Tutor with 7years experience. A Trilingual and a French Writer. I’m passionate about Children, Family, General lifestyle and Love talks. I have a foundation that helps children learn with fun and heal.

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  • Sweileh 8887 days ago

    Thank you I am happy with your exciting stories Watch my stories now

Oke Oyindamola Written by Oke Oyindamola

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