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The Relevance of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Curing Mental Illness 

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

By jacobsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

In the backdrop of a rising number of cases of psychological problems suffered by the people in the UK, cognitive behavioural therapy London turns very much relevant. 

It helps in curing the problem of workplace stress and insomnia with a high success rate. The therapy helps in treating psychological cases with proven positive results. In the cases of depression, drug addiction, alcoholism, anxiety, and schizophrenia such a focused therapy is yielding positive results

Cognitive behaviour therapy is providing solutions to different family issues, including marital problems and relationship strife leading to qualitative improvement in the patient’s life. 

These therapies aim at psychiatric medications, psychic treatment, and curing sleep-related deprivation with the aid of advanced scientific methods and techniques.

The research and clinical practice adopted by therapists to cure mental health-related issues among patients played a significant role. 

These advanced therapies focus on three factors of a mental health crisis: 

Thought Process

It is the thought process, which processes any information inside the human brain. When the brain continues to grasp any information negatively, it can lead to hopelessness, despair, and pessimism in them. It can give rise to various mental health issues.

Past Trauma

Problematic past or past trauma can change the way how a person thinks and grasps information. The socio-economical problems, political chaos, and family feuds often interrupt one’s life during the adolescence days, which can haunt later.  

Social Discrimination

Any discrimination against an individual based on ethnicity, race, colour, and socioeconomic status can lead to psychological problems in them.  

An Appropriate Approach to Help These Individuals

Identification of mental problems and nature of it (i.e. whether suffering from childhood abuse, loss of near and dear ones and trauma suffered in personal life due to a host of reasons)

Analyzing the root cause of fear and applying appropriate DBT therapy in London, which varies from person to person depending upon the degree of their mental health problems.

Correcting erratic behaviour caused by disturbances in the brain. Mentally unsound people can be greatly benefitted from such a therapy. 

Offer mental relaxation to patients, who have been showing signs of impulsiveness and irritation. Mental health specialists often use soothing music, hilarious films and television programs, and other related means of enjoyment to divert the brain from negativity to positivity. They can be also prescribed some self-help books to get inspired.

Instilling self-confidence in patients who have no hope in life. Here, self-confidence and positive thinking in one’s capabilities can be instilled to cure the problem, which is more psychological than physical. 

Skill development can keep such patients busy, thus diverting their brooding habits to active life. Appropriate skill development courses can be offered to these mental health patients based on their mental inclination and special knacks. The development of special skills can be a great morale booster and help in solving their mental problems. Developing special talents in patients also forms part of cognitive behaviour therapy.

Analysis of a Patient’s Past and Current State of Life

Cognitive therapy is not possible without analyzing the past and current life of the patient. For example, if a patient is a drug addict, it is necessary to identify what led him to it. Based on the appropriate finding and investigation, the mental health experts can try various behavioural therapies to rehabilitate them and then bring them into the mainstream. 

Similarly, when a person lost a loved one, it completely devastated them. A person, who has recently lost his best friend while driving a car may not be able to reconcile with the fact that his best friend died due to his wrong way of driving or under the influence of alcohol. 

He may always blame himself and brood over what has happened due to his mistake. In such a situation, the (past) case study is necessary. The current state of life (i.e. in a state of guilty consciousness) has a direct link with the past trauma: the trauma of losing a friend due to his wrong driving in this case. 

In Conclusion

Mental diseases are always more difficult to cure than body-related problems. If you feel stomach ache, you can consume a pill to get rid of the pain. But mental pains are inexplicable. It’s not easy to explain your mental agonies and pains to a doctor. Only a mental care practitioner or specialist can understand what you are going through. Getting in touch with a London-based psychology clinic can help in diagnosing the problem and applying the right therapies and medications to cure your mental health issues. 

Don’t delay and get rid of insomnia, drug addiction, alcoholism or any other mental health problems if someone you know is suffering from the same. Many people who were earlier broken down due to psychic reasons can now be easily cured using advanced therapies.


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