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The Fourteen Ways to Teach Children

Parents are the most important and irreplaceable educators in a child's life

By Wimble HuhmanPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
The Fourteen Ways to Teach Children
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

1、 Parent are the most important irreplaceable educators in the life of their children

The age of 0 to 6 is a critical period for the formation of children's qualities and good habits. The first two years of a child's life is a critical period for establishing strong emotional bonds with parents and is the foundation for future psychological growth and building relationships of trust and love with others. Fifty percent of all knowledge about life is learned in the first year of life and 25 percent in the second year of life, where knowledge about life mainly refers to the ability to love and emotional development.

2、If you want to change your child's behavior, parents should change themselves first

Educating children is a process of educating themselves. Children's bad behaviors are often passed down directly from their environment or parents. Setting an example to educate is the most reliable way to develop children's moral behavior.

3. The importance of cultivating the spiritual qualities of young children far exceeds that of intellectual development

The spirit is the tree, the mind is the fruit; the spirit is the lamp, and the mind is the light. Human intelligence is a reflection of spiritual qualities. If we only focus on the cultivation of skills (such as various kinds of early intellectual development interest classes) and neglect the cultivation of the spiritual qualities of young children, we can only put the cart before the horse, and when the children grow up to be adults, their personality will be defective and their moral development will be hindered.

4, reasonable discipline

Discipline children are to tell them the standard of behavior, that is, what kind of things can be done and what kind of things can not be done. Discipline should be authoritative: When a child makes a mistake and we have to discipline them, it must be authoritative. Let your child know that you are serious and that the demands you make will be accompanied by punishment or rewards. Reasonable limits can foster a sense of discipline in children, but of course, discipline must be done responsibly. And tell your child the reason for your request. Be consistent with your child's father: Parents should be consistent in disciplining their children so that they can establish a uniform standard of behavior. Even if there is a disagreement with dad's discipline, it is best to discuss it with him later, when the child is not present. By doing so, it also establishes the authority of both parents. Don't punish too much: You must not abuse your child physically or psychologically. The best way to keep your child under control is to reward him for good performance.

5. Use positive encouragement to make your child establish good self-values

Parents need to take the initiative to teach basic values and behaviors to their children. So that the child can grow up in society. Of course, in this regard, teaching by example is better than words and we can be good role models for our children. It is important to create a good family atmosphere. Therefore, we can't let our children do what we don't want them to do, nor can we do one set of things ourselves and let them do another. Only if we lead by example and focus on the development of our children's values and manners can we educate the next generation with high moral character.

The three "abilities" of a person with improved self-esteem are: I am capable; I can relate to the people around me, and I can contribute to the well-being of others whenever and wherever I can. Believing that they have the potential to learn and grow, they develop qualities such as courage, faith, self-confidence, and trust in life and others. Conversely, low self-worth is a negative perception of self, and destructive feelings such as self-blame, shame, anger, and hatred remain with the child throughout life.

6. Accept and acknowledge children's various emotions (especially negative ones)

When a parent denies a child's feelings, the child feels that he is not understood. Only when the child's emotions are accepted and his feelings are soothed will he behave well, because children live in a world of feelings.

Listen to your child's heart. Experienced parents suggest that talking through their feelings is a very valuable way to find out how they are feeling. Whether the question your child asks is big or small, find time to listen to what he has to say as soon as possible, rather than making your child wait until you have some free time. Talking to our children provides an opportunity to understand and teach them. Listening to our child immediately helps to earn his or her trust so that he or she will be willing to tell us everything. And it is also important for us to understand what is going on in our child's head. Therefore, when a child talks to us, we need to talk to him as soon as possible. This way the child will not be disappointed, he can feel how important he is to us, and he will tell us what is on his mind more often.

7. Set up clear family rules and hold regular family meetings

Children need to know where the boundaries are, what to do and what not to do, and no rules instead children do not feel safe. No more than five to six house rules should be appropriate to the specific needs of the family and must be stated in affirmative sentences to post the house rules. If the house rules are violated the corresponding penalties should be clearly defined. Once established, they should be firmly enforced, and every once in a while, the house rules should be adjusted and fixed. Hold regular family meetings so that the whole family can share the process of life development, develop democracy, respect each other and enjoy the atmosphere of love.

8, within a certain range, to give children the right to choose

As a child grows, it is important to give him more and more freedom and power over his life. Parents must consciously restrain themselves from the kind of thinking that does everything for their children, and give them a certain amount of freedom to show that they trust and respect them and that they will respect us and love us more.

Giving your child choices within certain limits avoids tension and gives your child the opportunity to practice making decisions by providing choices. For example, "It's bedtime, do you want to hear yesterday's story or do you want to hear a new one?" "Do you want to wear a pink blouse or a blue T-shirt today? (If the child chooses neither, the parent can ask, "Do I choose for you, or do you choose for yourself?") Making choices and holding children accountable are both everyday behaviors that are essential to developing children's self-esteem.

9. Play is a major activity for young children, and children learn through play

Young children learn through exposure to concrete, simulated, life-related things that require interaction with peers, adults, and the environment, and play allows them to relax and develop a focused work ethic. Specialized practice with symbols such as letters and numbers should not begin too early before the age of 5. This can limit a child's thinking, as young minds are not yet mature enough to understand abstract concepts.

10. Tell children positively what they should do, not what they should not do

The condescending posture of the traditional educator, who always tells the child "no hitting, no eating on the couch," etc., only draws attention to and focuses on the negative behavior; the child still does not know what good behavior is and what he or she should do. A positive statement would be to modify the child's behavior with virtues such as "You forgot to be peaceful with others" or "We are eating at the table!"

11. Take time to spend time alone with your child every day and do something together that interests both of you

Every child needs to get enough attention from his or her parents. We need to make some time for our children's play outside of work every day. It is important to provide a variety of experiences for your child and expose him or her to as many things as possible. Parents, as listeners, supporters, and spiritual companions of their children, should respect their children's feelings and accompany them in a transcendent and compassionate manner when they encounter frustrations.

12、Don't forget to leave yourself a little break

We should take the initiative to find a little time to put our children aside for a while. This is to create a better mental environment for the child. Raising children does not mean that we have to give up our personal needs and communication between the couple, and the harmony of the relationship is vital to family stability. In addition, we need to take a little free time to do things we enjoy, away from tedious chores and work. Have a little sense of humor and don't be remorseful for your little mistakes. Adjust your mood, relax your nervous nerves and be good at resting to be better at work.

13、Let the child's father play a role

Psychologists' research shows that dads are important to their children's growth. Dads are not only a supervisor, but also need to be active participants. Parents as a collective, discuss the principles of education, play, and talk with their children together so that they will receive better results. Let the people around you help you and make your own life easy.

14、Enjoy the joy your child brings

Successful parents deeply feel the joy that comes from growing up with their children. As children make our lives great, make us more understanding, and give us hope in life. So, let's not complain about our hard work, but discover and enjoy the joy brought by our children with all our hearts!

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About the Creator

Wimble Huhman

Where there is soil, where there is water, grass grows

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    Wimble HuhmanWritten by Wimble Huhman

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