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Rest Password to Change this Couples Lives

How does sharing email cause the relationship turmoil

By The BlinkerPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Rest Password to Change this Couples Lives
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

John and Susan had been married for 10 years, and throughout their marriage, they had always been open and honest with each other. They had built a life together and their love for each other was stronger than ever. They had two children and a comfortable home, and they were happy together. They had always been each other's best friend and had a strong bond.

So when it came to email, they decided to share a single account. It seemed like the perfect solution for them. They could stay in touch with each other throughout the day and keep each other informed about their schedules. They both had busy jobs and they wanted to make sure they were always on the same page.

However, things started to go wrong when Susan began receiving emails from John's ex-girlfriends. At first, she was confused and didn't know what to think. But as the emails continued to come in, it became clear that John had been keeping in touch with his exes and even hooking up with some of them behind Susan's back. Susan was devastated and didn't know what to do. She confronted John about the emails and he was shocked and apologetic. He had never intended for his actions to hurt Susan and promised to cut all ties with his exes.

Susan tried to forgive John, but she couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and mistrust. She knew that she couldn't continue to share an email account with John and decided to reset the password. It was a difficult decision but one she knew was necessary for her own well-being.

John, on the other hand, felt hurt and rejected by Susan's decision. He had always been open and honest with her and couldn't understand why she didn't trust him. He was sorry for his actions and was willing to do whatever it takes to regain her trust. He started to understand how deep the wound was and how much it affected her.

The couple went through a lot of turmoil and soul-searching, but eventually, they were able to work through their issues and come out stronger on the other side. They realized that trust and communication were the foundations of their relationship, and they made a renewed effort to keep each other informed and involved in each other's lives.

John started to be more transparent with Susan. He shared his emails and messages with her, and he was more open about his whereabouts. He also made a point to let her know when he was going to be out of town for work or when he was going to be late. He was determined to regain her trust and prove to her that he was sincere in his apology.

Susan, on the other hand, was more open to communication and was willing to listen to John's side of the story. She understood that he had made a mistake, but she also knew that she couldn't continue living in a state of mistrust. She wanted to trust him again, and she wanted to believe that he was a changed man.

As the couple worked through their issues, they started to rebuild their relationship. They were more open and honest with each other, and they started to trust each other again. They realized that they were stronger together than they were apart, and they were determined to make their marriage work.

In the end, they learned that sharing an email account may seem like a convenient solution, but it also comes with its own set of risks. They decided to keep their email accounts separate and make sure they had open and honest communication with each other. They also made a point to respect each other's privacy and not invade each other's personal space.

The couple's relationship was not the same as before, but it was better. They had been through a lot together, but they had come out stronger


About the Creator

The Blinker

Know about science fiction, money earning ideas and many other just check out Blinker. I'm fascinated to write science contents.

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