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Which Fruit is best for Weight Loss Part-2

Weight Loss

By archana premPublished about a year ago 9 min read
Which Fruit is best for Weight Loss Part-2
Photo by Jonas Kakaroto on Unsplash

Best fruits to eat for weight loss

1. Avocado

Avocados top the list of fruits that have a high-fat content, but they are on the top of the list of fat burning fruits as well. Avocadoes helps to increase certain hormones that aid weight loss and also inform our brain that our stomach is full, thus helping to prevent unhealthy food cravings.

Benefits of avocado apart from weight loss

This fruit helps to increase the rate at which fat is converted to energy, thus boosting the body's metabolism. It is also helpful in combating high cholesterol and keeping heart diseases at bay.

Avocados have high amounts of omega-9 fatty acids, which are mono-saturated fats and contain about 160 calories in 100 grams.

It must not be consumed beyond 1/3rd at a time. Small pieces or slices of avocado can be added to a sandwich, in smoothies, dips and salads.

2. Apples

Apples are high in fibre and low in calories which make them a great snack. Apples also help in feeling the stomach full and keeps us away from binging over foods with high calories.

Benefits of apples apart from weight loss

It helps in keeping the body energized. It also helps in maintaining the cholesterol level.

It is rich in vitamins B and C, antioxidants and minerals. Unfortunately, a medium-sized apple has a high sugar content of 19 gms.

Adding only some apple slices to the cereals, salads, yoghurt, or oatmeal will be enough at a time.

3. Blueberries

All berries are suitable for the body, but blueberries are the best fruit for weight loss.

Benefits of blueberries apart from weight loss

Blueberries have a low glycaemic index, which means that they will satisfy one’s sweet tooth without adding extra sugar to your body. This fruit helps reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels. In addition, the nutrients in them help boost the body’s metabolism with their anti-inflammatory properties, thus, being more efficient in burning calories.

Blueberries contain high amounts of vitamins C and K, minerals, manganese, and antioxidants, which bless them with fat-fighting properties. Half a cup of blueberries contains 30 calories.

A full cup of blueberries daily is good for your health. It can be eaten in reasonable amounts in smoothies, salads, or baked dishes, like pies or cakes.

4. Grapefruit

According to some fitness experts, if one eats grapefruit daily, it actually fastens the weight loss journey without making too many diet changes. The fat burning enzymes in the fruit make it a super food for weight loss. Also, since it takes more energy to digest this fruit, it further helps you burn more calories.

Benefits of grapefruit apart from weight loss

The high water content in grapefruits helps to cleanse the system from within, and also keeps us hydrated and satiated.

Being rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, low on the glycaemic index, and having high fibre compared to other citrus fruits, it can easily help us in burning tummy fat, reducing waist circumference, and regulating blood pressure levels. Moreover, it contains only about 42 calories in 100 grams of grapefruit.

Since grapefruit is good for weight loss, it is best to eat it ideally whenever one craves something sweet. And two to a two-and-a-half cups of grapefruit daily is a good amount.

5. Papaya

Papayas contain an enzyme called papain, which helps boost the body's metabolism and prevents the body from gaining fat. Thus, Papaya is extremely good for weight loss.

Benefits of papaya apart from weight loss

Along with the property of increasing metabolism, it also helps in reducing bloating and constipation.

Papaya contains high amounts of vitamin C, antioxidants, and flavonoids. Medium-sized papaya approximately weighing 275 grams, contains 119 calories, 1.3 grams of protein and 30 grams of carbohydrates.

Papayas can be eaten as a salad or blended into a smoothie.

6. Pomegranates

According to studies, the polyphenols, vitamins and antioxidants in this fruit help boost the body’s metabolism making pomegranate one of the best options for losing weight.

Benefits of pomegranates apart from weight loss

They also enable the body to get rid of the toxins. Pomegranates help to lower your appetite. The seeds also improve the body’s circulatory system and increase blood flow throughout your body, reducing cholesterol levels.

A medium-sized pomegranate weighing 100 gms contains calories of about 64 units.

One should drink a glass of pomegranate juice for breakfast every day. It can also be added to the salad bowl along with yoghurt before lunch.

7. Lemons

We already know what great detoxifying fruit lemons are. Since they prevent fat accumulation in the body, lemons are excellent for weight loss.

Benefits of lemons apart from weight loss

Renowned as a liver detoxifier, a healthy liver is essential to maintain the body's ability to digest food which is also sometimes helped after consuming a lemon.

They contain only about 29 calories in 100 grams of lemon juice.

This is one such fruit which can be used in almost every kind of food- starting from lemon juice, to add flavours in salads, lentils, etc various kinds of meals.

8. Tart cherries

If one has even a slight inclination towards health and heart, then the tart cherry juice or the ‘wonder juice’ as many people would like to call it, has been sweeping off every other so-called health alternative. Due to its high antioxidant level and nutrient richness, it makes us feel fuller for a longer time hence restricting frequent food intake which in turn aids the weight loss process.

Benefits of tart cherries apart from weight loss

Regular consumption of tart cherry juice triggers anti-ageing enzymes in the body and boosts skin rejuvenation. It is also helpful in clearing away uric acid and relieving pain and discomfort from the gut and other forms of arthritis.

One cup of tart cherries weighing around 100 grams contains 60 calories, 0.5 grams of fat, 15 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of fibre.

One can eat 10-12 tart cherries every day either ideally or by adding them to salads.

9. Watermelon

It is one of the favorite weight-loss buddies. The lipid and water content of almost about 82 per cents of it, restricts fat accumulation in various parts of the body.

Benefits of watermelon apart from weight loss

Even though watermelons inherently have slight sugar content, the water content in them acts as a natural intoxicant. The natural fruit sugar content in them also refreshes your palette and curbs your appetite.

In 100 grams of watermelon contains 30 calories.

It is one of the best snacks during the summer season. One can eat more than 300grams of watermelon per day in various forms like pancakes, salads, dips, ice-creams, etc.

10. Peaches

Their inherent anti-oxidant natural fructose restricts the rate of fat storage in the body.

Benefits of peaches apart from weight loss

The phenolic compounds in peaches act as a natural medication for patients suffering from diabetes and also help extensively in obesity-related diseases. This again becomes a kind of stoppage in the path of the blockages in arteries and thus prevents hereditary heart diseases.

A large peach contains fewer than 70 calories and is also a good source of vitamins A and C.

We love eating peach cakes, fried peaches, dumplings, ice creams, popsicles and many more items which generally contain two-three peach fruits and this is not bad for health. We can also add peach slices to muffins, smoothies, and milkshakes.

11. Oranges

Talking about the benefits of citrus fruits in the weight loss journey is huge. Amongst them, one major role is played by one of the best fruit of weight loss, i.e., oranges. These are an extremely rich source of Vitamin – C, and have often proved to be natural fat-burning sources. Vitamin C aids the body’s metabolism to keep going on at a reasonable rate, thus, making an orange the best fruit good for weight loss.

Benefits of oranges apart from weight loss

Vitamin - C in orange protects cells from damage, makes skin smoother and is also a source of the body's defence system against germs.

One medium-sized orange has about 60 calories along with a suitable property of about 86 per cent of water, 3 grams of fibre, and 1.3 grams of proteins.

However, not more than one to two oranges should be eaten daily, as it can also give gastrointestinal problems.

12. Bananas

Contrary to popular belief, bananas are actually great fat busters. They are heavy and keep your hunger pangs under control. In addition, it helps in functioning as an electrolyte and being low in glycaemic index, banana can help burn fats when taken at moderate levels.

Benefits of bananas apart from weight loss

Bananas resolve all digestion and bloating issues with their rich magnesium and potassium content in it. Also clears toxins from the body.

A banana carries about 150 calories in it. And a medium-sized banana carries 14 grams of sugar. Thus, heavy intake of it may also raise concerns in preventing weight loss journey.

One must not consume more than three bananas every day since it would lead to weight gain.

13. Muskmelons

Muskmelons are an excellent source of natural sweetener and water but also play a significant role in fighting inflammation which paves the way to fat storage.

Benefits of muskmelons apart from weight loss

They also act as an anti-oxidant and help flush out the toxins from the body.

100 grams of this fruit contains only 34 calories.

Apart from juices and salads, it can also be eaten as muskmelon chat by cutting it into small pieces and garnishing it with pepper and chat masala.

14. Pear

Just like other citrus fruits, pears, too, are inherently rich in fibre and potassium and same as the benefits of other citrus fruits, pears also play a vital role in weight loss. Their rich mineral content makes them heavy and filling and thus takes longer to burn out completely.

Benefits of pears apart from weight loss

Pears help out patients suffering from regular bloating issues and varying levels of cholesterol. They are known for fighting off coronary heart disease and type II diabetes, and also help in reducing cholesterol levels and improving cardiac health.

This fruit is rich in fibre and contains high concentrations of vitamin C. Pear contains 57 calories in 100 grams.

Two medium-sized pears can be eaten regularly in salads or milkshakes. However, we can also bake this fruit into tarts or pies and serve them as a beautiful snack to make us feel full, along with helping us in burning fats naturally.

15. Strawberry

A natural fat cutter, strawberries help our body release fat burning enzymes faster. They also send signals into our body to release hormones like leptin and adiponectin, whose role is to wash away fat from the body.

Benefits of strawberries apart from weight loss

Strawberries also kick-start our metabolism and prevent our body’s metabolic rate from slowing down.

It is one such fruit which is rich in fibre and contains fewer than 50 calories for 150 grams of strawberries.

A bowl full of strawberries can be added to other dishes to burn fats, such as desserts and candies, and can also be eaten along with yoghurt, salads or cereals.


About the Creator

archana prem

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