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The Book of Treasures

And, the man who made it all possible.

By Shanie JonesPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The Book of Treasures
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

Lucy slowly opened the email with trepidation. “Your Grandfather is very ill. Please come as soon as possible.” Those were the only words. My Grandfather sick? My sweet, sweet Pops? I just talked with him on Sunday! What in the world? What is going on?? Why not call???, she thought. She packed her bag as quickly as possible and headed to the airport hoping she would be able to buy a last-minute ticket and get there in time.

The flight was uneventful except for the man in 10C who was snoring like an English Bulldog. She hurried off the plane and through the luggage pick up as quickly as possible. She did not know what she was walking into or the adventure she would soon be on.

Walking through the doors of the Galelion Nursing home, Lucy was unaware of the whispers from the residents. After checking in with the receptionist, she was directed to the Administration office. She wondered what this meant but had a dreadful feeling. “Your Grandfather passed 1 hour ago, Ms. Boggle. I’m so sorry for your loss.” Lucy collapsed into the nearest chair. She knew in her heart that she would not make it in time but had hoped with all of her soul that she would.

A nurse walked silently in with a letter. She gave it to the Administrator first and he read the envelope then handed it to Lucy. Ms. Lucy, this seems to be for you. Looks like your Grandfather left you a message. Lucy opened the envelope and read...

My Dear Lucy,

If you are reading this, I have met my fateful end. You know that I always liked riddles and puzzles so I have left you one to remember me. Please enjoy and find your way through me. There is a safe deposit box at Hilman’s bank. #304. Inside will be instructions for you. Have fun, my sweet granddaughter.

Love always,


Lucy folded the letter neatly and placed it back into its envelope. Her Grandfather had always been one for bluntness but also very fun. The nurse then took her to see her grandfather. The aides had taken very good care to prepare him for her. He was clean and smelled like fresh aftershave. She knew that he was no longer there but hugged him tightly and talked with him anyway. Her thoughts were spinning away as she talked about how much she missed him and how she was so sorry she did not get here sooner. Lucy stayed for several hours and said her final goodbye. She knew it wouldn't be long because she would soon be on an adventure with him. At least his spirit. She was anxious now to get to the bank to see what awaited her inside that box.

Arriving at Hilman’s bank, Lucy sat in her car for a few minutes. Her spirit had been broken with the divorce and losing her job all within 6 months. It had all been so hard but she knew she had to put that aside for now.

The bank wasn’t busy at all so she was able to go right up to the teller. The teller looked something up on her computer. She said, “Oh yes, Ms. Boggle...right this way! Your Grandfather was some man! He told us all about this adventure he had planned for you for when he passed. Oh! Please forgive me. I was so excited for you that I forgot! I’m so sorry for your loss.

Walking into the vault, the teller said, “Yes. Right here. #304. I will leave you here for a few, Ms. Lucy.” Lucy said thank you and eyed the box with contemplation. Carefully, she opened the box. On the inside was a small note rolled up with a gold ribbon. Lucy untied the ribbon and began to read.

My Dear Lucy,

I’m so excited for you to begin your journey. I hope that my riddles and such will brighten your spirits. I also want you to enjoy this journey without any worries so I have left you some money in the bank. It’s not much but you should be set for the duration of my adventure for you. The tellers will know what to do next. Check back in with them and have fun, my sweet Lucy. Put a smile on your face...you are about to begin the best adventure of your life. At least I think so!

I love you forever and always,

Love, your Pops

She rolled up the note and tied the ribbon back on. What a treasure alone. “I’ll keep this forever”, said Lucy as her eyes started to water. She was so happy to have something in his handwriting. Then she walked back out to the teller and with a huge smile, the teller asked her to sit down. Lucy wondered why but found out shortly.

The manager came over to her and clearing his throat said, “Ms. Boggle, my name is John Weston. I am glad you are sitting down. We knew about the surprise your Grandfather left for you and that some money was involved but I am just now learning that he has left you 20,000 dollars.” Lucy sat there in shock and almost passed out. She didn't know what to say. Holding in her tears, she asked for a cup of water. The manager told her that he understood and when she was ready, he had another note for her.

After some time, Lucy checked back in with the manager and he gave her another rolled-up note with a gold ribbon. Lucy’s spirits were beginning to lift and she started to get excited undoing the ribbon. It read…

So now you begin on your adventure of a lifetime.

I think it came at just the right time.

Inside my house is an old antique dresser.

Underneath taped to the bottom you will find another letter.

Seek to find your sweet sweet smile.

I will hold on for a while.

Taking in a deep much-needed sigh, Lucy sat back down. After chatting for a while with the manager, hearing wonderful stories of how her Grandfather made them all laugh, Lucy left the bank and headed to his house.

Walking into his home was bittersweet. Lucy loved coming over to her Pops when she was little. He had a huge cabinet full of riddle books and puzzles that she enjoyed. She carefully picked one up and smiled at the memories.

Finding the dresser, Lucy looked underneath. There was a small note taped to the bottom that simply said, “Nope, not this one!” with a drawing of a person laughing. Lucy let out a little giggle. That was just like her Pops.

Searching the house, she found 7 more dressers in one room. All antique. Now she laughed out loud. A deep belly laugh. Crouching on the floor, she pulled out a note taped to the bottom of one of the dressers. This one also said, “Nope, not this one!” with the same drawing. Lucy continued to check each one and the last one finally had a rolled-up note with a gold ribbon. Lucy was rolling on the floor with laughter now.

Be happy, my Lucy dear.

And definitely do not fear.

You and me, we are in this together.

Because that was always better.

I hope I made you laugh.

You are on the right path.

Now get off the floor

And go to the kitchen door.

In the kitchen, Lucy noticed the small chair she would stand on when she was little to help her Pops bake. It touched her heart that he would keep that. Looking at the door, Lucy saw a small arrow drawn by the handle that pointed upwards. She slid her hand on the top of the door and found another rolled-up note with the same gold ribbon.

Remember how we used to bake?

Oh, the things we would make!

Cookies, muffins, and cakes.

All yum yum yum to taste.

These memories I hold dear.

My sweet Lucy, do not fear.

You enjoy this day…

because everything will be ok!

Lucy was a little confused by this one. She thought for a minute and checked the baking cabinet. Sure enough, there was another rolled-up note with a gold ribbon.

Memories are what we made.

We never want those to fade.

Now, check where memories are stored.

2 places to explore.

One you will see and remember.

The other you will read forever.

Lucy figured out right away that by seeing and remembering, he meant his photo albums but could not figure out the other place. She found the albums in the library and sat in his comfy chair to reminisce. She flipped through the memories of baking, holidays, and tender hugs. As she lifted the next album, a little black notebook fell out. Lucy knew what the “read forever” meant now! Pops journals! Oh, how he loved to journal. He has a bookcase full of them in his room. Lucy felt so lucky to have a grandfather who kept all of these memories. She knew his spirit would live on through them.

Opening the journal that fell out of the album, Lucy began to read...

I have decided that my granddaughter Lucy will go on an adventure when I die. I have put into place all that will be needed and hope that she has fun. I know she is struggling and I want to help her. I am able to do that. So, Lucy, I hope you are reading this. And, I suggest you sit down. Hopefully you have had a few giggles in those tears I know you are shedding. For many more reasons other than me dying! You have had such a hard time for a while now and you know that I did fairly well in the money department. I left you the $20,000 for the riddle adventure but knew you wouldn’t need any money with the riddle all being here in my home. The reason I did that is that I wanted you to be able to put any worries aside. I hope you are starting to feel better and that I had some part in that. I really appreciate you Lucy for making my life better every day. Ok, now I am getting a little long-winded so I will just leave with this. Lucy, I know how you always loved this house. You now own it and everything in it. All debt-free. Now, I certainly don’t expect you to keep everything. You can definitely throw out my underwear! Haha. Along with the house, I have managed to create quite a nest egg. My sweet Lucy, you are now a millionaire. I know you will use it wisely. My lawyer will be here in the morning to finalize everything with you. Sleep well, my sweet Lucy.

Lucy sat in shock and finally cried herself to sleep. She was very thankful for all of this, but she missed her Pops and knew she always would. At least she would be surrounded by memories every day, though. And, 8 antique dressers!

“One more time, Mommy? Please, one more time?” said Abby. “Well, let's see what Daddy says, shall we?” looking up at her husband who was standing in the doorway. She looked into his eyes. The same eyes she fell in love with and did not realize at the time. That day was a blur. John said, “Are you reading the book of treasures again? Ooooh. I love that one Abby. How about we read that again tomorrow night?" "Ok, Daddy." John walked out with his beautiful wife thinking how lucky he was to have met her that day. He held her face and said, “I love you with all my heart and soul, Mrs. Lucy Weston!”


About the Creator

Shanie Jones

I just started writing! I am amazed at how it lights me up. The crazy thing is that the signs were all there. Collections of pens, etc growing up. Thank you to my family for the support!

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    Shanie JonesWritten by Shanie Jones

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