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The 10 Keys to Raising a Responsible Child (Instead of an Entitled one)

Attitude is everything. That’s why you need to be careful with what you say and do in front of your children.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

You know firsthand how difficult it is to raise a child in this day and age. Your eight-year-old is rude to you and won't listen, your four-year-old doesn't want to play with the neighbor's kid, and your toddler has only a vague understanding of what "no" means. It seems that every time you turn around, a new trend surfaces that makes raising your kids even harder.

Not all hope is lost though! You just need to adjust your parenting style in order for them to be the best they can be. Here are 10 keys that will help guide you on their journey of becoming successful, resourceful individuals:

1. Give them boundaries.

Strong boundaries are vital to raising a responsible child. As they grow up, your kids will learn by testing the limits and you must let them know what those limits are early on.

A good rule of thumb is to keep your rules simple, and make sure they're consistently enforced.

For example, your child should be able to tell whether or not it's okay to leave his belongings out when he leaves the room.

If he's allowed to leave his toys strewn about when he's done playing, then he needs to learn that if he does so accidentally or in the heat of the moment, it still isn't okay.

2. Be prepared to sacrifice.

A parent's first priority isn't always the children, and it should never be your agenda to keep things going smoothly.

In order to raise a responsible child, you must make sacrifices for them. If that means saying no when they want something that you know they shouldn't have or can't reasonably have, then give them their way and let them learn not to ask you again.

However, as soon as you open up your heart again when they come begging for something that's been denied because of your rules, it's back to the beginning of learning what "no" means, but only until the next test of boundaries comes along.

3. Teach them to have a healthy self-esteem.

It's important to build a self-esteem in your child that's both authentic and healthy.

One sign of a strong sense of self-worth is an ability to empathize with others, which is why it's so important to teach your kids the value in giving back.

If they're not used to helping others, then get them involved in service organizations. They can begin by helping out at the local soup kitchen or arranging regular clothing drives for homeless people.

In this way, you're showing them that there are many ways to volunteer for those less fortunate than themselves and making points with the public about how wonderful you are as a family.

4. Encourage independence.

One of the most important parts of growing up is the realization that you don't have to rely on your friends or family for everything.

Kids who are raised to think they're going to get whatever they want at any time not only grow up with a sense of entitlement, but can become dependent on others.

In order for them to be happy, healthy and resourceful adults, they need to learn how to stand on their own two feet as soon as possible.

Encourage them to try new things by working on their self-esteem, and lend your support whenever they need it.

That way they'll be able to reach out when help is needed instead of relying too heavily upon others.

5. Support their decisions.

Families often grow in a way that's not necessarily the best for their child. As a parent, it's your job to support their decisions and work to eliminate any unnecessary stress from the process.

That way you can help them feel less anxious about making the wrong choices later on, and prevent them from falling into habits of addiction or lack of motivation entirely.

It can be hard to give your kid someone else's advice on how they should spend their time, but when they're finding it difficult to sort out what they want to do with their life, it can be helpful for you to make suggestions as long as you don't force them into circumstances that aren't our of their control entirely.

6. Give them opportunities to work for your approval.

You can't simply expect your children to get their chores done, do well in school and make a few extra bucks to help out around the house.

In order to earn their spotter's stripes as an adult, they need to learn that being helpful comes from within, not simple obedience or a quick buck.

If you want them to remain productive and motivated into adulthood, then you need to encourage that initiative in them now by giving them everyday projects they can complete without constant supervision.

This way, they'll learn to work harder for the things that truly mean something to them.

7. Protect them when it matters.

It can be pretty heartbreaking when a child suffers after an accident. If you're worried about their safety, it's important to stay calm and support them as they deal with the situation at hand.

However, you don't want your child to become frightened of going out in public or developing a fear of being alone if they're around people who are drunk or taking drugs.

When they're little, you may need to keep your eye on them constantly so that they don't get hurt.

As they grow older, you need to be sure that any unforeseen situations are handled accordingly and that your opinion is clearly stated for what needs to be done.

8. Find out what makes them happy.

It's important to find out what kind of things motivate your kids, so that you can help them make the most of themselves in their interests and hobbies.

If they love sports, then set up the equipment and take a part in the fun. If they're into art, then encourage their creativity by getting involved with sketching or painting classes.

If they love video games, there's no need to talk them out of it just let them have their own time.

Encourage them to find their own interests and hobbies by letting them know that you're proud whenever they begin pursuing something that is a true joy for them.

9. Be the example.

It goes without saying that the parent is ultimately responsible for how well the children are going to do in life.

In order for your children to be happy and responsible adults, it's essential that you set the right example.

It's not just about being a good parent but being a good human being as well. The way you treat other people in your life coworkers, neighbors, family and friends, will have an influence on how they'll be able to deal with others in the future.

Make sure that they learn respect and love by enforcing these values throughout your entire home.

10. Teach them to cope with failure.

Sure, you want children to always be happy, successful and healthy, but that isn't always possible or realistic for every situation.

In order to learn how to turn the negative into a positive and make the most of mistakes, children need to know that they're not alone when they fail.

Tell them that what they did wasn't good enough, but encourage them to try again, as long as there's not anything physically wrong with them.

This way, they'll learn to treat their mistakes as part of a process by which they can improve.


Before you start thinking that parenting is a miserable job, remember that it's a special opportunity to be a guide and counselor to your children.

You can teach them how to be the best possible versions of themselves by helping them to learn how to work hard and count on their own abilities.

Show them that life is full of limitless possibilities, and you can make sure they have the ideal childhood that they'll need in order to be successful adults.


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    BingBingMoneyWritten by BingBingMoney

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