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By David DeRosaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

My names Tommy and I live in a neighborhood like most kids. We like to play outside and we also like science stuff and riding bikes. My friends Peter and Robbie are my best friends. We live in a small town and are always trying to find something to do.

We all live within a few blocks of each other so its really cool. We get to play a lot and see each other all the time. The school we all go too is not far either, so we usually meet and ride our bikes there.

Our days our usually full of fun but typical. That was until one day when we were riding through Mr. Moore's farm and we came across a crashed object. We were scared and excited at the same time. We did not know what to do. We thought if we tell the adults they will surely report it, and the authorities will come and take it away. So quite obviously we hid it and we made a pact not to tell anyone.

From that day forward all we did was tinker with this object which was about the size of a roller coaster cart at a theme park. It was so cool. There were little controls and we would try to figure out what each control was used for. Robbie was really great and drew a picture of the object diagraming all the different controls. Peter would try to help out with anything Robbie needed. We all worked together on this little project trying to figure out what we had and what it was for.

Weeks passed by and we found that we could actually use some of the objects controls to modify our bikes. We connected a wire from our object to the rear wheel and sprocket gear of our bikes and it created a centrifugal force which made our bikes must faster and easier to pedal, as if they pedaled themselves. Peter determined we could use this object to generate energy for other things. We also had determined something was trying to contact us through the object.

Communicating was not easy and we simply could not understand so we decided to play a message of the basics of the english language through the object. Soon after a computer voice started communicating to us in English. The voice explained they were friendly and this was an object from outer space and it would be retrieved soon. Upon learning this we all discussed for the next couple hours what we should do. The technology in the object generated what seemed to be limitless energy. We new from being so interested in science this could change our world on earth.

It was decided we would ask the voice if we could analyze the object before they sent their people to retrieve it. The voice said we had 3 weeks to analyze the object and it would be picked up peacefully or with overwhelming force. Peter, Robbie and I quickly alerted authorities and explained to them that we had determined the object seemed to create limitless energy and they had 3 weeks to analyze it.

The object was taken to the lab at NASA and analyzed. The object was picked up peacefully after 3 weeks as we agreed and Peter Robbie and myself were recognized as scientific pioneers in research of this energy. Our picture is at NASA with the object. Many things today use this technology in creating energy here on Earth.

Our days soon became filled with such excitement. We would go to sch


About the Creator

David DeRosa

Grew up in Florida and like sports, like history, and I try to stay fit. Im also a parent. I have had some great experiences and some very difficult ones. I have two siblings and im well known in my community. I believe in hard work.

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