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The Simple Complexity of Obesity

"Obesity is a complex disease that occurs when a person weighs more than is healthy for their height. Obesity affects children and adults..."

By LynPPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Simple Complexity of Obesity
Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash

Many factors can make Obesity, a complex disease that occurs when an individual’s weight is higher than what is considered healthy for his or her height. Obesity affects children as well as adults. Many factors can contribute to excess weight gain, including eating patterns, physical activity levels, and sleep routines. Social determinants of health, genetics, and taking certain medications also play a role. Obesity is a complex disease that occurs when an individual's weight increases beyond the normal range. The following are some of the most common causes: Genetic predisposition-people with a family history of obesity have a higher risk of developing it. This means that they are more likely to develop it later in life.

Food, activity and sleep,

Eating and physical activity, insufficient sleep and many other factors contribute to obesity. Environmental influences also play a big role. In fact, people who live in areas with high levels of pollution. Lifestyle-people who live a sedentary lifestyle tend to be more obese than those who don't. This can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. And diabetes.

Lifestyle changes, could also be an issue. For example people who live in areas with high levels of pollution tend to have a higher risk of developing diabetes, that's just one, There are other factors, these include smoking, drinking alcohol or other drugs, and eating a diet rich in processed foods. The most common type of cancer is colon cancer, which causes large amounts of white blood cells to form in the colon.

Social Determinants of Health

The conditions in which we live, learn, work and play are called Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). When these conditions are unhealthy, it can be difficult to make healthy food choices and get enough physical activity. Disparities in SDOH affect outcomes and risks of chronic disease, including obesity, among racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups, and among people in different geographic areas and with different physical abilities.

Places such as daycare, school or community influence eating and activity habits through the food and drink they provide and the physical activity opportunities they provide. Other social factors that influence obesity include the affordability of healthy food options, social and peer support, marketing and promotion, and policies that define obesity.


Genetic changes in the population occur too slowly to be responsible for the obesity epidemic. However, variations in some genes can contribute to obesity by increasing hunger and food intake. Rarely, a specific variant in a gene (monogenic obesity) leads to a different genetic pattern of obesity in a family.

Diseases and Drugs

Some diseases, such as Cushion's disease, can cause obesity or weight gain. Medications such as steroids and some antidepressants can also cause weight gain. Continue to study the role of other factors, such as exposure to chemicals and the role of the microbiome.

The best way to preserve and improve health is by exercising and dieting, but 21st-century people are lazy and look to a quick-Fix tool for that. The conclusion is long-term care prices can continue to grow; it's much easier to take a useless bag of mostly food than A creative bag of mostly water.~paraphrased Star Trek.


Sharpe TT, Harrison KM, Dean HD. Summary of CDC Consultation to Address Social Determinants of Health for Prevention of Disparities in HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, and Tuberculosis. Public Health Reports. 2010;125(4_suppl):11-15. doi:10.1177/00333549101250S404

Koh, K., Grady, S. C., Vojnovic, I., & Darden, J. T. (2018). Impacts of Federally Funded State Obesity Programs on Adult Obesity Prevalence in the United States, 1998-2010. Public Health Reports. https://doi.org/10.1177/0033354917751128


About the Creator


I'm well-versed in many areas, I enjoy sharing any kind of information to help anybody achieve a measure of success. Human Betterment is my thing.



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