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When Families Fall Apart

A sad reality

By Rebecca Lynn IveyPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

It's one of the saddest things in the world to see a family fall apart. It's down right shameful to see a family trying to hurt and destroy each other. At some point it was a loving family sharing a history together. Sisters and brothers sharing the same bond, a bond that should be unbreakable. Money, property, jealousy, stubbornness these are all tricks of evil that comes along and rips families apart..

Many, many years ago as my family was being built. My wife and I promised one another that we would raise our children to love each other. We wanted them to be best friends, solid rocks for one another. We wanted to insure that they would each always have someone to lean on and turn to. Of course, as our children grow up we as parents can't always control what kind of people they turn out to be. We can only raise them the best that we can and pray for the best.

It has been proven that more than 80% of families will fall apart when the elders pass away. This is because the parents are the glue that bonds a family together. It's also been proven that the main cause is inheritance. Shamefully 80% of families will fall apart due to money and possessions.

As a parent, I cannot imagine anything that would hurt me worse than to see my children turn against one another. I look around me at families right here in my town who are living in a pure hatred for one another. Grown children fighting each other over inheritance and possessions. Families who are going out of their way to do harm to each other. I wonder if their parents could look down upon them, how would they feel? I can tell you right now, they'd be heart broken. They'd feel like they failed. Honestly, it makes the people all around you wonder the exact same things. "Was they raised to act like this?" "Wasn't they ever taught what love is or how to respect each other?" "What kind of parents did they have?"

When your parents pass away, you are left as being their legacy. You are expected to be a reflection of them. Fighting and being hateful and mean to each other leaves a nasty stain on your family name. Is this the legacy that you are choosing for your parents? Is bank accounts, property and possessions worth so much that you are willing to destroy what your parents built for you.

I have known many good, hard working people who have passed away. I remember one of them telling me that it wasn't death that scared them. It was knowing that when they was gone their family would fall apart. I watched this man struggle and fight to stay alive, not for himself but for his family. Sure enough, once he was gone his children fell into a pure evil darkness. There was physical fights. Legal battles in the courts. Threats and hate. One of them even attempted to run his brother down with a vehicle. I heard people from all over town talking about the parents. "I thought they raised their kids right, but just look at them." "I thought they was better people than this." It broke my heart to know that the parents had done their very best. It was the children fighting over material items that had destroyed the legacy of that family. The very thing that their parents had died in fear of.

When families fall apart like this it's almost impossible to reason with them. There's so much blame and hate for each other. Nobody will stand up and admit their wrong doing, they just blame it on each other. The parent's (the glue) is gone and the entire family starts to break and fall apart. Thank goodness that they can't see what's happening, or can they?

A dear friend of mine knew that his children would turn on each other when he was gone. That's why he left every possession and every dollar that he had to a charity. He left nothing for his children, nothing for them to fight for. All of the family heirlooms, photos, everything was sold off to complete strangers. What wasn't sold was ordered to be destroyed. Isn't it sad when a father has to do such a thing just to keep peace between his family. But was it his fault? No, the blame goes to disrespectful and greedy family that left him no options.

Not long ago I spoke to a man in town, his mother and father both recently passed away. This is a grown man with grown children of his own. A man who is at the age where he should be enjoying his grandkids and relaxing in what time he has left. Instead, he was wishing horrible things on his own brother. Making threats and bragging about the harm he had already caused. He was proud of his ill-deeds. I just walked away feeling completely ashamed for that man. His parents were well known and liked people. Now, when most people hear that family name, all they think about is the horrible way that the kids have turned on each other. People laugh and mock them but what's worse, is the parents now bare a tarnished reputation. Their good, strong family name has been dragged through the filthy mud. It's sad, it's shameful and it's disrespectful.

What is a vehicle worth to you? What is a house or a bank account worth to you? Is it really worth destroying a family over? No friends, it is not. This is jealousy and greed. It is the very things that your parents spent their lives teaching you about. Each and every person who is reading this has an expiration time. When that time comes, you won't be able to take your worldly possessions with you. But I do believe that no matter what your Faith or Beliefs are, we can take our love with us. You've already destroyed what your parents wanted to take with them so what will you be taking with you?

immediate family

About the Creator

Rebecca Lynn Ivey

I wield words to weave tales across genres, but my heart belongs to the shadows.

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