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True love

What is love.

By Lucy LUMAYOPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
It's your beauty that captivates me my velvet.

Love comprises of a strong , positive emotional and mental state of someone toward his or her counter part.Their are different types of love such as friendship love , infatuation , compassionate love , true love and passionate love and family love. Friendship love comprises of two people can be from the same or different backgrounds where they trust each other through sharing thoughts ideas , fun and winnings together. Infatuation love is a type of love where individuals enter into a relationship c without finding out if they are compatible .This type of love does not last. Another type of love is compassionate love .It is a type of love that one has for others .It can be done through performing charity works and volunteering works toward a society.True love : it is a type of love where an individual shows attachment, caring and intimacy to each other. Passionate love : type of love that one shows towards something such as hobby or what he or she loves. Family love : type of love where a group of individuals related by blood or not gather together and express their caring for one another.

Their are some ways of showing love to a person. Some of these features include: forgiveness, willing to be vulnerable , care , listening out their views , spending time together, show kindness, recognize their potentials , show affection , share thoughts together ,build trust to each other , make it unconditional and be open to each other. When we show love to one another it has positive impacts in mental health such as health habits , lowering stress levels , increase lifespan , lower risk of getting diabetes .Some of the key things to build love is communicate , take conflict in a healthy way.Love wins when one finds his or her perfect match .True love creates happiness , enhances brighter face smile , alerts perseverance , spiritual growth , financial integrity and these leads to love winning.

Love has ups and downs but it only need two strong hearts to take over it . Some of the negativity associated with love include anxiety, depression , doubts , increased stress , jealousy , obsessiveness, possessiveness and sadness .The fact that challenges are their individuals should ensure they communicate whenever their is a problem .Love is meant to support one another for example in the story below.

"Mike and Judy"

Mike and Judy are two lovers. They are both working. Apparently , Judy earns more money as compared to Mike. One day, Mikes gets an accident and leaves responsibility to Judy.On the first days Judy is consistent but she reduces her efforts day by day. She decides to leave Mike on his desperate condition . Mike struggles on himself and gets up back on his feet. He starts making money and doing his investments. On the other hand Judy's work was seasonal employment where she lost her work. After she learnt about Mike's success , she came back claiming Mike was his share .While she was walking along the road a big machine stood beside her . A strong energetic man came out and hugged her only to realize it was Mike her lover. Judy asked Mike why he hugged her yet she was the one who did the mistake . Shockingly in his response was he still loved her and he was going to look for Judy all his lifetime. The greatest lesson in the story is love is about forgiveness , patience , trust and perseverance. We learn that types of love can be found in one person.


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