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Unconditional Love

True Love of a Mother

By Karthikeyan Varma S RPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The bond between a mother and a daughter is an uncanny and inseparable one, something that can never be put into words. No one quite truly knows the depths of it, but experienced a few sparks of it is enough to understand that there is something quite powerful and immensely beautiful about it.

Ruth and Lola had that beautiful relationship; mother and daughter, the perfect family unit. For Lola, Ruth was her source of unconditional love and comfort. Lola could go to Ruth with anything, feeling secure in the knowledge that she would always have the most comforting response. Some of their best memories were snuggled up on the sofa together, talking endlessly. Lola could tell her mother anything, no subject was too deep or off limits.

When Lola went to school Ruth was there. Every day she would do the same drop off, one last braid of the hair, a brush of the cheek, and a wave as Lola walked through the gate. Even at college, Ruth would send occasional cards and letters with encouraging words and little surprises inside so that she never felt too far from the comforting presence of her mother.

Ruth was a nurturer and could always be found looking after her family’s needs. She was the life of the party constantly bringing everyone together, creating. Sharing in both joy and laughter, she had a knack for making everyone around her feel welcomed and at home. Whenever Lola was feeling lost or unsure, she only had to turn to her mother for guidance and Ruth could simply make all the worries go away.

One of the most cherished times of the year was the week of Thanksgiving. Between the preparation and cooking, the family started to prepare early with the anticipation of reuniting with family and friends. Lola and Ruth would be in the kitchen baking and cooking away, trying recipes and sharing stories, laugh and continually tasting everything. They had the perfect recipe for happiness going and it was something that no one in the house could ever deny.

The week of Thanksgiving got here in what seemed to be no time at all. Every day was filled with excitement and energy as the house came alive again with family and friends, laughter and music. Every night, Lola's father would gather everyone around the dinner table and the hallway filled with laughter and stories from everyone’s day. The week was so special and it just seemed to get better the longer it went.

The last day of Thanksgiving arrived, the house was empty and the kitchen looked like a disaster. Ruth and Lola cleaned away the dinner remains and reminisced about the week. They both went to the sitting room and put on some of Ruth’s favorite music, then sat there in silence, simply enjoying the moment.

In that moment, something special happened. Lola had a newfound respect and understanding for her mother. She knew that it was through Ruth’s love and dedication that their family had been able to have such a wonderful Thanksgiving week. There was so much love, and so much laughter, that was solely due to her mother’s hard work and love.

Time flew by so quickly, and years went by in a flash, but the special bond between Ruth and Lola never diminished. Through every challenge and hardship, they could always rely on each other. Ruth was the epitome of unconditional love and Lola carried her memory with her, which quite often got her through the most difficult times in life.

Ruth taught her daughter a valuable lesson that, no matter how much time she spends away from the people she love, never forget the bond of unconditional love she shared with them and to always carry her mother’s love with her, and everything else will find a way. No other relationships could ever replace the bond of unconditional love between a mother and a daughter.

In conclusion, the bond between a mother and daughter is an unbreakable one that can never be replaced. Ruth and Lola's relationship was a beautiful example of unconditional love and understanding. Ruth taught her daughter a valuable lesson that no matter how much time passes, the bond of unconditional love between a mother and daughter will always remain strong. Ruth's love and dedication to her family was the foundation of their Thanksgiving week, and her memory will always be cherished by Lola. Through the story of Ruth and Lola, we can see that the bond between a mother and daughter is an unbreakable one that can never be replaced. Ruth's unconditional love and dedication to her family was the foundation of their Thanksgiving week, and her memory will always be cherished by Lola. No other relationships can ever replace the bond of unconditional love between a mother and daughter, and it is something that will always be remembered.


About the Creator

Karthikeyan Varma S R

My name is Karthikeyan Varma S R and I'm a story writer. I have a passion for story telling and I love taking ideas and turning them into engaging stories.My main goal is to create stories that captivate and inspire.

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