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Introduction to Spiritual Warfare

Serie 1/

By C BPublished 11 months ago 20 min read
(Series 1/ )

Introduction to Spiritual Warfare (Series 1/ )

This is a very timely subject that the believer has to take into account whether he likes it or not, and that sometimes many believers forget you omit, evading it and believing that they can really hide the sun with one finger. Spiritual warfare is a dense subject so deep and real that writing is awash with spiritual confrontations that illustrate to us what our tools, armor, and as lead ourself in this war, as a soldier in it, in an effective and correct way. But how to start? and what would be the beginning of a topic like this? Well, let's start right now, establishing the main aspect, which is that the believer raises awareness that we live in times of war with moments of peace and not the other way around because, with the hustle and bustle of day to day, we fall into the error of thinking that we are living in times of peace and that those times of peace are interrupted by moments of war when it is not So. Scripture makes it clear that it is the opposite now for us Christians who are at war.

The Bible is a book with a language, which points first to the Spirit, taking this into account before defining: "War", we could define what "Peace" is, according to biblical criteria. In Lucas 2:14 when the angels appear to the shepherds announcing the birth of the Messiah, they greet them saying: Glory to God in the highest and on earth Peace goodwill towards men. The word Peace comes from the Greek "eirênê" and has the meaning of well-being, tranquility, and free from worry, now it is very important that we can understand that this peace refers to the personal and individual domain of each person in the spirit and not to a material peace of the world, of the global and earthly domain, how we define it very easily, when we think of peace we leave aside a closer peace and consider that it refers to a sense of external and global peace. Since Christ was born to this day, have we seen earthly peace? We can easily conclude that no; Wars between nations are increasing, tensions have come to the point of being nuclear, family war, parents against children, wives against husbands, and youths in rebellion against parents, teachers, and all authority. We live in constant war. So what does this Peace consist of, taking into account that it is a spiritual domain? For we know that there is a separation between God and man as a consequence of sin, in sin we were born, we were all destitute of the glory of God, we are all born with that iniquity, with that wickedness. When Christ our mediator arrives and reconciles us with our heavenly Father, and everyone who believes in him is not lost but has eternal life and becomes a child of God, we have that "eirênê", that tranquility that despite the fact that we live in calamity, we know that we are at peace with God and this is the peace that has to be a priority in our lives. This does not speak at any time that you have to aim for the city or country where you live to be in earthly peace, it does not refer to this, since, knowing that it is spiritual peace, the domain of war would also be in the spiritual field. The peace that comes with Jesus Christ does not refer to physical wars, because physical wars are consequences of "Spiritual Wars", the Bible says in Ephesians 6 that we do not have a fight against flesh and blood, but in everyday life, we ​​forget it and point to man as our enemy, but man is manifesting consequences and reactions of intelligent spiritual beings, who are the origin of this war, in Santiago 4 Where do the wars and lawsuits among you come from? Is it not your passions, which fight in your members? He asks us, and when we analyze the history of wars, in universal history, you can conclude that those thousands of deaths were the consequence of greed, greed, in the desire for power of one or more souls separated from their creator, who is not in peace with him, who rejected the light and who loved the darkness and consequently that enmity with God, destroyed their hearts producing wars, which is the consequence of the rebellion against God and consequently the scenario is created where the enemy acts creating conflicts.

A man or father of a family cannot have a home in harmony without first making peace with God, because he does not know how to do it, because he does not have the capacity or the intellect, he needs Christ, and apart from him we can do nothing, we need to understand this definition of peace, to correctly address spiritual warfare. The Bible speaks openly of spiritual warfare, and in the Old Testament we have a metaphor for the type of conflict that Christians currently face every day against principalities, powers, governors of the darkness

There is wisdom in the Old Testament and we must read it to find tools for spiritual warfare, we can briefly cite examples as we see in theGenesiswhich speaks of the origin of the "berishit",Exodus the second book of the Bible speaks of the exit from the Tabernacle,Leviticus talks about the priesthood and the holiness of God, then comesNumbers which talks about the importance of walking by faith to advance in the path of God, trusting in his promises, and the seriousness of sin, the fifth bookDeuteronomy in the chronological order of the Bible, he talks about the constitution of a theocracy, where God governs his people, he talks about the law, but the sixth one is the Book ofJosuewhich means the Lord is salvation, Jehovah is salvation, he is my salvation, this book talks about the conquest of the promised land of Canaan and in that book the confrontations begin The Wars the strategies and it should be noted that in the times of Joshua the prostitution in both sexes, child sacrifices and religious syncretism, among other sins, for this reason God orders the Israelites the total extermination of the inhabitants of Canaan. for every person is difficult and even impossible to understand why God commands to exterminate a population, only is possible when the spirit holy provides revelation, wisdom, and knowledge of the word of God, knowledge biblical to understand that everything has a reason and an end within the perfect will of God.

It is very interesting to remember the biblical phrase "as in the days of Noah" when we open our eyes and realize that in the present we see prostitution and depravity, abortions everywhere, child sacrifices, etc. and therefore keep the Goddess of pleasure satisfied, believing that there will be no consequences, increasing the idolatry of my own body and flesh, my pleasure comes first and I do what I want.

The prevailing religious syncretism tells us: I believe a little bit of Christianity and a little bit of Buddhism and this part of New Age seems to me to make sense, and I'm not sure believe in this part of the Bible, which I don't like, so the coat of my life. Religious syncretism is something that scripture condemns because it is a breeding ground for exacerbating wars, personal, couple, family, and community. We live in extremely dangerous times and in case you don't know, you, your house, and your children have enemies inside your house, because you can place an electric fence, you can place cameras 24 hours a day, but by cell phone, TV, fashion, Filthy intelligent beings infect and cause harm by enslaving men, and seizing children from an early age to indoctrinate them and so that, instead of growing up as warriors, they become slaves to anyone who dazzles them, leaving them out of action long before the maturation of the spirit, and any combat opportunity, this is serious, this is not religious, this is not fanaticism, this is a reality. Put the Bible aside, take the scripture out of the equation, and look at the statistics: Children are being influenced to have depression and loss of their identity. There are parents, authorities, and governments that have reached the point of the irrationality of saying: "Let her do what she wants and be what she wants to be" When it has been proven in a number of academic and scientific studies that analyze the child's psyche that the mind of a child is not in a condition to make transcendental decisions, and even less one as monumental as a change of sex, but we have allowed it by enslaving children, letting ourselves be one of the fallen in the same war without actually fighting.

After Joshua comes to a book called Judges and let's lend attention to chapter 3:1"These, then, are the nations that Jehovah left to test Israel with them, all those who had not known all the wars of Canaan;" Joshua's generation dies, new generations come to the people of Israel, but these new generations do not know war, but God wants them to know it, just as he now tells you, Christians, that you should know spiritual warfare. Then God leaves enemy nations so that through them Israel knows war. When you see this nation on the map it is a little dot that is surrounded by enemies and that is still standing even now in 2023, but why are they still not exterminated or will exterminate the nation of Israel? Because God has trained them for millennia teaching his people how to defend themselves to know war and in the present lala they are surrounding their enemies aware that there are more and even so they do not dare to have an attack, prophetically it will happen later but Israel is not going away.

You, me, all of us have to find in Israel teaching for our life, many times God leaves in your house, in your work, in your family that person who causes you burning, displeasure, who irritates you, who offends you, within which there is a constant confrontation, so that you know the war, and you are not taking advantage of that opportunity because you are focused on a selfish thought "I want peace" but God is giving you opportunities to grow in self-control, in patience, in compassion to the another that is being enslaved that is being irritated, in the Bible it says that the root of bitterness is dangerous because infects others and does not come from a holy work and therefore the instinct of the body leads you to flee, but the spirit reminds us that we have to fight, because Godbother to accommodate, to strengthen, to equip, to supply. -I have reached the point with the difficulty of giving thanks to God for people in my way and in my walk that have caused me harm, with whom I have had rivalries, that I have had conflicts, because those people have been God's instrument, for build my life, that they have shown me that I am envious, that many times I have bitterness, that perhaps I fall into idolatry and leads me again to put my feet on the ground, to reconcile myself with God, to have compassion, to humble myself to ask for forgiveness, you need to know the war as the holy scripture says.

So as the lineage of the children of Israel should know war and could teach it to those who had not known it before, you need to know war because if you know that your children are going to face an imminent conflict, there will be no wisdom in equipping them, in preparing them and for this. and this preparation It is not with the best laptop, nor with the best university, nor with the best car, nor with the iPhone 13. To prepare your son in holiness you must seek knowledge, you do it by reading the Bible, doing systematic studies, praying together, and opening his spiritual eyes so that he knows that the world has enemies and that these enemies will not be they win with our weapons, but rather they win with Almighty God and with the weapons that he left us, which are not carnal. That is why you are losing the battles, that is why you are allowing your children to be enslaved under your nose, before your eyes, because you do not delve into war and consequently you cannot teach war. In Judges 3:3-4 “the five princes of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites who lived on Mount Lebanon, from Mount Baal-Hermon as far as Hamath.4 And they went to test Israel with them, to know if they would obey to the commandments of the LORD, which he had given to their fathers by the hand of Moses.”

I say that "I am honest" and that "I do not like to steal", Well, then God on many occasions allows "allows" because he does not tempt anyone, he allows there to be circumstances in our life, where that greed will whisper to me or incite me to steal. Because it's easy to say: "I'm not cheating on my wife" when I'm on a deserted island with only my wife, I have to prove that I'm not cheating on her and that I'm faithful and that's done on a daily basis, I have to verify that I obey God, it is easy to say that I live in that peace when I distance myself from the world and go to a monastery in the further high in Tibet and there then I disabled myself, that's simple, but we are talking about remaining in God in all this whirlwind where there is darkness confrontation dangers, etc. In these conditions, I am going to check if I am obedient. What it says First Peter 1:7 "So that when your faith is tested, much more precious than gold, which although perishable is tested with fire, may be found in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." Your faith has to be tested and your faith is tested in circumstances where temptation or inclination wants to lead you to lose faith. If I want to grow in self-control, God is going to offer me opportunities where the temptation is to lose my temper and control.

In a work emergency, I had to get on a plane to make a quick round trip. God knows that I have had many battles with the fact that I do not like confinements, much less with movement and on this occasion when there was a lot of cloudiness and consequently there was movement, all this generated pressure, tension, I had to be a an hour and a half in this mini plane with the possibility that we would have to return due to bad weather, an hour and a half more and in that situation in which I felt that your heart was going to come out of your mouth, it was there that I meditated in the word of God: "Lord, you are with me, help me to grow in my own domain, the worst that can happen is that we crash and if we crash, I'll go with you, bless your word" and I began to feel peace, but that's when I'm It is in this movement and in this pressure that I am going to experience self-control, it is not lying in a hammock looking at the sea, this is war, if you want to grow in patience, God is going to provide opportunities for you to practice self-control, yes You want to grow in humility God will give you opportunities where you are tempted to be arrogant, the enemy is cunning, the enemy will also want to sabotage you and will want to take you to the other extreme, confuse you, so that you can misrepresent what war is . God wants to test you, he wants you to show with forceful actions that you really did learn the lesson.

Do you know why God tests us?2 Timothy 2:11-12 “Faithful word is this: If we are dead with him, we will also live with him;12 If we suffer, we will also reign with him…” We will reign with him, I am preparing to go to a kingdom where I am going to reign with the king of kings because I am co-heir by his grace of what he is, his. And what does reign imply? Having wisdom, implies decision-making, and self-control, implies talking about your experiences, of your learning from your scars, and capitalizing on difficult scenarios, you are training for the kingdom from eternity in The Millennium Not here brother. We are going to reign with him. An incompetent person cannot reign, he has to be competent to reign and here we begin to see a very earthly pattern known to us that illustrates the spiritual and that we see in the business world, company president leaders who have leadership, who have an emotional callous, who have a solution to problems, who know how to express themselves, who have empathy to talk to the one below because they suffered, because they knew how to overcome and progress with sacrifice, with effort, with sweat, with tears and they know what each brick they have built implies, this is how a leader is formed and each experience he lived served to place him where he is at that moment. In the spiritual realm, The Wars we face every day serve to give us tools to reign with the lord.

We have a prophetic calendar: The church now lives the time of "Grace" which is this while it is waiting for The Rapture, then the Tribulation comes on earth, then the battle of Armageddon and there is a time after all these episodes called The Millennium: A thousand years of peace on this earth with a reorganization. To finish this introduction, let us mention this last time that the Bible shows us and that in this series we will be able to deal with later, Micah 4 speaks of the Universal kingdom of Jehovah, “It will come to pass in the last times that the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the head of mountains, and higher than the hills, and the peoples will run to it.2 Many nations will come and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for the law shall go forth from Zion and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.3 And he will judge among many peoples, and will correct powerful nations far away, and they will beat their swords for mattocks, and their spears for pruning hooks; Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they rehearse for war anymore.”It is kingdom refers to the Millennium, as in Isaiah 2:1-4. “What Isaiah son of Amoz saw about Judah and Jerusalem.2 It will come to pass at the end of time, that the mountain of the house of Jehovah will be established as the head of the mountains, and it will be exalted above the hills, and all the nations will flow to it. 3 And many peoples will come and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths. For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 4 And he will judge between the nations, and will rebuke many peoples, and they will turn their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.

If we look at Micah 4:1 It says it will happen in the last times, no, in this time. At that time we can fulfill that desire and that desire of Nations in peace, and let's pay attention to verse 3, we will no longer need to rehearse for war at that time, but at this time I need spiritual weapons, I need to rehearse the war because I am at war. Serious error of the Christian who thinks that he can take these promises of that time, for this time, serious error to trust and place all your trust in a man, or in the change of a government so that there may be peace and blessing. The devil's lie is not a government, it is not a false Messiah, it is not a new political system, it is spiritual warfare that does not matter who the ruler is, nor the system of government, because in any case, the world is heading towards darkness, the demonic activity multiplies, Satan wants more worshipers and is about to present his masterpiece and while he is enslaving souls and many make the serious mistake of trying to change the divine plan and time prophetic to the almighty in No part of the Bible talks about how we can, at this time, take nations for Christ and seek world peace, it is a lie, there can be no Peace on Earth without first having the justice of God, that is why it is a serious mistake to believe that we live in peace with times of wars.

If you are frustrated, discouraged, resentful, or resigned, the Bible is clear in Exodus 15:3says so: "Jehovah is a man of war; Jehovah is his name.”Man of war, Christ is a man of war, he made war and will come as the Lion of Judah, this means that if I am a Christian and call myself a disciple of Christ, I identify myself with my Lord with what my father is and if my father is a man of war I have to be a man of war, if you are a woman you have to be a woman of war and this is not to encourage confrontations physicists, this is so that double knees stop what lives in holiness so that you believe the Bible so that you are obedient so that you read the Bible aloud, so that you change atmospheres not with your power, a devil is much more intelligent than you, but God, but Christ, before him, every knee must bow, on earth, under the earth, and above the earth, then I go to my source, to La Vid, I go to the Lord, to the door, to the light, I take refuge in the Almighty, I am under his shadow because he equips me to face the war.

Brothers, this is a brief introduction to a dense, real, palpable topic, that if you are honest, even after removing the Bible from the equation, no one can deny that there is a bombardment against moral principles, against the family, against children, against marriage, there is a constant attack by social networks, by television, by programs, by ideologies and all this has an evil purpose, against which the Bible shows us the tools, The Bible gives us the north, the Bible tells us how we can have an effective position because here there are no half measures, gray or lukewarm, you are in the crossfire, and if you do not want to participate, you take a bullet just the same, or you are light or you are darkness.

God Bless you.


  • PANIZA, Isaac. Channel: @chamnus1. Upload date:27 apr. 2023,

Title: "Introduccian a la Guerra Espiritual".

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRP4twAqea0&t=938s

  • REINA VALERA. (2014) Scholastic. (Original work published in 1969).

Title: “Santa Biblia


About the Creator


I'm a creative writer from the '90s and '00s, and I have probably been through a vortex coming down here on the GPT chat domains. I am looking for what I can contribute to this world as a traveler from the past.

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