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The Brothers

A tale of betrayal and heartache

By Holly UnderwoodPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

“Positive!!? Oh god, how am I gonna tell Jack that I’m pregnant. There’s no way he’ll be happy” says Delilah. She patiently waits, frantically staring at the wall clock. “10 minutes until your dad gets to know your existence” she says with her hand on her stomach. Soon enough her fiancé comes home.

“I’m home, hurry up and get my food ready while I go watch tv” says Jack.

“Actually honey, I have something to tell you.”

“Well out with it, I got more important things to do than listen to you.”

“Please, just did down so I can talk to you.”

“Fine, make it quick.”

“Well....Delilah takes a deep breath, I’m pregnant.

“What!? No way, you don’t even have an ounce of fat...well I mean anymore fat. She hands him the pregnancy test

“I took this a couple minutes before you arrived”

“Take another one I don’t believe you, you know you lying girls be tryna rob us dudes of money.” Delilah goes into the bathroom crying as she gets out another test.

“Why won’t he believe me.” Moments later she comes out of the bathroom and says “here, a brand new test.” Jack looks at her in disgust.

“How could you let this happen he says as he slaps her.”

“You said you’d never do that again.”

“Maybe if you took a pill I wouldn’t have slapped you.”

“But I want to keep out baby Jac. I just want us to be happy together.”

“Fine. You can keep it, just don’t let it get in the way of your house duties.” 2 weeks later Jack comes home one night. He goes to the kitchen but there’s no food for him. He goes upstairs to the bedroom and pulls the cover from under Delilah causing her to fall. Delilah says

“Why would you do that, you could injure our baby!”

“Forget there bahy, where’s my food!”

“I’m sorry but with the chores and the baby I’ve been exhausted.”

“I don’t wanna hear it, when I agreed to let you keep the baby you said you wouldn’t be slacking, this is happening a lot lately.”

“I’m trying okay, it’s really hard with no help from you!”

“Me ? Help you ?! You’re the one that wanted to be pregnant, now you gotta deal with it.”

“I don’t deserve this” whispers Delilah. Jack slaps her

“Watch your mouth, I’m the best your getting, nobody would want you.”

“I’m going out so don’t wait up.” The next day Jack comes homes with flowers, balloons, and a teddy bear.

“What’s this for?”

“I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting baby. I’ve been stressed with work and thinking about our baby. You know I love you.”

“I love you too.” Jack kisses her and says

“I’m going out with the guys so I’ll be home late.”

“Stay safe” Delilah says. However, Jack left without his phone. “Surely he’ll be back for it”, says Delilah “but I’ll have a look. It’s not like I’m gonna find anything.” She starts to scroll and notices a hidden section on his phone and clicks it. Her eyes start to tear to as she finds all the different girls he’s been texting. “He’s even going out with another girl.” The door knob starts to twist, Delilah quickly puts the phone back and tries her hardest to hold back her tears.

“Hey, I forgot my phone have you se- he pauses, what’s wrong darling?”

“Nothing” I just got something in my eye.”She wipes her face and says “remind me where you’re going again.”

“I told you, out to the bar with my friends.”

“Boys right?”

“Of course….oh there’s my phone. Jack goes to walk out but he stops in his tracks.

“What is it honey?”

“You did go through my phone did you?” There was a silence between them. “Because if you did you know what would happen right?”

“I didn’t, your phone is off limits, I know that.”

“Good, I’ll be on my way then.” The door closes, Delilah burts out crying.

“I can’t believe he lied straight to my face, I thought he loved me.” She runs into the bathroom and grabs a pill bottle. “He doesn’t want me or the baby around then I’ll make his wish come true.” She swallows a handful of pills. Hours later her bestie comes over since she hasn’t been answering her calls or texts. The door is locked but she manages to pick it. Francesca says

“Delilah? Are you here?” “I swear that man better not have done anything to you.” Francesca gasps as she sees her best friend lying on the floor unconscious. She looks at the pill bottle and says “ I know she didn’t.” She checks her pulse….oh thank the heavens, she’s still alive. Francesca drags her body to her car and brings her to the hospital. In the waiting room, Francesca calls Jack and tells him to come.

“What happened to her?”

“She overdoes on pills.”

“Sorry to interrupt your conversation but your friend had regained consciousness.”

“Can we talk to her” says Jack.

“Yes but it’s would be best if you’d do it one at a time since she’s still recovering.”

“I’m gonna first” says Francesca. She knocks on the food and Delilah turns her head slowly.


“Yes it’s me, girl what we’re you thinking, you almost gave me a heart attack.”

“I just couldn’t do it anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“I found out that Jack is cheating.”

“That good for nothing man, I’m gonna kill him.” Delilah laughs. “I’m serious girl, you can’t keep letting him hurt you.”

“But I love him.”

“Well that loves gonna get you killed.”

“I’ll be fine, anyways can you send Jack in, I would like to talk to him.”

“Hey sweetie, how are you holding up?”

“Cut the crap Jack. I’m just some stupid girl that wouldn’t figure it out right?”

“What are you on about Delilah, did they put you on crazy meds?”

“Don’t play dumb, I saw the messages.“Jack gets a furious look on his face and says

“We’ll talk about this when we get home.”The nurse walks in and says

“I need to talk to Ms. Washington.

“I’ll be outside” says Jack

“What is it ? Am I dying ? The Juarez laughs and says

“No but I noticed that you’re 5 months pregnant.”

“Yes, I’m so happy!!”

“Well I have some exciting news if you’re interested.”

“I am.”

“Well I can tell you the gender of your baby, that’s if you want to know.”

“Yes tell me.”

“It’s a boy.”

“A handsome baby boy” says Delilah happily. “Thanks for telling me.”

“Delilah I think it’s time we go.”After she got discharged they walked home. Once they’re home Jack slams the door and slaps Delilah. He’s shaking her and says “how dare you accuse me of cheating. So you know everything I’ve done for you?” Delilah stands there holding her cheek and sobbing. “Oh so you falsely accuse me then cry.”

“It’s not false, she manages to utter. Give me your phone, I’ll show you.” Jack grabs a small black book and throws it at her.

“That’s bull, don’t ever question me again. This is the last time we will have this conversation, understood?” Delilah nods her head. “Good, I’m going to bed. Delilah goes to pick up the book and noticed that there’s a piece of paper sticking out the back. The paper says 938 Riverdale Road, next to that was a number. She flipped the page and it said “big bro Williams.”

“Jack had a brother” says Delilah. Maybe I should give him a call she thinks to herself. The next day Jack heads to work while Delilah hits up Jack’s brother. “Hello, is this William?”

“Yes, may I ask who this is.”

“I’m Delilah, I just found your number in my friends uh phonebook.”



“May I ask who your friend is.”

“I rather not say, anyways can you meet me at Leblanc’s Coffee Shop.”

“Sure, maybe then I’ll get some answers.”

“Ok, I’ll be wearing a pink dress with flowers.” At the coffee shop, Felilah is waiting for Williams to come. Soon enough a tall dark skin man with hazel eyes, waves and a casual outfit walks in and sits at the table with her.

“I presume your Delilah?”

“Yes and that means your William.”

“In the flesh” he says as they bothe laugh” They get to talking and soon enough they hit it off. “Let’s do this again sometime” he says.

“Like a date?”


“You don’t care that I’m pregnant?”

“Of course not, I like talking to you.”

“Ok then, call me.”

“I will.” After a couple more dates William finally asks Delilah to come to his house and she agrees.

“Wow, your house is amazing” she says, “you must be rich.”

“I mean not to brag but I am the CEO of my company.” They head over to the couch and her phone rings.

“Do you have somewhere I can take this call?”

“Down the hall and to the left” he says.


“Where the hell are?”

“I told you I’m at Francesca’s house.”

“You’re lying, I checked your location, I’m already 5 minutes away.” Jack hangs up the phone and Delilah drops down crying. William runs to the room.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“No” she says

“What’s wrong?”

“William, there’s something I haven’t been honest ab-“

“Where is she,” Jack yells as he breaks down the door.” William walks out with Delilah and says

“What’s going on?” Jack looks at him and says

“For the lord of- Williams ?

“Jack ? What are you doing here?”

“I can’t to get my fiancé that you stole.”

“I didn’t steal anyone, I didn’t even know you guys knew each other.”

“Sure you didn’t, you always did this even when we were kids. You stay taking what’s mine.”

“It’s not my fault you never treated thh gg me right.”

“Calm down” says Delilah.

“SHUT UP” says Jack then he slaps her.

“So that’s how you treat her? No wonder she wanted me.”

“Watch your mouth.”

Or what ? What are you gonna do?” Jack punches him. He feels his nose and notices blood. Oh it’s on….A fight breaks lose. They’re all over the place, breaking everything in their way. Delilah had enough, she pushed them apart. Breathing heavily they stand on either side of Delilah.

“You know what Delilah, you can have William. I never loved you anyway. As for you William, the “PERFECT CHILD,” SHE’ll DO EXACTLY WHAT SHE DID TO ME TO YOU” Jack storms out and drives off. A silence falls among them.


“Will, wait. I know I should’ve told you about Jack but I-“

“I don’t care about that” Delilahs eyes lit up.

“You don’t ?”

“I don’t, but I can’t be with you.”

“Is it because of what Jack said ? I won’t cheat on you.”

“It’s not that, I just can’t do that to Jack.

“But I love you and the like we’ve built together.”

“I love you too and the baby which is why I’m giving you $20,000. Get away from all this. I have a house in Florida, use it.”

“Omg thank you!!”

“Text me when you get there.”

“I will.” As Delilah waits to board the plane she things to herself what am I gonna name this little guy.

“ALL ABOARD, LAST PLANE TO FLORIDA” Delilah boards the plan with a window seat in first class. She looks out the window with her hands on her 8 month old stomach.

Finally, it’s a new beginning for us Michael, Michael….I like the sound of that.


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    HUWritten by Holly Underwood

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