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Spiritual Warfare - The Origin of Evil

Serie 2/2

By C BPublished about a year ago 36 min read

We are going to continue with the study of Spiritual Warfare, focusing on its origin. In the last chapter we reflected on the hostile environment that prevails in the world, and we studied the evidence that there is of the existence of the intense Spiritual War that is carried out.

Getting into the matter, one of the great tragedies that involve many human beings is that we do not look for the causes of things, we are so perplexed by the symptoms and particular manifestations that we immediately seek to apply a remedy and this happens in all aspects of life where we have to face a difficulty or a setback, we do not give ourselves the time or we believe that we do not have it -and we must make the time- to investigate the origin, the beginning of the conflicts, and even more of this conflict, because otherwise we are only studying the symptoms and looking for immediate solutions, almost always in the very short term, to only "prune" the problem and not uproot it, and as students of writing, we have to change this behavior, especially in domains of Spiritual Warfare, and to be able to have a correct posture and effective participation as God.

What is the cause of the Wars? If we ask someone who sees through an earthly glass, they can answer us that they are to defend the land, invade territories, overthrow tyrants, or that they are for economic, ideological, or religious reasons, and if we go to the "Spiritual Domain" we can find certain similarities with the "reasons" of earthly wars. Only that the earthly wars in the Spiritual Domain are consequences of a greater war that precedes our war, which is its cause or origin in The Spiritual Domain because it is this, the one that influences the earthly, the human being, and man materializes what he carries inside himself. Any action we perform is preceded by a thought and that thought is influenced by the environment and a "Spiritual Domain" that rules where I live. Because believe it or not, the spiritual world is more real than we can imagine.

Now, what then is the cause of war? In the Spiritual Domain, we were able to compress that answer with a portion of the Bible found in

Ephesians 6:12 "For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this century, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realms."

This principle that the Bible gives us alerts us that the cause of war is not found only in people and the material world. Let's remember this, let's meditate on this, every day of our life, when you have differences with a family member, with your partner with a neighbor, with a co-worker with a partner, remember these words from the Bible, your fight is not against that person, it is what is operating through that person who wants to affect you, who wants to intimidate you, make you uncomfortable, who wants to irritate you, who wants to steal your peace and we forget this so easily and we fight, sometimes even with physical violence, because we fall into that trap and this happens to all of us, there is no one exempt from these impulses, we focus on the person with whom we have the conflict because we are simply influenced by our sight, but we must remember that there is an invisible world that influences the visible world, the origin of our fight is not against flesh and blood.

Many think, especially in third-world countries, that the problem is purely economic "If it weren't for communism" or "If it wasn't for socialism, everything would be fine" but when we go to developed parts of the world. Some people say the same with capitalism, so it is not politics, and we can assure you that if you find the solution to your current setbacks, even if circumstances change overnight, you will continue to experience obstacles and inconveniences, difficulties because that's life, at this time, we do not live in a time of peace, because it is not because of the economic situation, it is not because of the government, it is not because of illness, it is because there is spiritual chaos that may not you have given yourself the time to delve into it and to know it. After all, the fact that you do not know it does not mean that it does not exist.

"Spiritual Warfare" has its origin in a rebellion of many Angels against God, to understand this origin we have to go to the Bible, the sacred scripture takes us to the creation of the world, and allows us to go to a time before the existence of humanity, before the creation of Adam and Eve. With this in mind let us share a concern towards some brothers in the faith.

The defense of a soldier or a Christian does not materialize if one of them ignores who or what they are facing, we have to strengthen our fucking weak, knowing what we are up against helps us not to be vulnerable. We have been able to meet brothers in the faith who dare to tell me that they do not believe in Satan, "I do not mention Satan", and "I do not like to talk about Satan" but it turns out that we have to study Satan. Many people don't know it, but the Bible reveals more information about Satan than about any other angelic being. If we measure and add the information that exists in the Bible about the Angel Gabriel, the Archangel Michael, the seraphim, and the cherubim and compare it with that which reveals Satan, we will find much more information about Satan than about any of these beings combined. What does the Holy Spirit want to tell us by giving us so much information about Satan, we must know our adversary, because we have a fierce and powerful adversary and the fact that we want to ignore it, is not an impediment for it to affect or influence us, in case you did not know at the end last month in April of this year 2023 an event entitled "Satancon 2023" was held in Boston, an event held by a satanic temple, they allege that although they are a satanic temple, they do not believe in satan and the introduction of this event is a woman tearing the pages of the Bible, and encouraging all her followers to imitate her, but what leaves us perplexed is that when the press asks her about how controversial this action is seen by believers, she calmly says no It has to do with Christianity, but with symbols of oppression. It is worth noting the serenity and cynicism with which this type of people varnish even the vilest actions with feigned common sense and false victimhood. Symbols that according to them are ignorant and oppressive that do not support gender ideology, abortion, among other "causes", the cowardice of taking action against a symbol that exhorts you to turn the other cheek is also chilling. But the great inconsistency is that they have a temple dedicated to Satan, and they have an event called Satancon but they say they do not believe in Satan, that they take these symbols to encourage "Critical Thinking", about moral paradigms, and that they only make fun of the church to break the "State of Theocracy", which does not exist in the West, and everything over which the gospel has influence. -It would be interesting to see if they dare to do the same with the Koran and mitigate their lack of respect with the same calm voice overlapped by a dissertation of a socially oppressed victim-. They are rebels and it is a headless rebellion manipulated by a greater power, which does not analyze if what they are rebelling against is the structure that oppresses them or if they are just a pawn in a much bigger game.

1 Peter 5:8-9 “Be sober, and watch; because your adversary the devil, like a roaring lion, walks around looking for someone to devour; 9 who resist firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being fulfilled in your brothers throughout the world.”

And what can be easier to devour than the souls of young people full of melancholy with dysthymia that is fed day after day by a feeling of disenfranchised and rejection by social conventions? Satan has inoculated these ideas and feelings even in Christian churches where Satan is not mentioned. While in many Christian and non-Christian homes, an inefficient syncretism prevails, half a new age religious, pseudo-NLP, believing that if Satan is not talked about in the house, he does not exist, as if we were activating some kind of invisibility: "No, if I don't mention it weakened him”, some more reckless dare to say already “I bind Satan”, when we do NOT have that power. This is false propaganda from churches that only seek to attract parishioners, "followers" and memberships to a club, through a show of "power" granting false empowerment to the most vulnerable people because ignorance and poverty can also be spiritual even if they wear silk and a spiritual ignoramus is as vulnerable as a naked child.

This has been one of the Devil's malevolent strategies to make the world believe that he is beatable, vulnerable, or non-existent, while he continues to gain a foothold in families, churches, and society at large.

We can only understand the world today knowing the doctrine of the fall of angelic beings before the creation of man, which explains why our world is what it is, and how we are slaves to sin, for what reason The Bible says and reveals to us that Satan is the Owner of this century, of this time and consequently human beings live in a kingdom of darkness, which affects our families, who want to steal our children from us, dismember society, wants to put an end to the marriage, it is real, it is palpable and even so, they dare to say: “we do not believe in this”, they do not believe in darkness even though they live in it. In the first chapter of the Bible in the first verse, its beginning also counts as the beginning of everything.

Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

That word “Earth” in Hebrew is “ ארץ” and it is pronounced “hereds”, it means dry land. If we continue to the second verse:

Genesis 1:2 says, “And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters.”

In these three words, the Holy Spirit reveals to us the conditions of the earth, disorder, emptiness, darkness; and a place called The Abyss, the Abyss unlike hell is a prison of darkness for angelic beings, hell is for human beings, they are different prisons, that is why when Christ faced the demoniacs they begged Jesus not to send them into the Abyss.

And Jesus asked him, saying: What is your name? And he said: Legion. Because a lot of demons have entered him. 31 And they begged him not to command them to go into the Abyss. And if we go to Revelation 9, information about the Abyss is revealed to us again: "The doors of the Abyss are going to be opened." There is a place of spiritual or material cloister for creatures of evil, called The Abyss, and aside from science fiction stories, conspiracy theories, and the popular imagination, it should be noted that for many scholars of writing this place is found in the Center of the Earth. Now given how fascinating this topic can be for our imagination, let's delve a little seriously into this topic of the Abyss and what can we know or conjecture about this place, what originated this prison of darkness that left emptiness, darkness, and disorder. on earth.

The Holy Spirit gives in Ezekiel 28 a double reference revelation that can help us carry out our analysis. A double reference speech is when you are speaking to an individual and at the same time to the Spirit that is in that individual, for example, when Christ tells Peter, get away from me, Satan, when Peter tries to convince Christ not to go to the Cross, but Christ recognized that he does not fight against blood and flesh, he is not Peter, for that reason he says: "Get behind me, Satan."

In Ezekiel 28, the king of Tyre, the most commercial city of his time, was a tyrant, wicked, disobedient, and very arrogant because of the position he held. In this portion of the scripture Ezekiel is speaking to the king and at the same time, he is speaking to the Spirit that is in that King

Ezekiel 28:14-19 “You, great cherub, protector, I put you on the holy mountain of God, you were there; in the midst of the stones of fire you walked. 15 You were perfect in all your ways from the day you were created until evil was found in you. 16 Because of the multitude of your trades you were filled with iniquity, and you sinned; for which I cast you from the mountain of God, and threw you from among the stones of fire, oh protective cherub. 17 Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor; I will throw you to the ground; I will set you before kings so that they may look at you. 18 With the multitude of your iniquities and with the iniquity of your contracts you have desecrated your sanctuary; I therefore brought fire from among you, which consumed you, and turned you into ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who behold you. 19 All those who knew you from among the peoples will marvel at you; you will be terrifying, and you will cease to be forever.”

Here we clearly find that the Holy Spirit through the prophet Ezekiel speaks to a Cherub - A cherub is an angelic being who is close to the presence of God and who cares for his holiness. On the ark of the Alliance that is in the most holy place of the Tabernacle there were two Cherubim that joined their wings and looked at the mercy seat. Here we are talking to an angelic being, but in person we have the King of Tire, Ezekiel, he speaks of his perfection until the moment he began to be evil and was thrown out.

"The one who carries the light" was the seal of perfection of this individual, this angelic being, before the creation of human beings. He admires his great beauty and his heart begins to exalt and want adoration, the power of the Almighty and he began to ruminate with the other angelic beings and create or try to make a coup in heaven and God check out This revelation is given to us by the Holy Spirit in the Bible.

Revelation 12: 7-9 “Then there was a great battle in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought; 8 But they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 And the great dragon was thrown out, the old serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast down to the earth, and the angels from him were cast down with him."

Because one of the great questions of Spiritual Warfare is: Where did the principalities, powers, hosts of wickedness, and so many demons and unclean spirits come from? Well, Satan was not thrown out alone, he took a third of the angels from heaven, "the fallen."

All this was before us. The human being was created in Genesis 2. In other words, before the creation of man, there was already a prison of darkness for angelic beings, and there had already been a spiritual conflict, this precedes humanity and in these post-war conditions Adam and Eve come on the scene in Genesis 2 from the dust of the ground, God blowing the breath of life, and God placed every delicious tree in sight, “The tree of life” and “The tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, and here we find the characteristics of the creation of human beings before sin, there was no evil, they were naked because it was a stage of innocence, they were immortal but dependent, they depended on feeding on the "Tree of Life" that was in the center of Eden, which was the communion to stay alive. But they are facing a fierce enemy that can transform into a being of light and when it transforms into a being of light, usually if we are not attentive we lower our defenses and it drags us down. "The fall of humanity", described in Genesis 3. It is there where the first battle and the first loss of the Spiritual War take place, with its first deaths, Adam and Eve. They lost the war.

In this war there was no war attack, here there was an evil strategic attack. And many times the things that we consider less dangerous, perhaps are the ones that cause the most damage in your family, because Satan is an expert in that. None of us is going to leave his son unsupervised at home with access to cocaine, alcoholic beverages, and weapons, even if we were crazy we would never do it, but if we do something that is perhaps the same in the spiritual realm, you leave him with total freedom a cell phone with internet access so that he can watch pornography, war games so that you are always full of hate machine-gunning everything, you don't reprimand him, you don't regulate his time, he's always locked in his room, when he's playing Play he curses your house and you don't You say nothing because according to you it doesn't matter, he's a child, he's an adolescent, we can always say that it's "just a stage". What you think is harmless creates mental strengths in your life and in the lives of your children, and this is the strategy of this enemy at the beginning, it always comes smoothly. Let's cite a fairly popular example: Marijuana addicts often tend to say that their habit is something natural and that it does no harm, but they are slaves, they cannot function without it, they cannot go a day without consuming, there is slavery and even that they do not accept it, that there is slavery and that they have mental strength cannot intervene in this. For whatever reasons it could have come as, or from something, or someone, apparently harmless but suddenly took over their lives.

So since the days of Adam and Eve all human beings are born in a fallen state in the middle of a war. Christianity is neither pessimistic nor optimistic, it is realistic, no institutional initiative is going to bring world peace, the Bible says that we are going from less to more darkness and evil. We mistakenly believe that we have mastered our latest great invention, the internet, and we have not yet managed to visualize its scope when we have already created another alleged new remedy for all ills, artificial intelligence and why we can ensure that it will not bring blessings to humanity, because it is not artificial intelligence that will harm us, it is the evil that exists within us, that of the "state fallen" of human beings, who uses all his inventions for his self-destruction.

Only when Christ enters this scene will we be able to see the arrival of peace, but there can be no peace without justice first, and we observe in the present disarmed families, young people, and children being easy prey. It is very serious, children and young people are being stunned, they are robbing their reasoning capacity for reading interpretation, comprehension, conversation, criteria, and reasoning, they are stealing it and the parents are being accomplices in some cases because they are permissive, because they are current, modern, liberal, because they are fashionable, because they support pernicious ideologies because some are afraid to speak out against what their environment applauds and this brings tragic consequences. And to those who do not believe it, we invite you to put the Bible aside and watch the news and review the statistics. Look at the ferocity against children, this was unthinkable until recently, the madness is increasing right under our noses. There is an enemy, there is an organized system, a millennial conflict, there is a war that is taking place and they are aiming at your life and you are not training your people, you are not preparing them for battle. understand this you don't belong to this world.

John 18:36 “Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; But my kingdom is not from here."

If I follow Christ and I am co-heir to his kingdom, it means that I do not belong to this world either, and so there is no doubt.

Philippians 3:20 "But our citizenship is in heaven, from where we also look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;"

Sometimes we are so attached to this world that we want this world to change, because we are sure that our happiness is here, and it is not true, you are deceiving yourself, that is not what the Bible says, that is why you try to twist the scripture because there is arrogance and pride in your heart, we are not in friendly territory, we are in enemy territory where there is an angelic being that is ruling an organized, demonic system that wants to tear apart, dismember families, communities, and it is impossible to be neutral in this war.

Revelation 3: 15-17 “15 I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot! 16 But because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth. 17 Because you say: I am rich, and I have become rich, and of nothing I have need; and you don't know that you are unfortunate, miserable, poor, blind and naked."

If there is a war here and you say neither my children nor I am getting involved in this conflict, everyone can still be shot, it is a reality only that we are speaking in spiritual terms, that you do not want to intervene in this war does not exempt you from the conflict, no takes you out of the field. There is crossfire that I am not part of the soldiers does not keep me from being hurt, in the spiritual conflict the ammunition is anxieties, temptations, traumas, contentions, envy, frustrations, needs, you and I have to take action, give battle, because we have a fierce enemy who hates us and our loved ones.

1Peter 5:8 “Be sober, and watch; because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour;”

Finally there is only one possibility of victory And we are going to read that possibility in the Bible

1 Corinthians 15:57 "But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Victory is through our Lord Jesus Christ, it is not through knowledge, it is not through intellect, it is not through peace organizations, it does not come by being neutral, the only way for me to achieve victory is through Christ. I have no power, I am not in a condition to face such an enemy. I am not in a condition to face him, I cannot, this being has known my planet since before the existence of humanity, he has a Superior intelligence. Only through Christ through Christ's triumph do I get the victory.

1John 5:4 “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith.”

Finally brothers we have some brushstrokes of the origin of a Spiritual War that precedes humanity, which continues and is intensifying we are approaching the fulfillment of biblical prophecies.

We live in exciting times from the spiritual point of view, from the one who studies the Bible, because although everything intensifies, chaos, evil, hunger, and laziness when we see how all this is combined at the same time, although it is very difficult, our faith must be strengthened, because we have a God who warned us, and it is necessary that what was prophesied be fulfilled, and his word is increasingly current and I have to remember this, so as not to fall into slavery and not allow mental strength in my head, to discard all the tricks of the enemy and be still, firm, battling against all anxiety, depression, stress because it is not in this world where I am going to reign, it is not in this time, it is in heaven and in time millennial and I must always throw my anxiety at the feet of Christ, my Lord and my Savior.

God bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you.

We are going to continue with the study of Spiritual Warfare focusing on the origin. In the last chapter, we reflected on the hostile environment that prevails in the world and we studied the evidence that there is of the existence of the intense Spiritual War that is carried out. Therefore, no initiative that governments, groups, NGOs, etc. claim to carry out. They can materialize that utopian dream that many human beings have, to see here on earth a time of earthly peace between nations.

Getting into the matter, one of the great tragedies that involve many human beings is that we do not look for the causes of things, we are so perplexed by the symptoms and particular manifestations that we immediately seek to apply a remedy and this happens in all aspects of life where we have to face a difficulty or a setback, we do not give ourselves the time or we believe that we do not have it -and it is important that we make the time- to investigate the origin, the beginning of the conflicts, and even more of this conflict , because otherwise we are only studying the symptoms and looking for immediate solutions, almost always in the very short term, to only "prune" the problem and not uproot it, and as "Students of writing" we have to change this behavior , especially in domains of Spiritual Warfare, and to be able to have a correct correct posture and effective participation as God.

What is the cause of the Wars? If we ask someone who sees through an earthly glass, they can answer us that they are to defend land, invade territories, overthrow tyrants or that they are for economic, ideological or religious reasons, and if we go to the "Spiritual Domain" we can find certain similarities with the "reasons" of earthly wars. Only that the earthly wars in the "Spiritual Domain" are consequences of a greater war that precedes our war, which is its cause or origin in "The Spiritual Domain" because it is this, the one that influences the earthly, the human being and man materializes what he carries inside himself. Any action we perform is preceded by a thought and that thought is influenced by the environment and a "Spiritual Domain" that rules where I live. Because believe it or not, the spiritual world is more real than we can imagine.

Now, what then is the cause of war? in the Spiritual Domain we were able to compress that answer with a portion of the Bible:

Ephesians 6:12 "For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this century, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly realms."

This principle that the Bible gives us alerts us that the cause of war is not found only in people and in the material world. Let's remember this, let's meditate on this, every day of our life, when you have differences with a family member, with your partner with a neighbor, with a co-worker with a partner, remember these words from the Bible, your fight is not against that person, it is what is operating through that person who wants to affect you, who wants to intimidate you, make you uncomfortable, who wants to irritate you, who wants to steal your peace and we forget this so easily and we fight, sometimes even with physical violence, because we fall into that trap and this happens to all of us, there is no one exempt from these impulses, we focus on the person with whom we have the conflict because we are simply influenced by our sight, but we must remember that there is an invisible world that influences the visible world, the origin of our fight is not against flesh and blood.

Many think, especially in third world countries, that the problem is purely economic "If it weren't for communism" or "If it wasn't for socialism, everything would be fine" but when we go to developed parts of the world. There are people who say the same in relation to capitalism, so it is not politics, and we can assure you that if you find the solution to your current setbacks, even if circumstances change overnight, you will continue to experience obstacles and inconveniences, difficulties because that's life, at this time, we do not live in a time of peace, because it is not because of the economic situation, it is not because of the government, it is not because of illness, it is because there is spiritual chaos that may not you have given yourself the time to delve into it and to know it. After all, the fact that you do not know it does not mean that it does not exist.

"Spiritual Warfare" has its origin in a rebellion of many Angels against God, to understand this origin we have to go to the Bible, the sacred scripture takes us to the creation of the world, and allows us to go to a time before the existence of humanity, before the creation of Adam and Eve. With this in mind let us share a concern towards some brothers in the faith.

The defense of a soldier or a Christian does not materialize if one of them ignores who or what they are facing, we have to strengthen our fucking weak, knowing what we are up against helps us not to be vulnerable. We have been able to meet brothers in the faith who dare to tell me that they do not believe in Satan, "I do not mention Satan", and "I do not like to talk about Satan" but it turns out that we have to study Satan. Many people don't know it, but the Bible reveals more information about Satan than about any other angelic being. If we measure and add the information that exists in the Bible about the Angel Gabriel, the Archangel Michael, the seraphim, and the cherubim and compare it with that which reveals Satan, we will find much more information about Satan than about any of these beings combined. What does the Holy Spirit want to tell us by giving us so much information about Satan, we must know our adversary, because we have a fierce and powerful adversary and the fact that we want to ignore it, is not an impediment for it to affect or influence us, in case you did not know at the end last month in April of this year 2023 an event entitled "Satancon 2023" was held in Boston, an event held by a satanic temple, they allege that although they are a satanic temple, they do not believe in satan and the introduction of this event is a woman tearing the pages of the Bible, and encouraging all her followers to imitate her, but what leaves us perplexed is that when the press asks her about how controversial this action is seen by believers, she calmly says no It has to do with Christianity, but with symbols of oppression. It is worth noting the serenity and cynicism with which this type of people varnish even the vilest actions with a feigned common sense and false victimhood. Symbols that according to them are ignorant and oppressive that do not support gender ideology, abortion, among other "causes", the cowardice of taking action against a symbol that exhorts you to turn the other cheek is also chilling. But the great inconsistency is that they have a temple dedicated to Satan, and they have an event called Satancon but they say they do not believe in Satan, that they take these symbols to encourage "Critical Thinking", about moral paradigms, and that they only make fun of the church to break the "State of Theocracy", which does not exist in the West and everything over which the gospel has influence. -It would be interesting to see if they dare to do the same with the Koran and mitigate their lack of respect with the same calm voice overlapped by a dissertation of a socially oppressed victim-. They are rebels and it is a headless rebellion manipulated by a greater power, which does not analyze if what they are

rebelling against is really the structure that oppresses you or you are just a pawn in a much bigger game.

1 Peter 5:8-9 “Be sober, and watch; because your adversary the devil, like a roaring lion, walks around looking for someone to devour; 9 whom resist firm in faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being fulfilled in your brothers throughout the world.”

And what can be easier to devour than the souls of young people full of melancholy with dysthymia that is fed day after day by a feeling of "disenfranchise" and rejection by social conventions. Satan has inoculated these ideas and feelings even in Christian churches where Satan is not mentioned. While in many Christian and non-Christian homes, an inefficient syncretism prevails, half a new age religious, pseudo NLP, believing that if Satan is not talked about in the house, he does not exist, as if we were activating some kind of invisibility: "No, if I don't mention it weakened him”, some more reckless dare to say already “I bind Satan”, when we do NOT have that power. This is false propaganda from churches that only seek to attract parishioners, "followers" and memberships to a club, through a show of "power" granting false empowerment to the most vulnerable people because ignorance and poverty can also be spiritual even if they wear silk and a spiritual ignoramus is as vulnerable as a naked child.

This has been one of the Devil's malevolent strategies to make the world believe that he is beatable, vulnerable, or nonexistent, while he continues to gain a foothold in families, churches, and society at large.

We can only understand the world today knowing the doctrine of the fall of angelic beings before the creation of man, which explains why our world is what it is, and how we are slaves to sin, for what reason The Bible says and reveals to us that Satan is the Owner of this century, of this time and consequently human beings live in a kingdom of darkness, which affects our families, who want to steal our children from us, dismember society, wants to put an end to the marriage, it is real, it is palpable and even so, they dare to say: “we do not believe in this”, they do not believe in darkness even though they live in it. In the first chapter of the Bible in the first verse, its beginning also tells as the beginning of everything.

Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

The word “Earth” in Hebrew is “ ארץ” and it is pronounced “hereds”, it means dry land. If we continue to the second verse,

Genesis 1:2 says, “And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters.”

In these three words the Holy Spirit reveals to us the conditions of the earth, disorder, emptiness, darkness, and a place called The Abyss, the Abyss, unlike hell, is a prison of darkness for angelic beings, hell is for human beings, they are different prisons, that is why when Christ faced the demoniacs they begged Jesus not to send them into the Abyss.

And Jesus asked him, saying: What is your name? And he said: Legion. Because a lot of demons have entered him. 31 And they begged him not to command them to go into the Abyss. And if we go to Revelation 9, information about the Abyss is revealed to us again: "The doors of the Abyss are going to be opened." There is a place of spiritual or material cloister for creatures of evil, called The Abyss, and aside from science fiction stories, conspiracy theories and the popular imagination, it should be noted that for many scholars of writing this place is found in the Center of the Earth. Now given how fascinating this topic can be for our imagination, let's delve a little and seriously into this topic of the Abyss and what can we know or conjecture about this place, what originated this prison of darkness that left emptiness, darkness and disorder. on earth.

The Holy Spirit gives in Ezekiel 28 a double reference revelation that can help us carry out our analysis. A double reference speech is when you are speaking to an individual and at the same time to the Spirit that is in that individual, for example, when Christ tells Peter, get away from me, Satan, when Peter tries to convince Christ not to go to the Cross, but Christ recognized that he does not fight against blood and flesh, he is not Peter, for that reason he says: "Get behind me, Satan."

In Ezekiel 28, the king of Tyre, the most commercial city of his time, was a tyrant, wicked, disobedient, and very arrogant because of the position he held. In this portion of the scripture Ezekiel is speaking to the king and at the same time, he is speaking to the Spirit that is in King

Ezekiel 28:14-19 “You, great cherub, protector, I put you on the holy mountain of God, you were there; in the midst of the stones of fire you walked. 15 You were perfect in all your ways from the day you were created, until evil was found in you. 16 Because of the multitude of your trades you were filled with iniquity, and you sinned; for which I cast you from the mountain of God, and threw you from among the stones of fire, oh protective cherub. 17 Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor; I will throw you to the ground; I will set you before kings so that they may look at you. 18 With the multitude of your iniquities and with the iniquity of your contracts you have desecrated your sanctuary; I therefore brought fire from among you, which consumed you, and turned you into ashes on the earth in the eyes of all who behold you. 19 All those who knew you from among the peoples will marvel at you; you will be terrifying, and you will cease to be forever.”

Here we find that the Holy Spirit through the prophet Ezekiel speaks to a Cherub - A cherub is an angelic being who is close to the presence of God and who cares for his holiness. On the ark of the Alliance that is in the most holy place of the Tabernacle, there were two Cherubim that joined their wings and looked at the mercy seat. Here we are talking to an angelic being, but in person, we have the King of Tire, Ezekiel, he speaks of his perfection until the moment he began to be evil and was hrown out.

"The one who carries the light" was the seal of perfection of this individual, this angelic being, before the creation of human beings. He admires his great beauty and his heart begins to exalt and want adoration, the power of the Almighty and he began to ruminate with the other angelic beings and create or try to make a coup in heaven and God checks out This revelation is given to us by the Holy Spirit in the Bible.

Revelation 12: 7-9 “Then there was a great battle in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought; 8 But they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 And the great dragon was thrown out, the old serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast down to the earth, and the angels from him were cast down with him."

Because one of the great questions of Spiritual Warfare is: Where did the principalities, powers, hosts of wickedness, and so many demons and unclean spirits come from? Well, Satan was not thrown out alone, he took a third of the angels from heaven, "the fallen."

All this was before us. The human being was created in Genesis 2. In other words, before the creation of man, there was already a prison of darkness for angelic beings, and there had already been a spiritual conflict, this precedes humanity and in these post-war conditions Adam and Eve come on the scene in Genesis 2 from the dust of the ground, God blowing the breath of life, and God placed every delicious tree in sight, “The tree of life” and “The tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, and here we find the characteristics of the creation of human beings before sin, there was no evil, they were naked because it was a stage of innocence, they were immortal but dependent, they depended on feeding on the "Tree of Life" that was in the center of Eden, which was the communion to stay alive. But they are facing a fierce enemy that has the ability to transform into a being of light and that when it transforms into a being of light, usually if we are not attentive we lower our defenses and it drags us down. "The fall of humanity", described in Genesis 3. It is there where the first battle and the first loss of the Spiritual War take place, with its first deaths, Adam and Eve. They lost the war.

In this war there was no war attack, here there was an evil strategic attack. And many times the things that we consider less dangerous, perhaps are the ones that cause the most damage in your family, because Satan is an expert in that. None of us is going to leave his son unsupervised at home with access to cocaine, alcoholic beverages, and weapons, even if we were crazy we would never do it, but if we do something that is perhaps the same in the spiritual realm, you leave him with total freedom a cell phone with internet access so that he can watch pornography, war games so that you are always full of hate machine-gunning everything, you don't reprimand him, you don't regulate his time, he's always locked in his room, when he's playing Play he curses your house and you don't You say nothing because according to you it doesn't matter, he's a child, he's an adolescent, we can always say that it's "just a stage". What you think is harmless creates mental strengths in your life and in the lives of your children, and this is the strategy of this enemy at the beginning, it always comes smoothly. Let's cite a fairly popular example: Marijuana addicts often tend to say that their habit is something natural and that it does no harm, but they are slaves, they cannot function without it, they cannot go a day without consuming, there is slavery and even that they do not accept it, that there is slavery and that they have mental strength cannot intervene in this. For whatever reasons it could have come as, or from something, or someone, apparently harmless but suddenly took over their lives.

So since the days of Adam and Eve all human beings are born in a fallen state in the middle of a war. Christianity is neither pessimistic nor optimistic, it is realistic, no institutional initiative is going to bring world peace, the Bible says that we are going from less to more darkness and evil. We mistakenly believe that we have mastered our latest great invention, the internet, and we have not yet managed to visualize its scope, when we have already created another alleged new remedy for all ills, artificial intelligence and why we can ensure that it will not bring blessings to humanity, because it is not artificial intelligence that will harm us, it is the evil that exists within us, that of the "state fallen" of human beings, who uses all his inventions for his own self-destruction.

Only when Christ enters this scene will we be able to see the arrival of peace, but there can be no peace without justice first, and we observe in the present totally disarmed families, young people and children being easy prey. It is very serious, children and young people are being stunned, they are robbing their reasoning capacity for reading interpretation, comprehension, conversation, criteria, and reasoning, they are stealing it and the parents are being accomplices in some cases because they are permissive, because they are current, modern, liberal, because they are fashionable, because they support pernicious ideologies because some are afraid to speak out against what their environment applauds and this brings tragic consequences. And to those who do not believe it, we invite you to put the Bible aside and watch the news, check the statistics. Look at the ferocity against children, this was unthinkable until recently, the madness is increasing right under our noses. There is an enemy, there is an organized system, a millennial conflict, there is a war that is taking place and they are aiming at your life and you are not training your people, you are not preparing them for battle. understand this you don't belong to this world.

John 18:36 “Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world; if my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; But my kingdom is not from here."

If I follow Christ and I am co-heir to his kingdom, it means that I do not belong to this world either, and so that there is no doubt.

Philippians 3:20 "But our citizenship is in heaven, from where we also look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ;"

Sometimes we are so attached to this world that we want this world to change, because we are sure that our happiness is here, and it is not true, you are deceiving yourself, that is not what the Bible says, that is why you try to twist the scripture because there is arrogance and pride in your heart, we are not in friendly territory, we are in enemy territory where there is an angelic being that is ruling an organized, demonic system that wants to tear apart, dismember families, communities, and it is impossible to be neutral in this war.

Revelation 3: 15-17 “15 I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot! 16 But because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of my mouth. 17 Because you say: I am rich, and I have become rich, and of nothing I have need; and you don't know that you are unfortunate, miserable, poor, blind and naked."

If there is a war here and you say neither my children nor I are getting involved in this conflict, everyone can still be shot, it is a reality only that we are speaking in spiritual terms, that you do not want to intervene in this war does not exempt you from the conflict, no takes you out of field. There is crossfire that I am not part of the soldiers does not keep me from being hurt, in the spiritual conflict the ammunition is anxieties, temptations, traumas, contentions, envy, frustrations, needs, you and I have to take action, give battle, because we have a fierce enemy who hates us and our loved ones.

1Peter 5:8 “Be sober, and watch; because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour;”

Finally there is only one possibility of victory And we are going to read that possibility in the Bible;

1 Corinthians 15:57 "But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Victory is through our Lord Jesus Christ, it is not through knowledge, it is not through intellect, it is not through peace organizations, it does not come by being neutral, the only way for me to achieve victory is through of Christ. I have no power, I am not in a condition to face such an enemy. I am not in a condition to face him, I cannot, this being has known my planet since before the existence of humanity, he has a Superior intelligence. Only through Christ through Christ's triumph do I get the victory.

1John 5:4 “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith.”

Finally brothers we have some brushstrokes of the origin of a Spiritual War that precedes humanity, which continues and is intensifying we are approaching the fulfillment of biblical prophecies.

We live in exciting times from the spiritual point of view, from the one who studies the Bible, because despite the fact that everything intensifies, chaos, evil, hunger, laziness, when we see how all this is combined at the same time, although it is very difficult, our faith must be strengthened, because we have a God who warned us, and it is necessary that what was prophesied be fulfilled, and his word is increasingly current and I have to remember this, so as not to fall into slavery and not allow mental strength in my head, to discard all the tricks of the enemy and be still, firm, battling against all anxiety, depression, stress because it is not in this world where I am going to reign, it is not in this time, it is in heaven and in time millennial and I must always throw my anxiety at the feet of Christ, my Lord and my Savior.

God bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you.


About the Creator


I'm a creative writer from the '90s and '00s, and I have probably been through a vortex coming down here on the GPT chat domains. I am looking for what I can contribute to this world as a traveler from the past.

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