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When was Jesus born?

Jesus Real Birthday

By fatima dalaniPublished about a year ago 7 min read
When was Jesus born?
Photo by Arturo Rey on Unsplash

There are several theories regarding the exact date of Jesus’ birth. According to Jewish tradition, Jesus was born in the fall of 4 BC. This date is based on the story of the wise men visiting the manger in Bethlehem, as recounted in the Gospel of Matthew. Another theory suggests that Jesus was born in the spring of 6 BC, which would fit with the Roman census that is mentioned in the Gospel of Luke. Other theories propose a variety of dates, ranging from 7 BC to 1 AD. Ultimately, the exact date of Jesus’ birth is unknown. What is known, however, is that the birth of Jesus was a momentous event that has been celebrated for thousands of years.

The exact date of Jesus' birth is not known, but it is estimated to have occurred between 6 and 4 BC. The Bible does not provide an exact date or year for Jesus' birth, but it does provide some clues that help us determine an approximate time. The Gospel of Luke provides one of the most detailed accounts of Jesus' birth, and from this account, we can make an educated guess about the year of Jesus' birth.

jesus real birthday

While the exact date of Jesus' birth is not known, it is believed to have occurred between 6 and 4 BC. This is suggested by the Gospel of Luke, which provides one of the most detailed accounts of Jesus' birth. According to the gospel, Jesus was born during the time of King Herod, which was around 4 BC. This is supported by historical records, which indicate that Herod died in 4 BC. Thus, the most likely date of Jesus' birth is somewhere between 6 and 4 BC.

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According to historical records, Jesus was likely born between 6 and 4 BC. This is suggested by the Gospel of Luke, which provides one of the most detailed accounts of Jesus' birth. The gospel states that Jesus was born during the time of King Herod, which was around 4 BC. This is further supported by the fact that Herod died in 4 BC, suggesting that Jesus was likely born in the years prior to this.

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The weather when Jesus was born is not known for certain, but it is generally believed to have been mild and pleasant. According to historical records, Herod, who was in power at the time, was described as having ordered a census during the winter season, suggesting a mild climate. Additionally, Luke 2:8 states that the shepherds were out in the fields with their flocks at the time of Jesus' birth, which would have been unlikely in cold, harsh weather. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the weather at the time of Jesus' birth was mild and pleasant.

By Chad Madden on Unsplash

what year was jesus born

It is generally believed that Jesus was born in the year 4 BC. This is based on the Gospel of Luke, which states that Jesus was born during the time of King Herod, who died in 4 BC. Additionally, Herod was known to have conducted a census in the winter season, suggesting a mild climate, during the time of Jesus' birth. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Jesus was born in the year 4 BC.

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It is generally believed that Jesus Christ was born in the year 4 BC. This is based on the Gospel of Luke, which states that Jesus was born during the time of King Herod, who died in 4 BC. Additionally, Herod was known to have conducted a census in the winter season, suggesting a mild climate, during the time of Jesus' birth. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Jesus Christ was born in the year 4 BC.

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It is generally believed that Jesus died in the year 30 or 33 AD. This is based on a combination of sources such as the Gospels, historical accounts, and works of art. Additionally, Jesus was known to have been crucified by the Romans, which suggests that he died in the final years of the reign of Pontius Pilate, who was in power from 26 to 36 AD. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Jesus died in the year 30 or 33 AD.

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It is difficult to pinpoint the exact date of Jesus' birth. However, some scholars believe that Jesus was born around 6 or 7 BC, based on references in the New Testament and writings from the early Church Fathers. Additionally, historical records suggest that Jesus was born around the time of the Roman Emperor Augustus, who reigned from 27 BC to 14 AD. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Jesus was born around 6 or 7 BC.

By Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

when was jesus born year

It is generally accepted that Jesus was born in the year 4 BC, based on historical records and other evidence. This is because the birth of Jesus Christ is estimated to have occurred around the time of the death of Herod the Great, who died in 4 BC. Additionally, some scholars believe that Jesus was born around 6 or 7 BC, based on references in the New Testament and writings from the early Church Fathers. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Jesus was born in the year 4 BC.

The Christmas story

The Christmas story is one of the oldest stories in the Bible and is one of the most beloved holiday stories. It tells of the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God, and how his birth was prophesied by the angel Gabriel to Mary, his mother. According to the Bible, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in the province of Judea, around the year 4 BC. It was here that the wise men, who were guided by a star, visited Jesus and presented him with gifts. Throughout the centuries, the Christmas story has been celebrated with great joy and has become an integral part of many cultures and religious traditions.

The Christmas story is one of the most beloved stories in Christianity. It tells of the birth of Jesus Christ and the events that surrounded it. According to the Bible, Jesus was born to the Virgin Mary in the town of Bethlehem, in the Judean hills, after a long journey from Nazareth. His birth was heralded by angels and attended by shepherds and the three wise men. The story of the nativity is a beautiful reminder of the power of faith and the importance of love and family.

Theories on when Jesus was born

There is still some debate among Biblical scholars regarding the exact date of Jesus' birth. Some scholars believe that Jesus was born in the spring, while others believe he was born in the fall. There are also those who believe Jesus was born around 4 BC, which is the traditional date of his birth.

The most widely accepted theory is that Jesus was born around 4 BC, during the reign of King Herod. This is supported by the fact that Herod issued an order to kill all infants under the age of two in Bethlehem, which would have happened shortly after Jesus' birth.

Other theories suggest that Jesus was born in the fall, between 6 BC and 4 BC. This is based on the fact that the Magi, or wise men, arrived in Bethlehem shortly after Jesus' birth, which was likely during the time of the harvest.

Ultimately, the exact date of Jesus' birth remains a mystery. Nevertheless, the Christmas story is still celebrated annually, with joy and reverence, as a reminder of the power of faith and the importance of love and family.

Though there is no definitive answer as to when Jesus was born, some scholars believe he was born between 4 and 6 BC. This would be consistent with the Gospel of Luke, which states that Jesus was born during the reign of Herod the Great, who died in 4 BC. Other scholars have suggested Jesus was born in 6 BC or earlier, as this would have been during the time when Quirinius was governor of Syria. The Gospel of Matthew also supports this view, as it mentions a decree by Augustus that a census was to be taken throughout the Roman Empire, which occurred in 6 BC. In addition, the Gospel of Luke states that Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem for the census, and this was the birthplace of Jesus. Thus, the scholars who believe Jesus was born between 4 and 6 BC are likely correct.

Jesus was born sometime between 6 BC and 4 BC.

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fatima dalani

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