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The Drive

Everyone Needs a Little Break Sometimes

By Megan MillerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I don't even know where to start....

I'm 33, a wife, a mother, and just downright tired. I've been doing the same routine for weeks, and it's not getting any less frustrating. Let's just sum it up into a small check list:

1. Wake up; then wake everyone else up right after.

2. Go to work.

3. Come home.

4. Cleaning up everyone's mess they left while I was at work.

5. Make dinner.

6. Fall Asleep.

When Angela asked if I wanted to take a drive with her to pick up her dog, a 10 hour drive to Colorado was sending mixed feelings towards me. Am I excited because I'll be getting out of the house? Or am I thinking of saying no because I'll lose out on the precious 48 hours of downtime I have to do absolutely nothing? Hmmm.... decisions, decisions. So by Wednesday afternoon (2 days before the scheduled drive), I had definitely made up my mind. The answer is "fuck yes", mainly because I'll be getting out of the house and just being..... somewhere else for once.

It was an amazing 1 1/2 days I could have asked for. Driving from Nevada, through Utah, arriving in Colorado, was absolutely amazing. Who cares that it was dark 95% of the time? It was beautiful darkness! It was cold, windy, and snowy. I texted my husband off and on throughout the drive, but I secretly hoped he enjoyed me being away just as much as I did.

The best part was when I got to drive. It may have been night the whole time, but just cruising through the highway, going 80 mph through pure darkness, felt like I was flying. Not to mention, I was driving with one of the funniest and coolest friends I ever had. We laughed off and on the entire time. You don't always get to choose who you drive with, but when you do, make sure to choose your best friend. The drive there was so quick because we couldn't stop laughing!

We took a much needed break in Colorado. Angela turns to me and asks "I really want to get a room just to get a few hours sleep. How much do you think we should put towards a room that isn't "too much?" My response was, "I would say it shouldn't be more than $85.00 after taxes and fees." Who would've though that we would get a 2 bed room suite for LITERALLY $85.00 after taxes?! Right on the money! We were amazing..... and we slept. That was the best catnap a person could ask for, and I woke up on my own, which was astonishing. The person we were meeting to pick up the dog arrived, we hung out at the park for a second, then we hit the road. It was time to wrap up this adventure.

The drive home was like a time warp. We drove all night again, and it was beautiful darkness. This time, we had a new passenger with us. This dog may be huge, but all he wants is love, and that's exactly what he barked for all the way home. With a few extra stops, walks, and leg stretches, the drive home was even quicker.

We came home around 6 am, a little later than I anticipated, but I was ready to sleep! As I walked up the steps to let myself in, I secretly hoped my family had prepared my arrival to the way I wanted it. A clean and peaceful home. However, that's not reality! I took the trip because reality gets on my nerves, and it was waiting right there for me when I got home. I turned the key, opened the door, looked around, and thought to myself.....



About the Creator

Megan Miller

My name is Megan and I'm looking to connect with the world. I want to share my stories of life, love, and struggles so that maybe other people can be reminded that we all have a story to tell.

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