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Such a family environment can nurture children with a proactive spirit

Praise and encouragement

By Fra TushaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

The most crucial motivation on the way to grow up is not given by others, but the child has the spontaneous motivation to better move towards success. If a child can positively do everything, he or she will be able to face difficulties bravely. If he or she always sees the negative side, even a small setback may make the child give up.

So what kind of family environment can nurture a proactive child?

Praise and encouragement

Children who grow up with praise and encouragement are more likely to develop self-confidence, but this praise should not be perfunctory and one-sided but should be targeted according to what the child has done.

It is also important to note that praise should focus on the process rather than the result so that the child will understand that his or her efforts are worthwhile and will be rewarded for them.

Acknowledgment and appreciation from parents give children a strong sense of self-confidence and a constant sense of joy in life, and it is because of this joy that children are willing to be proactive the next time they do something.


In particular, children should be praised and encouraged for their aggressive behavior, so that they can experience the satisfaction of success and respect their efforts, even if the results are not as good as they should be.

Parents sometimes think that what their children do is simple and that doing it well is the right thing to do, but for them, as they grow up, it may be the equivalent of accomplishing a major life event.

Parents need to have a keen eye to constantly find positive and aggressive behavior, and targeted praise, for the child will feel confident and happy.

Praising children in public can be a great confidence booster for them, and parents should not always praise them in private for fear of their children being proud or uncomfortable.

Getting out of a difficult situation

When a person encounters a difficult situation and wants to get out of the present life, it can also stimulate the desire to be proactive.

However, this situation is relatively rare, because nowadays, basically, children living in the city do not worry about food and clothing, living conditions are generally better, and there are fewer opportunities for them to encounter difficult circumstances.

Parents also do not need to inspire their children's fighting spirit by deliberately giving them a difficult environment, encounter less does not mean that will not happen, natural encounter is good, do not need to deliberately arrange for children frustrated.

And if you let your child live in a difficult situation for a long time, it is possible that not only does not stimulate their fighting spirit but also lets the child break down and fall apart. This method should be used with caution by parents.

Lead by example

Parents, as their children's first teachers and lifelong role models, must pay attention to their attitude toward life, which has a very important role in fostering the enterprising spirit of their children.

Parents should lead by example, if parents encounter difficulties, first of all, they should have an optimistic attitude, and parents themselves are motivated before they can ask their children to struggle.

The meaning of life lies in the struggle and pursuit, so parents also need to reflect this in their daily actions, in the eyes of the children young parents are omnipotent, and because of their limited ability so need to imitate the parents to act characteristics, if parents are addicted to mahjong every day, do not study and do not read, no career and motivation, but forced children to study seriously, think about the results will not be ideal.

Children will understand and perceive the world through their parents, which requires parents to set an example and play a role models when educating their children.

Parents themselves must become people who pursue the meaning of life, infect their children with their behavior, and teach them to pursue and strive.

Give the initiative to the child

When problems arise, parents need to teach their children the initiative to solve them and trust them to handle them well. As loving parents, parents want to do more for their children without considering whether they need the "help".

Parents can't help their children to gain a sense of accomplishment, which is a disguised way to deprive them of their problem-solving skills and thus lose their sense of value and self-confidence.

Such parents can only produce weak and incompetent children, while smart parents are ruthless, even if the child can not handle things well, or in the process will be frustrated, but for them are the most precious gift of growth.

It doesn't matter how far things can be solved, what matters is to develop the child's ability to think, and parents need to understand that their task is not to do anything for their child, but to spark their child's interest in active learning.

Moderate expression of expectations

Children may not have a clear goal in mind at a young age, so if parents can moderately communicate some of their expectations to them at this time, it is equivalent to helping their children set a goal.

The goals may not be too specific, for example, "I hope you will be brave and be yourself" or "I hope you will have the courage to persevere," but be careful not to make the child a tool to fulfill their unfulfilled wishes by forcing them to do things they do not like to do.

It is in the child's basic nature to desire parental approval, so although parents will not act immediately after saying these words, they will certainly work toward these goals from the inside.

Do more positive things to give your child a subtle influence, such as reading more books and swiping less on the phone, insisting on fitness so that your child also actively participates in sports, and being more filial to the elderly so that your child knows how to respect.


About the Creator

Fra Tusha

stay hungry, stay foolish.

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