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Raising Kingdom Kids:

Instilling Christian Values in Entrepreneurial Families

By Dr. Leeza GordonPublished 10 months ago 6 min read
Raising Kingdom Kids:
Photo by Chayene Rafaela on Unsplash

Hello ladies! In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, it's more important than ever for entrepreneurial families to focus on instilling Christian values in their kids. We're talking about raising "Kingdom Kids" here, equipping them with a solid foundation of faith and principles that'll guide them in both their personal and professional lives. Stick around, and we'll dive into why it's so crucial and give you some practical tips on how to make it happen.

Importance of Christian Values in Entrepreneurial Families

Integrity: Let's start with integrity, my friends. Christian values teach us the importance of honesty, trustworthiness, and integrity itself. In the business world, integrity is like the backbone of strong relationships with clients, employees, and business partners. By instilling these values in their little ones, entrepreneurial parents are preparing them to become individuals of integrity who can conquer the business world.

Service: Now, let's talk service. Christianity teaches us the value of serving others. And in an entrepreneurial family, that means focusing on creating products or services that meet the needs of others. When parents nurture a spirit of service in their children, they're basically cultivating a mindset of empathy and compassion. And guess what? That mindset can have a positive impact on their future entrepreneurial endeavors. It's a win-win, my friends.

Work Ethic: Alright, let's tackle work ethic. Entrepreneurship often requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Christian values, my friends, encourage a strong work ethic. They teach children the importance of diligence and excellence in their pursuits. By instilling these values in their kiddos, parents are preparing them to face the challenges and demands of the business world head-on. With resilience and determination, they'll be unstoppable.

Practical Tips for Instilling Christian Values

Lead by Example: Alright, let's get practical. Kids learn by watching their parents, so it's time to set a positive example, my friends. Display those Christian values in your daily life. Be honest, kind, and humble in your interactions with others. Whether you're at home or running your business, let those values shine through.

Family Devotions and Discussions: It's time to gather 'round, folks. Set aside some dedicated time for family devotions and discussions that revolve around Christian values. Get those age-appropriate conversations going about faith, morality, and making ethical decisions. Use real-life examples, and don't forget to encourage your kids to share their thoughts and ask questions. It's all about creating an open and safe space to explore and grow.

Serve Together: Now, let's get out there and serve, my friends. Engage in community service or volunteer work as a family. This way, your kids get to experience firsthand the joy and fulfillment that comes from helping others. It's an opportunity to discuss the importance of service and how it aligns with Christian values. Plus, it's quality time spent together while making a difference.

Integrate Faith into Business: Here's a cool tip. Get your kids actively involved in your entrepreneurial ventures. Give them age-appropriate tasks or projects related to your business. This way, you can show them how Christian values can be applied in a business context. It's a hands-on way to teach them valuable lessons while fostering their spiritual growth.

Nurturing Spiritual Growth

Prayer and Worship: Time to get spiritual, folks. Cultivate a habit of prayer and worship as a family. Encourage your children to develop their personal relationship with God through prayer and regular participation in church activities. It's a way to strengthen their faith and keep them connected to something greater.

Bible Study: Let's crack open that Good Book, my friends. Make time for regular family Bible study sessions. Choose age-appropriate stories or passages and discuss their relevance to everyday life. Encourage your kids to ask questions and share their insights. It's a chance for them to explore their faith and deepen their understanding.

Christian Mentors: Last but not least, seek out some Christian mentors or role models for your kids. Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs who can share their experiences and wisdom from a Christian perspective. These mentors can offer guidance and support in nurturing your children's spiritual growth. They're like a guiding light on this amazing journey.


There you have it, folks. Raising "Kingdom Kids" in entrepreneurial families is a truly rewarding and impactful endeavor. By instilling Christian values in their children, parents are equipping them with a solid foundation for success in both their personal and professional lives. So, let's lead by example, engage in open discussions, serve others, and nurture that spiritual growth. Together, we can raise children who make a positive impact in the world while staying true to their Christian beliefs.

Here are some frequently asked questions about instilling Christian values in entrepreneurial families:

Q: How can I effectively teach Christian values to my children in an entrepreneurial setting?

A: To effectively teach Christian values to your children in an entrepreneurial setting, lead by example, have open discussions about faith and ethics, engage in community service together, and integrate faith into your business practices.

Q: Can instilling Christian values in my children help them succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavors?

A: Yes, instilling Christian values in your children can help them succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Values such as integrity, service, and a strong work ethic provide a solid foundation for navigating the business world with honesty, empathy, and resilience.

Q: How can I balance teaching Christian values with the demands of running a business?

A: Balancing teaching Christian values with the demands of running a business requires setting priorities, creating dedicated time for family devotions and discussions, and integrating faith into your daily routines and business practices. It's important to find a balance that works for your family and business needs.

Q: Are there resources available to help me in instilling Christian values in my entrepreneurial family?

A: Yes, there are resources available to help you in instilling Christian values in your entrepreneurial family. Look for books, online resources, Christian mentorship programs, and local faith-based organizations that offer guidance and support for raising children with Christian values in an entrepreneurial context.

Q: How can I ensure that my children understand and embrace Christian values as they grow older?

A: Ensuring that your children understand and embrace Christian values as they grow older involves ongoing communication, fostering a supportive Christian community, encouraging personal faith exploration, and providing opportunities for them to put their values into practice through service and leadership.

Remember, as an entrepreneurial family, you have the opportunity to create a meaningful and impactful legacy by instilling Christian values in your children.


About the Creator

Dr. Leeza Gordon

Dr. Leeza Gorddon is a wife, mother of two, and a successful business owner. She is the founder of two enterprises: Icymay Business Solutions, an ethical sourcing consultant company, and DFG, a mentorship program for entrepreneurs.

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