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Too much breast milk for the baby's father to drink, the mother-in-law is the first to oppose

These reasons make baby mothers ashamed

By UdleyPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Many baby mothers have encountered a problem during breastfeeding, that is, too much breast milk leads to an uncomfortable rise in milk. Some of the moms to solve this problem said that the nutrients and resistance factors inside the breast milk are very high, to adults to drink is also very good, you can give extra breast milk to their husbands to drink. But even if the breast milk is good, it is best not to give their husbands to drink, after reading these you will understand.

The reason for the sudden onset of illness in children is actually because of this, after reading you still dare to give your husband breast milk to drink?

The newest baby mama who just gave birth to a child is new baby mama, and because she has a lot of milk, she often has breast pain. But parenting experts say that a newborn baby's demand for milk is about 30 ml, and if too much breast milk is given to the baby, it is likely to cause symptoms such as bloating. So Xiao Xi couldn't give her baby too much breast milk, and she felt it was a waste to throw it away, so she let her husband drink the extra breast milk every day.

One night the baby suddenly cried and fussed and went to the hospital for a checkup only to find out that he had a fever. The doctor said that the newborn baby's resistance is very weak, in addition to the daily care of the baby, the diet should be more attention. When breastfeeding, you must pay attention to clean nipples to avoid bacterial infections. After hearing the doctor's words, Xiao Xi felt ashamed and realized that her husband might have also drunk breast milk and brought the virus that caused the child to have a fever due to weak resistance. Since then, Xiao Xi never wanted her husband to drink her breast milk again, but the problem of breast milk waste still distressed her.

Baby Mama

Three reasons why the mother-in-law opposes the baby's father drinking his wife's breast milk, couples with babies should take a good look

In many families, the child's grandmother is opposed to the baby's mother giving her husband breast milk to drink, one of the very important reasons lies in the meaning of breast milk the mother's body provides nutrients for the child's diet. This is not just milk, which also includes the intimate relationship between mother and child. It is important to know that although the husband and wife are close to each other, it would be a bit unethical if the husband drinks his wife's breast milk. So many people who are mothers-in-law do not want their sons to drink their wives' breast milk, but of course, there is no excuse for this practice.

Another point is that the baby's body is weak, if the husband is directly sucking the nipple to drink breast milk, it will cause the baby's mother's nipple infection or bring a virus. This is very harmful to the health of the baby, so as a husband is best not to use a nipple directly with the baby, if you really can not give up the breast milk, you can suck out the milk through the breast pump, so you can avoid infection.

Although breast milk has a high nutritional value and can provide nutrition and immunoglobulins for babies, it is not so useful for adults. The famous obstetrician said that adults should drink human milk than cow's milk. Adults are not able to take in nutrients by drinking breast milk, and adults can already eat some nutritious food independently, so there is no need to drink breast milk anymore. And the taste of breast milk for some adults is not very good, drink this better than drinking milk.

How can you relieve breast milk increase and not waste breast milk at the same time? These methods can help you

The first method is to reduce the amount of milk discharge. Many women will take a lot of tonics to recover after giving birth, but gynecologists say that after drinking too much chicken soup and turtle soup, and other tonic soups, the amount of milk discharge will increase. So it is best not to drink too much tonic soup during the pre-breastfeeding period to avoid chest pains brought on by rising milk.

Secondly, breast milk can also be used to add supplementary food to the baby. Generally, after six months the baby can not rely on exclusive breastfeeding or need to add a certain complementary food so that his nutritional intake is appropriate. But it's hard for babies to eat when they first start eating complementary foods because they are generally dependent on breast milk. This is the time when the mother can do complementary food, the baby can not finish eating milk added to the complementary food so the baby can adapt to the taste of complementary food, which is very helpful for the baby's development.

The baby's milk quantity will rise little by little after three months, so at this time the baby's mother will not need to worry about too much milk, so there will be no need to consider the situation of breast milk wastage. If you want to make the most out of your breast milk, you can also donate it to some orphanages for babies without mothers to feed. Although this process has some troubles and involves some complicated procedures. However, this way can alleviate the waste and also enable the poor orphans to drink breast milk and strengthen their resistance.

It is a very normal process for a woman to give birth to a baby breastfeeding, and a baby's mother need not worry too much about breast milk. As long as the baby can eat enough to keep the breast milk from becoming infected, then there are many ways to handle the breast milk. So baby mothers should not let their husbands drink their breast milk, spending more energy thinking about how to feed their children correctly and scientifically is the key.

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