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Stay at home dads

Why do most sites and news ignore the dads?

By AjaxPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

If you do a simple google search and look for work from home jobs or homemaker jobs, you will get hundreds upon thousands of hits with titles that state stay at home mom jobs, jobs for the busy mom, etc etc. Why are those sites sexist against the stay at home fathers? Are they oblivious that men can be homemakers too or are they just flat out ignoring the homemaker fathers?

To try to get some answers, I emailed or commented on the authors articles that they had written on various different sites. Of the emails I sent, not one of them has been replied to, so that one was a bust. The comments I left were also a bust, but at least I got replies from some very angry women who thought men could not be homemakers and if they were they are just lazy bums.

That got me thinking, why can women be homemakers and get praised left and right for it, but when a man is a homemaker he gets treated badly and called a lazy bum? I don't see how that is really fair for the men out there taking care of the home and kids, especially if the woman is the one making the money. Wouldn't that technically be a victory for women out in the world?

One of the answers I received from a not so hostile woman was that in todays society men are expected to be the provider and the woman is supposed to be the homemaker; but if that were true why is there the feminist movement? I thought they said that women can do what men do and should be able to have a career if they want? (Yes I know the movement is more than woman being equal as men, so don't get your panties in a twist). I never did get a reply from that woman because I was eventually banned from that website.

I also asked this question on Reddit and boy oh boy did that bring out the worst in people. I myself was called a misogynistic nazi (I myself lost braincells with that very comment) and they called me a woman hating explicit word that I will not repeat, but its an offensive name for a homosexual. People on Reddit think the karma actually means something because they sure downvoted that simple question as well and I didn't get one answer on the simple question, just a bunch of self proclaimed keyboard warriors who just bashed me and anyone that tried to answer seriously.

So my question for everyone is; Why are men excluded from most or all of the sites or news stories about stay at home parents? Are stay at home fathers really that bad of a thing if the wife is making good money? Why do men get hate for being a stay at home parent, but women get praise and called brave? Isn't the whole point of equality that both parties get it and not just one? (I don't want to hear the pay gap argument because most of those can easily be explained due to the schooling or past work experiences, so don't go down that road either). Because of Covid, I am currently the homemaker of the house while my wife got a job as a pre-k school teacher assistant. Does that make me a lazy bum as well because a pandemic ruined the company I was working for and they had to lay people off to survive? According to those women on that site, yes I am a lazy bum since I'm a homemaker as I wait for my job to call me back.

I really do not understand the difference between a man or woman being the homemaker. If you cannot afford/do not trust a babysitter and can get by with just the one income, why would it matter the sex of the person staying home? (I say trust a babysitter because I do not trust anyone watching my kids at all). Is it because men were always known to be the workers and the wives stayed home and cooked? Well that isn't the case anymore and hasn't been for a very long time.

So are the articles and news stations just out of the times thinking that women are usually always the homemakers or do they just not care that they are disregarding the men in that same role? Yeah men homemakers are rare, but there are still men homemakers that have this role full-time for various reasons. Just because a man is a homemaker doesn't make him lazy either. As a temp homemaker, I find more time to focus on my woodworking and writing; with both bringing in some form of income. So let me know what you think about most articles gearing towards the mothers and how you feel about a male homemaker, if you even have any feelings. It really doesn't bother me either way if myself or wife is the homemaker. At least with me being the homemaker right now I can focus more on cooking and woodworking, something that I usually only had one day a week to actually enjoy doing when I was a full-time manual laborer. Thank you for reading and have a great rest of the day.

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