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The Orphan Killer

The Mission

By Holly UnderwoodPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

You are nothing. You are unloved, these are the thoughts that raced through young Sarah’s mind. In the distance a man calls out, “Sarah?” In a daze she nods away her thoughts and replies, “yes?”

The man says “there’s a letter here for you. As Sarah opened the letter it read, hey sweetie this is your aunt Cynthia Smalls. I am not sure if you remember me or not since you was so young when we last saw each other. However, I am sorry that I never came to get you, but I was not able due to lack of funds and my own children to take care of. Now that you are 16 years old i know that you have many questions, and hope you are ready to go on your quest to find your mother. I know that she will be waiting on you to arrive so y’all can reunite.

“I know what I have to do,”says Sarah. She waits until nightfall to put her plan into action to escape out of the orphanage. “Fuck this”, yells Sarah time for me to leave this place and go be with my mother. As Sarah is thinking of a way to escape, she notices that the clocks time is wrong, having OCD she just had to correct the time. As she is adjusting the time, a part of the floor started to open. Sarah decides to venture down into the darkness. While Sarah is venturing in the secret tunnel, she comes across a small black book. Inside the book she finds the orphan kids history, and through some digging she comes across a page with her name, and a girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes with the same last name as her and her current residency.

“This must be my sister “she says to herself, I must find her. She takes the book with her and continues to traverse through the underground passageway, then she starts to notice a light up ahead. “Finally, I’m free” she says as she starts speeding up. “I’m finally out of that dump.”Sarah hitchhikes a ride. “I’m trying to get to this destination, can you help me?”. The man smiles and nods his head. “Come in, he says. An hour later the man stops his car. “This is as far as I can take you little lady”. Sarah smiles and says “Okay. thanks for the help” says Sarah. Sarah sighs and says.

“Guess I have to continue on foot”. As she is walking she see’s a sign that says North Felix Road 1 mile away. I’m almost there she thinks to herself. Finally she’s arrived at her destination. She knocks on the door a couple times. A man with a black suit and slicked back hair answers the door. “How may I help you?” Sarah replies “Is this girl here?” as she showed the man a picture of her sister. “Oh you’re here for Clementine, come with me” he says as he leads her to the basement. “So where is this Clementine you speak of? He smiles and says “She’ll be here soon. “As Sarah is looking around, he takes a crowbar and bangs her on the head.”Goodnight sweetie.

A few minutes have passed and Sarah starts to regain consciousness, she realizes that she’s tied up in the darkness. In the distance, she hears faint whispering. “Who’s this girl you brought here?”says Clementine. “I don’t know but she came here asking for you and it sounded shady, said the man in the black. “Wait here , I’ll go see who it is.Clementine goes downstairs, turns on the light and says “Sarah? What are you doing here? Young Sarah adjusts her eyes to the light and utters “I.....I was looking for you, I found your photo in the orphanage, along with others.” Look, she says as she shows Clementine the small black book. Clementine unties Sarah and hugs her. The man runs over and yells what are you doing.

“We have to kill her! She knows too much! “Are you crazy! We’re not going to kill my sister she’s family. She don’t know shit and ain’t going to tell anyone about what you did to her. “There’s no choice Clementine.”Soon enough an argument breaks out and the man starts beating Clementine, Sarah reaches for the crowbar and hits him on the head as hard as she can causing him to bleed out. Clementine panics and says shit we gotta get out of here.

Clementine grabs Sarah hand and runs upstairs. She go into the safe, and takes all the money she has out which is 20,000 and gives it to Sarah. Sarah says “What is all this money for? “So we can get on a plane , get out of here and have a fresh start. You are going to try and find mother right? “How’d you know? asked Sarah. “Because I did the same thing thing a few years ago, maybe I can help you even though I came up empty handed last time”. “Okay, let’s go. They finally head to the airport and hop on the plane and when they get off, the search for their mother begins.

After days of searching, Clementine gets over the search. Out of the blue Clementine stops walking. Sarah turns around and says “What’s wrong sis?” Clementine takes a deep breath and says “We can’t keep up this search for mom any longer.” Sarah says “Why not? We can’t just give up on her.” “We’re not !! She gave up on us. There’s just no hope that we’re gonna find her. “You don’t know that!!” “I do, I’ve tried for years with no luck. So what makes you think that you’ll find her.

“Because I actually care about finding mom, clearly more than you do”. How dare you say I don’t care about mom. I’m just not gonna spend the rest of my life trying to find a woman who could care less about us.” “What are you even saying Clementine, of course she cares. “Really Sarah?”

“Yes really, I know she does”. “If she cared she wouldn’t have abandoned us and have us on a wild goose chase looking for her to have the family we never had. “Shut up!! You don’t know why she left”. Sarah pushes Clementine and she hangs her head on a rock. “Sissy?” Wake up. However, Clementine doesn’t respond. Sarah starts to notice blood forming around her body.

“Oh no, what have I done!! I’m going to end up in jail. No!! I must continue, for mom. Sarah pushes Clementines lifeless body into the lake and continues her journey. After weeks more of walking on foot and staying in many different places, she finally finds a house that looks like her mother’s house. She grabs the photo of her house out of her jean pocket, and compares it to the house in front of her.

“This is it she says, I’ve finally made it”. She rings the bell and a lady with dark brown curls answers the door. “Mom...” she says with happy filled tears in her eyes. All of a sudden, she stabs Sarah in her stomach. “Mom...why...she utters faintly as she starts to fall to her knees. Sarah wakes up panting and sweating heavily. “Thank god it was just a dream.” I’m still safe in the orphanage, but damn that was one crazy dream.” A man calls out “Sarah, it’s time for breakfast”. “Coming.....”

immediate family

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    HUWritten by Holly Underwood

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