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They shot the Messenger!

Why so many disliked Kevin Samuels

By Jay LeTron DobbinsPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read
A person gone too soon, but he planted a much needed seed!

Yes, I want all the smoke, but I am going to tell it like it T-I is! Now we can dismiss the harsh language (which he didn't take it there until he was provoked) and his actual net worth has nothing to do with what I am about to say. Unfortunately, most people don't listen unless you speak to them rude, or give the appearance as if you have money which somehow equates to you being a "duty" expert on a particular subject. Well let me take a minute to breakdown one of the most influential you tubers we have seen in our lifetime. Unfortunately he was gone too soon and missed by some, while others rejoiced in his passing.

Now I did not agree with everything he voiced on his platform and we can get into that later. Not sure when Kevin started on social media, but when he started, he focused on speaking to men and helping men pull themselves together to be presented for a better catch for women. Kevin did not hold punches and he was very harsh and blunt at times to the men more so than the women he later got scolded for. His aim was the same in getting the man to focus by pulling is bootstraps up and being a real man of the house. There are tons of footage to back up what I am saying, so this is really no debate as to how Kevin use to deliver to men.

His show took a drastic upswing when he started to address women and their dating needs. The common concern that came from women were often echoed that there are not any good men out there. Kevin, with his background started to dig deeper and help women find out why there is a "lack" of good men out there. However, it was the medicine that a fair share didn't receive and some that did. Most of his views are very debatable, but his concepts were "spot on" and often denied and fueled by the lack of accountability. Lets take a look at a few and understand why a vast majority of women didn't understand what Kevin was saying.

The "High Valued" man was the most talked about subject. Most women thought they were deserving of someone who they just didn't measure up to, or expected this "High Value" man to be secluded and exclusive to them. Now the definition of a "High Value" man can vary, but most of the women that were guest on his show equated the "High Value" man to be in the top 1 percent of the earning bracket and a certain height along with a list of other things that seem to be uncommon. The problem is that most women want an uncommon man and they are very common themselves. Kevin tried to shine the light on this and have women understand that if you desire an uncommon man of high value, a woman would have to understand that she has to be uncommon and possibly share this man with other women.

There was no special formula and Kevin would often ask these women why was it a problem leaving the father of their kids. In most cases, women were looking for greener grass and found AstroTurf in the process. Kevin won the debates with factual statistics and referred to them often on his show. Greater percentiles he presented that women are leaving marriage and the most common denominator was irreconciled differences. In other words, "I change my mind" or "I think there is better out there". Kevin would ask women why do they think a "High Value" man would want a woman with kids and potential "baby-daddy" drama with the expectation of taking care of them when they could find something with the access of options available at their disposal.

Kevin would encourage women and men to seek counseling and deal with the past before moving on. I really think most women pay these mental heath fools to say what they want to hear and not real mental health therapist that presents a challenge to change, release and let go. So Kevin often dealt with the hamster in a wheel effect and most of these women left bitter and even more confused because they were confronted by someone that challenged them and held a mirror up to who they are.

Now I didn't agree to his standards and how he rated women, but they came on his show at their own will to my understanding. He used a harsh tone and most times it was triggered by a woman that seemed uncontrollable at the present time. I could be wrong, but I never witnessed a man as a guest on his show out of control and throwing tantrums. Above all the drama and name calling and putting people in their place, Kevin actually had a desire to keep families together. I often witnessed his efforts in trying to convince a woman to get back with her man after a breakup no matter the time apart. If he saw potential in getting back together, he encouraged it to that woman. This man cared about family unity and he was gone too soon and his work is unfinished.

Now you may disagree with what I'm saying and that's ok. Your critical thinking may be off, or there are some issues you haven't dealt with that are still hindering your growth process. Not a knock against you, but this is a chance for self reflection. If you find yourself thinking you are "right" in every situation, then maybe you need additional mental health from a REAL doctor and not someone taking your money and just reciting what you want to hear.


About the Creator

Jay LeTron Dobbins

Casual writer! Love to express in print! Tell people how you feel and love life to the fullest with no regrets. Try to say something good about a person when they can hear it, and not when they are gone! Love like no tomorrow.

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